Devil may cry 4 đánh giá

The first Devil May Cry game was actually intended as a sequel in the Resident Evil video game series, but it was so uniquely scripted and feverishly active that the decision makers at Capcom determined it should have its own title. So they reworked things a bit and established a new franchise that quickly gained an enthused following. Fans gushed over the game and pinned it with the descriptor “extreme action.” And boy does that label fit.

Devil May Cry 4 is a frenzy of third-person slashing and shooting mixed with impossibly athletic acrobatics that feels like a mash-up of the Matrix movies and high-octane martial arts flicks. All this whiz-bang is rendered in dazzling cinematic high-def. But there’s a lot more going on here than just stylish gameplay and attention-grabbing eye candy.

Dealing Death to Demons This latest chapter in the Devil series centers on a guy named Nero who’s a member of a demonic cult called the Order of the Sword. This swaggering youth isn’t all that interested in the church-like services of the Order. But when he steps up to protect the girl he loves, he’s assigned the job of hunting down and battling scores of monstrous demons using the power of his demonically infused arm—better known as the Devil-Bringer.

If you’re sensing a dark spiritual theme to all this, then you’re getting the gist of things.

Nero’s fiendishly powerful arm can be used throughout the various levels to grapple across gaping chasms and absorb malevolent powers from idols. And it’s a key weapon for grabbing cringe-worthy creatures and bashing them in a series of violent attack combos. (How cringe-worthy are they? One is a gigantic, bulbous frog-like thing. Another is a monstrous half-snake-half-venus flytrap critter.)

But as Nero somersaults about, slaying hellish demons and tossing out snarky wisecracks, he also has other weaponry at his command. A rapid-fire pistol called the Blue Rose locks on targets and blazes endlessly without a reload. And his five-foot-long sword, the Red Queen, has a built-in throttle that can rev up the blade to unleash chain saw-like carnage.

The hero of past Devil games, Dante, shows up here as well with his own unique arsenal. The Pandora briefcase, for example, can morph into elaborate machine gun and gyroscopic rocket launcher variations that offer splashy ways to pulverize baddies into piles of mush. All that dark slaughter is accompanied by detailed bloody animation and realistically gruesome sounds of slashing blades and cleaving flesh.

Not Just Nude Nymphs Although the majority of the cast is composed of sword-swinging males, a few female characters get in on the action, too. But their presence seems to be more about barely clad sexuality than anything else. For instance, one scene features a set of apparently nude, dark, fairy-like creatures that fly around rubbing and caressing each other with the obvious intention of titillating players.

Those females who do take on the warrior role have provocatively skimpy outfits and hyper-accentuated breasts—which slow-mo camera sweeps take in with as much bouncing detail as an M-rated game will allow.

Sprinkle in dialogue that includes “a–,” “h—,” “d–n” and “bulls—,” (and even references self-fellatio) and you’ve got a world that will leave visitors with lots of unhealthy bits dancing in their minds long after the high-powered action has been turned off.

Then add a cult of humans who have infused themselves with demonic powers and who worship a huge living statue called The Savior and you can consider things officially pushed from bad to spiritually twisted worse.

DMC4 is the one that was supposed to be a worthy sequel of the third part, but indeed, it is inferior to this one, it didn´t innovate in almost anything, and it feels unpolished when you play it, not a bad game, but could have been better. Of course it has good things: - Excellent Graphics, very neat and soft, more for a 2009 game, only a few had these graphics. -Good Level Design (at certain point), there´s a big variety of stages, (a jungle, ice valley, castle, etc.). -The Main Character, Nero, the main reason this game exists, it has a very unique fighting style, with it´s own personality and charisma, it doesn´t resemble Dante by one single bit. Now it´s flaws: -Excessive Backtracking, sorry, but playing 11 missions with Nero, to just then play with Dante the same exact missions with the same bosses, in an inverse direction, is just lame and lazy. -Game play is unpolished and unbalanced, Dante got nerfed, and it´s ridiculously tedious to kill the enemies, his weapons doesn´t even do a fair amount damage, you need at least 4 or 5 combos to kill even the initial enemies, and i´m not even exaggerating, at least with Nero the enemies react, but with Dante they didn´t even move a single bit, it´s just a copy paste of Devil May Cry 3 but with less moves and lack of patch. -Bosses and some enemies aren´t original, Sanctus is the worst villain i´ve ever met, he doesn´t have clear why he did what he did, he doesn´t have any kind of principles, and fighting him like 3 times with the same moves and tactics just felt lame, more with the savior boss, in which you literally have to beat the boss with just guns, the only good fights were with Credo, Dante and Berial. -Soundtrack is limited and lacks some more tracks, seriously Capcom, only 2 songs for the battles?, they recycled too the soundtrack, there isn´t any kind of variety, and the other tracks that they used to the bosses are just generic and that´s all, they should have bringed more songs just like they did in the 3 last titles. Don´t get me wrong, DMC4 is a good game, but it doesn´t innovate in anything and it was rushed and unpolished, they just made the half of it, originally this title was going to be playable only with Nero, as the main character he is, they just included Dante because of fan service. Devil May Cry 2 as a bad sequel even had better ideas and was more polished, Devil May Cry 4 is clearly the worst in the series, whatever fans say, and it´s overrated, this title is not an 8.5 / 10 whatever they say.. Score: 7.2 / 10

This review coming from a hardcore Devil May Cry fan who played the trilogy more time than any other games! Dmc4 is the WORST DMC out there not just because Nero and Kirye, and the very bad story (again somedy wants to be Sparda blablabla),And Dante too, he looks like mature but he acting like a teen boy who is 18 year old, and he's voice sounds like a 18 year old puberty boy. while i agree its fit for DMC3 but not DMC4. DMC4 dante should be the same actor as the DMC1 or DMC2 was. because its strange DMC1 Dante was looked like mature he acted more mature than DMC4 Dante but still DMC1 dante was COOL, and fun too! but i think even DMC2 Dante was way COOLER than DMC4 dante was! and DMC1 and DMC2 dante concept (hair, cloth,face,eyes) was better than DMC4 dante! DMC4 Dante its looked like a joke with that stupid boots and like a smiliar dmc3 jacket....even he's face and eyes looked like similar dmc3 dante.I hated the Big boobs, yes you read it right, the Lady looked like normal in DMC3, and Trish looked like normal in DMC1 even in dmc2 lucia boobs was normal, but in DMC4 both Trish,and Lady BOOBS are bigger than they heads, its funny, and ugly, yes a aware this is a japanese culture blablabla **** but tell me why the old trilogy girls was looked normal? The music, the music wasnt that bad but the weakest of the series! in every way! The gameplay: it wasnt bad at all, this is the only thing it was good, but still not good enough! like the old trilogy was! This whole game was like BAD FANFICTION.. what i would like to see in the next game is more serious story similar like dmc2 was, and more mature dante like dmc2 was, playing in the future where the lady and trish died, and even maybe humanity too,