Convert dict to bytes python

I'm trying to convert a dictionary to bytes but facing issues in converting it to a correct format.


First, I'm trying to map an dictionary with an custom schema. Schema is defined as follows -

class User:
    def __init__(self, name=None, code=None): = name
        self.code = code

class UserSchema:
    name = fields.Str()
    code = fields.Str()

 def create_userself, data):
    return User(**data)

My Dictionary structure is as follows-

user_dict = {'name': 'dinesh', 'code': 'dr-01'} 

I'm trying to map the dictionary to User schema with the below code

schema = UserSchema(partial=True)
user = schema.loads(user_dict).data

While doing, schema.loads expects the input to be str, bytes or bytearray. Below are the steps that I followed to convert dictionary to Bytes

import json
user_encode_data = json.dumps(user_dict).encode('utf-8')


b'{"name ": "dinesh", "code ": "dr-01"}

If I try to map with the schema I'm not getting the required schema object. But, if I have the output in the format given below I can able to get the correct schema object.

b'{\n  "name": "dinesh",\n  "code": "dr-01"}\n'

Any suggestions how can I convert a dictionary to Bytes?

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    Interconversion between data is quite popular and this particular article discusses about how interconversion of dictionary into bytes and vice versa can be obtained. Let’s look at the method that can help us achieve this particular task.

    Method : Using encode() + dumps() + decode() + loads()
    The encode and dumps function together performs the task of converting the dictionary to string and then to corresponding byte value. This can be interconverted using the decode and loads function which returns the string from bytes and converts that to the dictionary again.

    import json

    test_dict = {'Gfg' : 1, 'is' : 2, 'best' : 3}

    print("The original dictionary is : " + str(test_dict))

    res_bytes = json.dumps(test_dict).encode('utf-8')

    print("The type after conversion to bytes is : " + str(type(res_bytes)))

    print("The value after conversion to bytes is : " + str(res_bytes))

    res_dict = json.loads(res_bytes.decode('utf-8'))

    print("The type after conversion to dict is : " + str(type(res_dict)))

    print("The value after conversion to dict is : " + str(res_dict))

    Output :

    The original dictionary is : {'Gfg': 1, 'best': 3, 'is': 2}
    The type after conversion to bytes is : 
    The value after conversion to bytes is : b'{"Gfg": 1, "best": 3, "is": 2}'
    The type after conversion to dict is : 
    The value after conversion to dict is : {'Gfg': 1, 'best': 3, 'is': 2}

    You can use Base64 library to convert string dictionary to bytes, and although you can convert bytes result to a dictionary using json library. Try this below sample code.,While doing, schema.loads expects the input to be str, bytes or bytearray. Below are the steps that I followed to convert dictionary to Bytes,I'm trying to convert a dictionary to bytes but facing issues in converting it to a correct format. ,Trending sort is based off of the default sorting method — by highest score — but it boosts votes that have happened recently, helping to surface more up-to-date answers.

    You can use indent option in json.dumps() to obtain \n symbols:

    import json
    user_dict = {
       'name': 'dinesh',
       'code': 'dr-01'
    user_encode_data = json.dumps(user_dict, indent = 2).encode('utf-8')


    b '{\n  "name": "dinesh",\n  "code": "dr-01"\n}'

    You can use Base64 library to convert string dictionary to bytes, and although you can convert bytes result to a dictionary using json library. Try this below sample code.

    import base64
    import json
    input_dict = {
       'var1': 0,
       'var2': 'some string',
       'var1': ['listitem1', 'listitem2', 5]
    message = str(input_dict)
    ascii_message = message.encode('ascii')
    output_byte = base64.b64encode(ascii_message)
    msg_bytes = base64.b64decode(output_byte)
    ascii_msg = msg_bytes.decode('ascii')
    # Json library convert stirng dictionary to real dictionary type.
    # Double quotes is standard format
    for json
    ascii_msg = ascii_msg.replace("'", "\"")
    output_dict = json.loads(ascii_msg) # convert string dictionary to dict format
    # Show the input and output
    print("input_dict:", input_dict, type(input_dict))
    print("base64:", output_byte, type(output_byte))
    print("output_dict:", output_dict, type(output_dict))

    Method : Using encode() + dumps() + decode() + loads()The encode and dumps function together performs the task of converting the dictionary to string and then to corresponding byte value. This can be interconverted using the decode and loads function which returns the string from bytes and converts that to the dictionary again.,Python | Convert key-value pair comma separated string into dictionary,Python | Convert string dictionary to dictionary,Python | Convert byteString key:value pair of dictionary to String

    The original dictionary is : {'Gfg': 1, 'best': 3, 'is': 2}
    The type after conversion to bytes is : 
    The value after conversion to bytes is : b'{"Gfg": 1, "best": 3, "is": 2}'
    The type after conversion to dict is : 
    The value after conversion to dict is : {'Gfg': 1, 'best': 3, 'is': 2}

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    # credit to the Stack Overflow user in the source linnk
    # Python3
    import ast
    byte_str = b "{'one': 1, 'two': 2}"
    dict_str = byte_str.decode("UTF-8")
    my_data = ast.literal_eval(dict_str)
    print(repr(my_data)) >>>
          'one': 1,
          'two': 2

    # You can use indent option in json.dumps() to obtain\ n symbols:
       import json
    user_dict = {
       'name': 'dinesh',
       'code': 'dr-01'
    user_encode_data = json.dumps(user_dict, indent = 2).encode('utf-8')
    # Output:
       b '{\n  "name": "dinesh",\n  "code": "dr-01"\n}'

