What is the data type of special characters in python?

The characters which have some unique functionality, such characters are called special characters.

List of Python special/escape characters:

  • \n - Newline
  • \t- Horizontal tab
  • \r- Carriage return
  • \b- Backspace
  • \f- Form feed
  • \'- Single Quote
  • \"- double quote
  • \\-Backslash
  • \v -vertical tab
  • \N - N is the number for Unicode character
  • \NNN - NNN is digits for Octal value
  • \xNN - NN is a hex value; \x is used to denote following is a hex value.
  • \a - bell sound, actually default chime
>>> print("chercher\ntech")
>>> print("chercher\ttech")
chercher        tech
>>> print("This is\" symbol")
This is" symbol
>>> print('This is \' symbol')
This is ' symbol
>>> print("This is\\  symbol")
This is\  symbol
>>> print("Chercher\rTech")
>>> print("CherCher\bTech")
>>> print("CherCher\fTech")
>>> print("\110\151")
>>> print("\x48\x69")

What is the data type of special characters in python?

How to check if a string contains any special characters

Import the re to match the string using regular expression.

The search function matches each character present inside the test_string string with the special characters present in the regular expression.

If there is a match it returns the character that matched otherwise it returns None. Based on the result, structure your logic.

import re
string_check= re.compile('[@_!#$%^&*()<>?/\|}{~:]')
test_string = "[email protected]"
if(string_check.search(test_string) == None):
    print("Contains NO Special Characters.") 
    print("Contains Special Characters.")
    print(string_check.search(test_string)) #print the special chars


Contains Special Characters.
You can check whether a string starts with a special character.
test_string = "[email protected]$tech"

How to print special characters in Python

Sometimes we might want to print the special characters to see special characters present in the string. For example, printing special characters in normal way prints the Str\ting as Str ing because we have "\t" in the string.

To print the special characters as it is, we have to use repr() functions.

base_string = "Str\ting"
special_string = repr(base_string)
print("base string: "+ base_string)
print("special_string :"+special_string)

The output of printing special characters

base string: Str	ing
special_string :'Str\ting'

Python Abstract Method and Abstract Class

Python comments are those who start with the hash(#) character and extended to the end of the physical line, where the python virtual machine does not execute the line with the hash character, A comment may appear at the start of the line or following by the whitespace but never come in between the string.

For multiline comments, you can use the hash character at the beginning of every line.

# print("chercher.tech software solutions")
print("This is an example of comment in python")

What is the data type of special characters in python?

So if you observe, in the above image, the line with the hash character has not printed in the output as it is ignored by the python virtual machine.

Another way to comment on multiple lines in python is by using triple quotes. The string literal when not assigned to a variable is completely ignored by the python interpreter. Three consecutive single ''' or double " " " quotes can be placed before and after the text for long comments in the code.


   This is a multiple
   line comment in python  '''

" " " The comments are completely
     ignored by python interpreter " " "

Python Mutability

In Python, the constants are usually declared and assigned on a module, and a module means the new file containing a variable and functions which is imported to the main file.

Constants are written in uppercase and separated by the underscore, and this constant concept is not really implemented in python.


What is the data type of special characters in python?

What are the data types and special characters in Python?

In Python, numeric data type represents the data that has a numeric value. The numeric value can be an integer, floating number, or even complex number. These values are defined as int, float, and complex classes in Python. Integers – This data type is represented with the help of int class.

What is special character in Python?

In Python strings, the backslash "\" is a special character, also called the "escape" character. It is used in representing certain whitespace characters: "\t" is a tab, "\n" is a newline, and "\r" is a carriage return. Conversely, prefixing a special character with "\" turns it into an ordinary character.

What is the data type for character in Python?

However, Python does not have a character data type, a single character is simply a string with a length of 1. Square brackets can be used to access elements of the string.

What is a special character type?

A special character is a character that is not an alphabetic or numeric character. Punctuation marks and other symbols are examples of special characters. Unlike alphanumeric characters, special characters may have multiple uses.