Numbers, letters, and other characters are represented by _____________.

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Organisation and structure of data

Binary data can represent numbers, graphics, sound and characters. It is then organised and manipulated differently. Data can also be stored in arrays, records or external files and go through validation or verification checks to ensure accuracy.

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Representation of characters

Computers work in binary. As a result, all characters, whether they are letters, punctuation or digits, are stored as binary numbers. All of the characters that a computer can use are called a character set.

Two standards are in common use:

  • American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII)
  • Unicode

ASCII uses seven bits, giving a character set of 128 characters. The characters are represented in a table called the ASCII table. The 128 characters include:

  • 32 control codes (mainly to do with printing)
  • 32 punctuation codes, symbols, and space
  • 26 upper-case letters
  • 26 lower-case letters
  • numeric digits 0-9

We tend to say that the letter ‘A’ is the first letter of the alphabet, ‘B’ is the second and so on, all the way up to ‘Z’, which is the 26th letter. In ASCII, each character has its own assigned number.

Denary, binary and hexadecimal representations of ASCII characters
A 65 1000001 41
Z 90 1011010 5A
a 97 1100001 61
z 122 1111010 7A
0 48 0110000 30
9 57 0111001 39
Space 32 0100000 20
! 33 0100001 21

‘A’ is represented by the denary number 65 (binary 1000001,hexadecimal 41), ‘B’ by 66 (binary 1000010, hexadecimal 42) and so on up to ‘Z’, which is represented by the denary number 90 (binary 1011010, hexadecimal 5A). Similarly, lower-case letters start at denary 97 (binary 1100001, hexadecimal 61) and end at denary 122 (binary 1111010, hexadecimal 7A).

When data is stored or transmitted, its ASCII or Unicode number is used, not the character itself.

For example, the word "Computer" would be represented as:

1000011 1101111 1101101 1110000 1110101 1110100 1100101 1110010


What would this message say?

1001000 1100101 1101100 1101100 1101111 0100001


Extended ASCII

Extended ASCII uses eight bits, giving a character set of 256 characters. This allows for special characters such as those with accents in languages such as French and Spanish.


While suitable for representing English characters, 256 characters is far too small to hold every character in other languages, such as Chinese or Arabic. Unicode uses 16 bits, giving a range of 65,536 characters. It more suitable for languages with a large number of characters, but it requires more memory.

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GCSE Subjects

  1. Art and Design
  2. Biology (Single Science)
  3. Business
  4. Chemistry (Single Science)
  5. Combined Science
  6. Computer Science
  7. Design and Technology
  8. Digital Technology (CCEA)
  9. Drama
  10. English Language
  11. English Literature
  12. French
  13. Geography
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  16. Home Economics: Food and Nutrition (CCEA)
  17. Hospitality (CCEA)
  18. ICT
  19. Irish – Learners (CCEA)
  20. Journalism (CCEA)
  21. Learning for Life and Work (CCEA)
  22. Mandarin
  23. Maths
  24. Maths Numeracy (WJEC)
  25. Media Studies
  26. Modern Foreign Languages
  27. Moving Image Arts (CCEA)
  28. Music
  29. Physical Education
  30. Physics (Single Science)
  31. PSHE and Citizenship
  32. Religious Studies
  33. Science
  34. Sociology
  35. Spanish
  36. Welsh Second Language (WJEC)

What are letters or numbers in a computer known as?

ASCII, in full American Standard Code for Information Interchange, a standard data-encoding format for electronic communication between computers. ASCII assigns standard numeric values to letters, numerals, punctuation marks, and other characters used in computers.

How are characters represented in a computer?

Computers work in binary . As a result, all characters, whether they are letters, punctuation or digits, are stored as binary numbers.

Are numbers called characters?

Examples of characters include letters, numerical digits, common punctuation marks (such as "." or "-"), and whitespace. The concept also includes control characters, which do not correspond to visible symbols but rather to instructions to format or process the text.

What is a group of characters such as letters numbers and special digits?

The combination of "alphabet" and "numerals" is where the term "alphanumeric" comes from. Sometimes, the definition of alphanumeric will include some special characters such as punctuation marks and common symbols, including the at sign "@," the ampersand "&" and the pound sign (also known as the hashtag) "#".