    Any suggestions how can I convert a dictionary to Bytes?,While doing, schema.loads expects the input to be str, bytes or bytearray. Below are the steps that I followed to convert dictionary to Bytes,I'm trying to convert a dictionary to bytes but facing issues in converting it to a correct format. ,I'm trying to map the dictionary to User schema with the below code

    First, I'm trying to map an dictionary with an custom schema. Schema is defined as follows -

    class User:
       def __init__(self, name = None, code = None): = name
    self.code = code
    class UserSchema:
       name = fields.Str()
    code = fields.Str()
    def create_userself, data):
    return User( ** data)

    My Dictionary structure is as follows-

    user_dict = {
       'name': 'dinesh',
       'code': 'dr-01'

    I'm trying to map the dictionary to User schema with the below code

    schema = UserSchema(partial = True)
    user = schema.loads(user_dict).data

    You can use indent option in json.dumps() to obtain \n symbols:

    import json
    user_dict = {
       'name': 'dinesh',
       'code': 'dr-01'
    user_encode_data = json.dumps(user_dict, indent = 2).encode('utf-8')


    b '{\n  "name": "dinesh",\n  "code": "dr-01"\n}'

    1 # credit to the Stack Overflow user in the source linnk
    2 # Python3
    import ast
    6 byte_str = b "{'one': 1, 'two': 2}"
    7 dict_str = byte_str.decode("UTF-8")
    8 my_data = ast.literal_eval(dict_str)
    10 print(repr(my_data))
    11 >>> {
       'one': 1,
       'two': 2

    1 # You can use indent option in json.dumps() to obtain\ n symbols:
    import json
    5 user_dict = {
       'name': 'dinesh',
       'code': 'dr-01'
    6 user_encode_data = json.dumps(user_dict, indent = 2).encode('utf-8')
    7 print(user_encode_data)
    9 # Output:
       10 b '{\n  "name": "dinesh",\n  "code": "dr-01"\n}'

    The byte string in python is a string presentd with letter b prefixed on it. In this article we will see how to convert a dictionary with the bytecode string into a normal dictionary which represents only strings.,How to convert the string representation of a dictionary to a dictionary in python?,How to convert a String representation of a Dictionary to a dictionary in Python?,Convert string dictionary to dictionary in Python

    bstring = {
       b 'day': b 'Tue',
       b 'time': b '2 pm',
       b 'subject': b 'Graphs'
    # Use decode
    stringA = {
       y.decode('ascii'): bstring.get(y).decode('ascii') for y in bstring.keys()
    # Result

    Running the above code gives us the following result −

       'subject': 'Graphs',
       'day': 'Tue',
       'time': '2 pm'
    } {
       u 'time': u '2 pm', u 'day': u 'Tue', u 'subject': u 'Graphs'

    bstring = {
       b 'day': b 'Tue',
       b 'time': b '2 pm',
       b 'subject': b 'Graphs'
    # Use decode
    stringA = {}
    for key, value in bstring.items():
       stringA[key.decode("utf-8")] = value.decode("utf-8")
    # Result

    Let us see how to convert Python dictionary to byte array.,Let us see how to convert a dictionary to an array in Python,Python convert dictionary to byte array,Let us see how to convert a dictionary to a 2-dimensional array.

    Here is the Syntax of dict.items() method

    Let’s take an example and check how to convert a dictionary to an array by using dict.items() method

    import numpy as np
    new_dictionary = {
       "Micheal": 18,
       "Elon": 17
    new_lis = list(new_dictionary.items())
    con_arr = np.array(new_lis)
    print("Convert dict to arr:", con_arr)

    Here is the Syntax of numpy.array()

       dtype = None,
       copy = True,
       order = 'K',
       subok = False,
       ndim = 0,
       like = None

    The bytes() method returns a bytes object of the given size and initialization values.,The bytes() method returns an immutable bytes object initialized with the given size and data.,bytes() method returns a bytes object which is an immutable (cannot be modified) sequence of integers in the range 0 <=x < 256.,source (Optional) - source to initialize the array of bytes.


    message = 'Python is fun'
    # convert string to bytes
    byte_message = bytes(message, 'utf-8')
    # Output: b 'Python is fun'


    message = 'Python is fun'
    # convert string to bytes
    byte_message = bytes(message, 'utf-8')
    # Output: b 'Python is fun'

    The syntax of bytes() method is:

    bytes([source[, encoding[, errors]]])

    Example 1: Convert string to bytes

    string = "Python is interesting."
    # string with encoding 'utf-8'
    arr = bytes(string, 'utf-8')

    Python 2022-05-14 01:05:40 print every element in list python outside string , Python 2022-05-14 01:01:18 python telegram bot send image , Python 2022-05-14 00:31:35 python class call base constructor , Python 2022-05-14 00:30:39 np one hot encoding


    # credit to the Stack Overflow user in the source linnk
    # Python3
    import ast
    byte_str = b "{'one': 1, 'two': 2}"
    dict_str = byte_str.decode("UTF-8")
    my_data = ast.literal_eval(dict_str)
    print(repr(my_data)) >>>
          'one': 1,
          'two': 2

                                        # You can use indent option in json.dumps() to obtain\ n symbols:
                                           import json
                                        user_dict = {
                                           'name': 'dinesh',
                                           'code': 'dr-01'
                                        user_encode_data = json.dumps(user_dict, indent = 2).encode('utf-8')
                                        # Output:
                                           b '{\n  "name": "dinesh",\n  "code": "dr-01"\n}'