Delete smaller nodes in linked list Python program

I tried to write following function to delete the smallest node in a linked list. But, i am getting error and am not able to rectify it. please help.

error is -> Error 1 error C4703: potentially uninitialized local pointer variable 'trailSmall' used

here is my code:

void linkedListType::deleteSmallest() { nodeType *current; nodeType *trailCurrent; // used for pointing to node just before current nodeType *small; nodeType *trailSmall; if (first == NULL) cout << "Cannot delete from an empty list." << endl; else if (first->link == NULL) { first = NULL; delete last; last = NULL; } else { small = first; trailCurrent = first; current = first->link; while (current != NULL) { if (small->info > current->info) { trailSmall = trailCurrent; small = current; } trailCurrent = current; current = current->link; } if (small == first) first = first->link; else if (small != first) { trailSmall->link = small->link; if (small == last) last = trailSmall; } delete small; } }

Last update on January 04 2021 14:02:46 (UTC/GMT +8 hours)

Write a Python program to delete the last item from a singly linked list.

Sample Solution:-

Python Code:

class Node: # Singly linked node def __init__(self, data=None): = data = None class singly_linked_list: def __init__(self): # Createe an empty list self.tail = None self.head = None self.count = 0 def append_item(self, data): #Append items on the list node = Node(data) if self.head: = node self.head = node else: self.tail = node self.head = node self.count += 1 def delete_item(self, data): # Delete an item from the list current = self.tail prev = self.tail while current: if == data: if current == self.tail: self.tail = else: = self.count -= 1 return prev = current current = def iterate_item(self): # Iterate the list. current_item = self.tail while current_item: val = current_item = yield val items = singly_linked_list() items.append_item('PHP') items.append_item('Python') items.append_item('C#') items.append_item('C++') items.append_item('Java') print("Original list:") for val in items.iterate_item(): print(val) print("\nAfter removing the last item from the list:") items.delete_item('Java') for val in items.iterate_item(): print(val)

Sample Output:

Original list: PHP Python C# C++ Java After removing the last item from the list: PHP Python C# C++


Delete smaller nodes in linked list Python program

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Previous: Write a Python program to delete the first item from a singly linked list.
Next: Write a Python program to create a doubly linked list, append some items and iterate through the list (print forward).

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Returns the items that are parity outliers:


from collections import Counter def find_parity_outliers(nums): return [ x for x in nums if x % 2 != Counter([n % 2 for n in nums]).most_common()[0][0] ] print(find_parity_outliers([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]))


[2, 4, 6]

Delete nodes from the linked list which have a greater value on the right side

In this problem, we have given a singly linked list, and we need to remove all the nodes from it which have a greater value on the right side.


  • Suppose the list 13 -> 16 -> 9 -> 10 -> 4 -> 6 -> 1 -> 3 -> NULL. This list will be changed to 16 -> 10 -> 6 -> 3 -> NULL. In this, the nodes 13, 9, 4, 1 have been deleted because in linked list there is a greater value on the right side.
  • The list 90 -> 80 -> 70 -> 60 -> 50 -> NULL will not be changed because there is no node which has the greater value on the right side.


We can do this by using the following steps:

  • Firstly, we will reverse the given linked list.
  • Then, we will traverse the reversed linked list and keep the max node. If the next node is less than the max node, we will delete the next node, otherwise max = next node.
  • Finally, we will reverse the linked list again to maintain the order of the linked list given earlier.

C program to delete the nodes which have a greater value on the right side

#include #include struct node { int info; struct node *next; }; struct node *start = NULL; // For inserting the elements in the linked list void add(int item) { struct node *t, *p; t = (struct node *)malloc( sizeof( struct node )); if(start == NULL) { start = t; start -> info = item; start -> next = NULL; return; } else { struct node *p = start; while(p -> next != NULL) { p = p -> next; } p -> next = t; p = p -> next; p -> info = item; p -> next = NULL; } } // For reversing the nodes of the linked list void reverse (struct node * t) {     struct node * curr = t;     struct node * next = NULL;     struct node * pre = NULL;     while(curr != NULL)     {         next=curr -> next;         curr -> next = pre;         pre = curr;         curr = next;    }    start = pre; } void deleteLesser(struct node * temp) {             reverse(temp); // For reversing the linked list             delete(start); // For delete the nodes which have a node with greater value on left side.             reverse(start); // For reversing the linked list again to maintain the original order of the linked list } // Function for delete the nodes which have a node with greater value on the left side. void delete(struct node * start) {             struct node * curr = start;             struct node * max = start;             struct node * temp;             while( curr != NULL && curr -> next != NULL)             {                         if(curr -> next -> info < max -> info) // If the curr is smaller than the max, then delete the curr                         {                                     temp = curr -> next;                                     curr -> next = temp -> next;                         }                         else                         {                                     curr = curr -> next;                                     max = curr;                         }             } } // To display the elements of the linked list void traverse(struct node * t) { if(t == NULL) {             printf(" Linked list is empty\n");                                     }                                     while(t -> next != NULL)                                     {                         printf("%d -> ",t -> info);                         t = t -> next;                         }                         printf("%d\n",t -> info); } // Driver Function int main() {     add(13);     add(16);     add(9);     add(10);     add(4);     add(6);     add(1);     add(3);     printf("Given Linked List: \n");     traverse(start);     deleteLesser(start);     printf("Linked List After deletion: \n");     traverse(start);     return 0; }


Delete smaller nodes in linked list Python program

Time Complexity: The time complexity of the above method is O(n).