How to return a negative number in python

Using the following as an example:

PosList = [1,2,3,4,5]
NegList = [-1,-2,-3,-4,-5]

If I want to get a positive value from numbers in an array I can do the following:

PosNum = [abs(i) for i in NegList]
(Output)[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

But if I want to do a similar task to return negative numbers from a positive list of numbers I am not aware of a standard function to do this. I can do something like this:

minus = '-'
NegNum = [int(minus + str(i)) for i in PosList]
(Output)[-1, -2, -3, -4, -5]

But surely there are much better ways of doing this task that I am overlooking...

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    Given a list of numbers, write a Python program to print all negative numbers in the given list. 


    Input: list1 = [12, -7, 5, 64, -14]
    Output: -7, -14
    Input: list2 = [12, 14, -95, 3]
    Output: -95

    Example #1: Print all negative numbers from the given list using for loop Iterate each element in the list using for loop and check if the number is less than 0. If the condition satisfies, then only print the number. 


    list1 = [11, -21, 0, 45, 66, -93]

    for num in list1:

        if num < 0:

        print(num, end=" ")


    -21 -93 

    Example #2: Using while loop 


    list1 = [-10, 21, -4, -45, -66, 93]

    num = 0

    while(num < len(list1)):

        if list1[num] < 0:

            print(list1[num], end=" ")

        num += 1


    -10 -4 -45 -66 

    Example #3: Using list comprehension 


    list1 = [-10, -21, -4, 45, -66, 93]

    neg_nos = [num for num in list1 if num < 0]

    print("Negative numbers in the list: ", *neg_nos)


    Negative numbers in the list:  -10 -21 -4 -66

    Example #4: Using lambda expressions 


    list1 = [-10, 21, 4, -45, -66, 93, -11]

    neg_nos = list(filter(lambda x: (x < 0), list1))

    print("Negative numbers in the list: ", *neg_nos)


    Negative numbers in the list:  -10 -45 -66 -11

    Method: Using enumerate function 


    l=[12, -7, 5, 64, -14]

    print([a for j,a in enumerate(l) if a<0])

    Method: Using startswith() method


    list1 = [11, -21, 0, 45, 66, -93]

    res = []

    list2 = list(map(str, list1))

    for i in range(0, len(list2)):



    res = " ".join(res)


    Method:  Using numpy.array


    import numpy as np

    list1 = [-10, 21, 4, -45, -66, 93, -11]

    temp = np.array(list1)

    neg_nos = temp[temp <= 0]

    print("Negative numbers in the list: ", *neg_nos)


    Negative numbers in the list:  -10 -45 -66 -11

    How do you return a negative in Python?

    However, when -abs () is used, then a positive number can be changed to a negative number. Another method is to subtract the given positive number by zero. It will return the negative form of the given number.

    How do you return a negative number?

    To convert a positive number to a negative number, multiply the number by -1 , e.g. 5 * -1 . By multiplying the number by -1 , we flip the number's sign and get back a negative number.

    How do you show negative numbers in Python?

    In Python, positive numbers can be changed to negative numbers with the help of the in-built method provided in the Python library called abs ().

    Is there a negative function in Python?

    negative() in Python. numpy. negative() function is used when we want to compute the negative of array elements. It returns element-wise negative value of an array or negative value of a scalar.