Dear Diary là gì

"dear diary"
I saw this phrase in the Friend series ,when Monica and Ross hug each other and someone said ,Oh this is a "dear dairy" moment.  có nghĩa là gì?

It's a common thing for young girls to have diaries they write about their daily lives in, for example "Dear diary, my crush asked me out today." Dear diary is how you would start an entry into your diary. A "dear diary" moment would be when something happens that makes you excited enough that you want to record it.

dear diary is usually how someone begins their writing in their personal diary. maybe it meant that it was something memorable that was worth writing down.

Thanks so much. I try to create my example, One day before leaving from my dad's home after spent long holiday , I hug him and suddently my tear was running. Oh this is my dear diary momentBạn có biết cách cải thiện kỹ năng ngôn ngữ của mình không Tất cả những gì bạn cần làm là nhờ người bản ngữ sửa bài viết của mình!
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