proggi là gì - Nghĩa của từ proggi

proggi có nghĩa là

Packed with progressive elements, esp. regarding the genre adjective which applies to music - i.e. progressive rock, progressive metal, progressive folk, etc. "Progressive" generally connotes virtuosic instrumentation, incorporation of exotic sounds/instruments, use of uncommon time signatures, unusual/abstract lyrical subject matter, etc.


I'm sort of OK with Coheed and Cambria, I guess, but they are not nearly as proggy as Dream Theater or The Mars Volta. They sound like a less-proggy version of Rush, except Rush didn't have an emo influence.

proggi có nghĩa là

A slang term for program. This term was popularized in the 1990s on AOL when kids would create third party programs designed to exploit AOL software. Underground sites would entail the swapping of "proggies" and "punters" like Fate, Havoc, Blue Cross, and MiB. These were designed to paste text macros to disrupt chat rooms, crash other people's computers (and sometimes your own), and cause all other kinds of mischief.


1998: OMG I finally downloaded the proggie Magenta. This is so awesome. I'm going to go act like a cock-sucker in some AOL lobbies until a guide bans my phished account.

proggi có nghĩa là

Proggy means Program.


Open up that proggy and do stuff with it.

proggi có nghĩa là

Used to describe pyschadelic music with progressive tone changes, ie, progessive music. This music is so progressice that it is foggy and the notes kind of just float mid-air, barely changing at all. Also can be used when touting progressive music that you feel is exceptionally trippy. A stoner type term.


"that album is really proggy when you hear it on headphones"

proggi có nghĩa là

another term for a program


Windoze XP is a proggie.

proggi có nghĩa là

A person who believes they are owed something in return for nothing.


Mikey was thinking like a proggie when he expected tax payers to supply him with his livelihood.

proggi có nghĩa là

A pejorative term for political progressives, typically deployed by political tribalists who would prefer not to engage in substantive discussion.


Progressive: "I think a Tobin tax would raise significant revenues while also having the salutary effect of dis-incentivizing rampant unproductive financial speculation." Political Tribalist: "F- You you proggie....always want something for NOTHING....why don't you get a life proggie??....sitting in your mom's basement.....HA!" Anarchist: "You know, I think the progressives are wrong, dude, but why are you being such a douchebag?" Conservative: "Yeah, I don't really think you're adding much to the discussion, Tribalist." Political Tribalist: "Whatever, you proggie idiots...Why don't you go whining to your proggie mamas?...I WIN!" Everybody: "Sigh, ok, whatever dude."

proggi có nghĩa là

A Progressive. (See Progressive 1,3.4.5 ) An affectionate nickname for one's Progressive friends, or for progressive attributes such as integrity, reasonability, and kindness.


"If Paul says he doesn't know what happened, he doesn't. He's a proggie --you can trust him." To a younger sibling: "Sounds like your so-called friends have been using you. See if you can get some proggies in your life --they're not out to get over on everyone."
To a frantic victim of RWNJ media, promoting the benefits of letting people die for lack of health-care: "Sorry, but you've happened upon a proggie stronghold here. We live in --and care about --this world, not some RWNJ fantasy-land."

proggi có nghĩa là

Proggy (Progressive Psytrance) is a subgenre of psytrance with more melodic elements and less BPM (130-145) compared to regular Psytrance. The term is mostly used in Germany to differentiate between the subgenres of Psytrance. It's called Proggy because the tracks have a progressive structure. Almost every track of the genre has characteristic breaks where the melody is being introduced and slowly build up by using audio effects or fx sounds. At the peak of the break there is often a short moment of silence or something else to capture the attention before the Kick+Bass is starting together with the elements that have been introduced during the the break. After that other elements like Snares, Percussion, Vocals, Hats and Claps are being implemented one after another to keep the progressive structure and to make it more intense when the next element tops the already powerfull arrangement again. The most noticeabe difference between Proggy and Psytrance is the warmer melodic sound compared to the more mechanical sound in Psytrance. Psytrance has also a different structure. It is not as clearly structured as Proggy. More different one shot sounds are being used in combination with other synth elements which are often not a clear leading element of track. Compared to Psytrance, Proggy is more minimalistic because there are less different elements in one track but it is being made more interesting by using different audio effects on them.


W: "Hey K, are they playing just Psytrance and Full On at the festival or are there also some Proggy artists coming?" K: "Yes, Proggy is always being played from 4 to 8 a.m." w:"That's good news. It's a wonderful time for Proggy to greet the sun and get a great start in the day."

proggi có nghĩa là

Shortened / slang version or progress.
Popularised by certain Twitch streamers.


Person 1 : "Hey, are you working on that essay?"
Person 2: "Yea bro, I'm makin' proggy."