true fan là gì - Nghĩa của từ true fan

true fan có nghĩa là

A term that describes a person's blind loyalty to a team individual, or product.


Man ,George thinks the teams Quarterback is one of the best in the league but statistically he's one of the worst. He's really, really, a true fan or a daft lemming.

true fan có nghĩa là

someone who is actually a fan of the band Pink Floyd.

If you know about the albums, Meddle, abscoured by clouds, More, piper at the gates of dawn, then you MIGHT be a true pink floyd fan.

also, if you think that another brick in the wall is their best song, you are not a true pink floyd fan. anyone who picks this as their favorite likes it only because they get to scream "we dont need no education" a bunch of times.


fake floyd:yeah pink floyd was right, we dont need no education.

true pink floyd fan: shut up please.

true fan có nghĩa là

Someone who supports a person or idol in a phenomenal way. They are loyal through thick and thin and have their back no matter what. Nothing can shatter this persons love for their idol. They have a true underdstanding of this person and will support them no matter what happens.


I love Chris Brown. He is a true idol. No matter what happens i know he will never let me or the rest of his fans down. He tries his best for is and I am forever grateful for his talent. I am a true fan.

true fan có nghĩa là

A Fan who loves all of Metallica's albums and songs. This fan, young or old, has stuck with the band through thick and thin. Even though people think that they sold out, they really didnt. Just changed up their music is all, all great bands do it.


Metallica hater: Im a metallica fan. But Metallica sold out after Load.
True Metallica fan: Youre not a true metallica fan.

true fan có nghĩa là

True Fan: a pretentious, often narcissistic fan who believes everyone should think and express the same viewpoints and opinions as themselves. Also see: easily offended.


If you think our team might lose, then you are no *true fan*
True fans are always positive and have faith in their team, you're no *true fan*

true fan có nghĩa là

1) Describing one who loves each & every brother.
There are no more posters that read; "Joe, You're Hot. Nick, You're Cute. Kevin, You're Ok."
2) One who does not form a "Jonas Girlfriend/Wife Hate Club"
One who is happy for the brothers, no matter what they choose.
One who NEVER sends hate mail to an object of Jonas affection.
3) One who will spend excessive amounts of time and money to see the Jonas Brothers.
This includes;
Finding out tour dates
Skipping school or work to buy tickets
Driving or flying long distances to an appearance
Staying up until midnight to be the first to buy a cd
Making handmade presents for each brother
4) One who helps other Jonas fans in a time of need or crisis without reserve.
One who is there for his/her Jonas sisters/brothers.
One who understands when there is an OJD moment one can't control (ie; When Kevin does a back flip while playing guitar, Joe stands under the water on the World Tour 2009, Nick writes a soulful song, or Frankie does something adorable.)
5) Loving each brother for "Who I Am" Note; Age range for True Jonas Fan ranges from 1-100.
There is no known cure. Anyone can be a TJF. No specification of gender for a TJF. A TJF will openly admit to being one, even at the risk of sounding conceited. A TJF is also supportive of Jonas Fangirls and help them to overcome their disorder ie; become the girls a Jonas would desire, not the screaming & annoying girls they are.


Example 1
Morgan- "Did you see where there was ANOTHER Kevin hate moment?!"
LaTanya- "What?! No!"
Morgan- "I know! We gotta show Kev some love!"
*girls precede to post on every Jonas site "WE LOVE KEVIN!" Example 2
Hailey- "Ohmygosh! Did you hear that Joe has a new girlfriend"
Jade- "No way!! Man, I wish that was me. But oh well. As long as Joe is happy."
Hailey- "Way to be a True Jonas Fan." Example 3
Maddie- *yawns*
Rachel- "Tired?"
Maddie- "Yeah. I stayed up till midnight to get the new Jonas Brothers cd and then was up until 3 memorizing the lyrics." Example 4
Katy- *standing in line to get into concert* "I'm getting really dizzy." *Jonas fans begin pushing her to front of line and pounding on venue doors so that security lets her in. Then each fans sends a tweet to each Jonas letting them know what happened. Then each fan finds girl to make sure she is ok before they take their seat* Example 5
Molly- "OHMYGOSH! Joe has a beard now!"
Liz- "Yeah! I don't really like it but of Joe does, then GO JOE!"
Molly- "Way to be a True Jonas Fan."

true fan có nghĩa là

One who tailgates with chucky and godpop, catches his own fish, doesnt eat grouper sauce picante (whatever that is), has no idea how to operate a sailboat, has well-groomed hair (no ponytails) and doesn't cause the Tigers to lose games.

In other words, one not like LFM.


Godpop: Chucky, who is that at our tailgate over there?

Chucky: you mean the guy over there with the pony tail and sailing shoes on?

Godpop: yeah, that's him.

Chucky: that's LFM, not a true tiger fan...did I mention that he buys fish from a fish monger, eats grouper sauce picante AND eats muffs on french bread.

Godpop: Chucky, he must like to sword fight other guys...

Chucky: yeah, he asked me about eating some of our JAMbalaya, I told him i have no idea what he is talking about.

Godpop: That LFM isnt a true tiger fan.

true fan có nghĩa là

a fan of weezer not having to love all their albums. but liking them.


the blue album and pinkerton rock my socks, the green album and maladroit need some work

true fan có nghĩa là

- someone who is deeply inspired by him. someone who has loved him ever since the beginning, who occasionally cries just because of how beautiful he sings; someone who doesnt see anyone else like him


Person 1 : Who are you listening to?
Person 2 : Aaron Kelly *tear*
Person 1 : aw dont cry! Whats Wrong?
Person 2 : .......his voice is just so amazing :')
Person 1 : Wow you definetly look like a True Aaron Kelly Fan

true fan có nghĩa là

one that thinks they know everything about sonic the hedgehog and will fight people to make their opinion fact.


that person post in the web forum that that are a true sonic fan.