Hướng dẫn python write add space

A quick warning, this a pretty wordy answer.

Nội dung chính

  • Add a space between variables in print()
  • Add spaces to the left and right sides of a string
  • Add spaces at the beginning of a string
  • Add spaces at the end of a string
  • Add spaces between characters in a string
  • Add a space between string items
  • How do you add a space in a string in Python?
  • How do you put a space in a for loop in Python?
  • Does Python print add a space?
  • How do you add a space in a Dataframe in Python?

print is tricky sometimes, I had some problems with it when I first started. What you want is a few spaces in between two variables after you print them right? There's many ways to do this, as shown in the above answers.

This is your code:

count = 1
conv = count * 2.54
print count, conv

It's output is this:

1 2.54

If you want spaces in between, you can do it the naive way by sticking a string of spaces in between them. The variables count and conv need to be converted to string types to concatenate(join) them together. This is done with str().

print (str(count) + "           " + str(conv))
### Provides an output of:
1           2.54

To do this is the newer, more pythonic way, we use the % sign in conjunction with a letter to denote the kind of value we're using. Here I use underscores instead of spaces to show how many there are. The modulo before the last values just tells python to insert the following values in, in the order we provided.

print ('%i____%s' % (count, conv))
### provides an output of:

I used %i for count because it is a whole number, and %s for conv, because using %i in that instance would provide us with "2" instead of "2.54" Technically, I could've used both %s, but it's all good.

I hope this helps!


P.S. if you want to get complicated with your formatting, you should look at prettyprint for large amounts of text such as dictionaries and tuple lists(imported as pprint) as well as which does automatic tabs, spacing and other cool junk.

Here's some more information about strings in the python docs. http://docs.python.org/library/string.html#module-string

In this post, we will see how to add space in Python. Specifically, we will cover the following topics:

  • Add a space between variables in print()
  • Add spaces to the left and right sides of a string
  • Add spaces at the beginning of a string
  • Add spaces at the end of a string
  • Add spaces between characters in a string
  • Add a space between string items

So, without further ado, let’s get started.

Add a space between variables in print()

Often, when we print variables, we want to separate them by a space to make them more readable. If variables in print() are separated by a comma, a space gets automatically added between them. Let’s take an example.

Hướng dẫn python write add space

a = 4
b = 3
print(a, b)
fname = "ashton"
lname = "agar"
print("His name is", fname, lname)


4 3
His name is ashton agar

Next, we will see how to add spaces at different places in a string.

Add spaces to the left and right sides of a string

To add space to the left and right sides, we can use the center() method. It takes the length of the returned string. Moreover, it is invoked on a string and outputs a new one. Consider the following example.

name = "ashton"
format = name.center(len(name)+8)



In the above example, the new string’s length is 14, i.e., 8 for spaces and 6 for name length. 4 spaces get added to the left and 4 to the right.

Add spaces at the beginning of a string

To add spaces at the beginning only, we can use the rjust() method. It right aligns the given string. It takes the length of the formatted string like the center() method does. Let’s see.

name = "ashton"
format = name.rjust(len(name)+4) #add four spaces at the beginning



Add spaces at the end of a string

The ljust() method, on the other hand, can be used to add spaces to the end. Let’s see.

name = "ashton"
format = name.ljust(len(name)+4) #add four spaces to the end



Add spaces between characters in a string

Let’s see how to separate each character in a string by a space. For that, we can use the join() method.

The join() method takes an iterable (list, string) and returns a string in which all items of an iterable are joined by a separator.

Here, we will pass our input string to join() and use space as a separator. Let’s see.

string = "cricket"
formatted = " ".join(string) #separate each character by a space


c r i c k e t

As you can see, we add space between each character of the string.

Add a space between string items

Using the join() method, we can also add space between two or more string items. Let’s see.

str1 = "cricket"
str2 = "football"
str3 = "hockey"
string = " ".join([str1, str2, str3])


cricket football hockey

In the above example, we pass a list containing string items to the join() method. It returns a new string having the list items joined by a space.

If you only want to display (print) strings in such a way, you can use the print() method and separate them using a comma.

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How do you add a space in a string in Python?

The ljust method pads the end of the string to the specified width with the provided fill character. An alternative solution is to use the multiplication operator to add a specific number of spaces to the end of the string. Copied! ... .

How do you put a space in a for loop in Python?

1 Answer.

use end="" and insert the whitespaces manually..

create a string and print after the loop: s = "" for n in range(n, n+7): s+= str(n)+ " " s = s[:-1] #remove the ending whitespace print(s).

which I recommend: Using sys.stdout.write instead print: print only displays the message after a linebreak was printed..

Does Python print add a space?

The print function of Python inserts this space as a separator after a comma. Hope it helps. Yes, that's one way. The other is to use sep="" .

How do you add a space in a Dataframe in Python?

Add leading space in pandas using rjust() function : rjust() function is used to add space or padding to the left side of the specific column in pandas. Add trailing space in pandas using ljust() function : ljust() function is used to add space or padding to the right side of the specific column in pandas.