How to install mongodb bi connector in linux

Docs HomeMongoDB Connector for BI


The MongoDB Connector for BI and associated utilities are compatible with all currently supported MongoDB server versions.

The MongoDB Connector for BI can be installed on premises or hosted in MongoDB Atlas. Follow the guide for your platform below to install the BI Connector, or see Enable BI Connector in Atlas.

Install BI Connector on WindowsInstructions for installing the BI Connector on Windows systems.Install BI Connector on macOSInstructions for installing the BI Connector on macOS systems.Install BI Connector on Red Hat Enterprise-based LinuxInstructions for installing the BI Connector on RHEL-based systems.Install BI Connector on Debian-based LinuxInstructions for installing the BI Connector on debian-based systems.

To update your BI Connector, use the installation guides above to install the latest version of BI Connector for your platform, replacing your existing installation.

In this post, we will learn to install the MongoDB BI connector in Ubuntu.


  1. MongoDB installed and Running
  2. User must have role read/write if auth is enabled in MongoDB
  3. Install MySQL ODBC Driver. (It Requires)

Choose the version of you OS

Extract the recently downloaded file


tar -xvzf mongodb-bi-linux_.tgz

Go to the recently extracted directory


cd mongodb-bi-linux_*

To install this connector use following script:

sudo install -m755 bin/mongo* /usr/local/bin/

Copy Data from MongoDb

mongodrdl --host -d mydatabase -o /opdirectory/schema-.drdl

Start mongosqld for testing

mongosqld --schema /opdirectory/schema.drdl --mongo-uri

Install MySQL Client to work smoothly.

sudo apt install mysql-client-core-5.7

Start mongosqld for Prod with configuration

  1. Save config file in /etc/mongosqld.conf
  2. Config file sample
  quiet: false
  logAppend: false
  path: "/var/log/mongosqld/mongosqld.log"
  verbosity: 1
  logRotate: "rename" # "rename"|"reopen"
  enabled: true
#  datasource: "datasource_name"
    uri: ""
      username: "mongodb_username"
      password: "mongodb_password"
  port: 3307
#  ssl:
#    mode: "allowSSL"
#    PEMKeyFile: "/vagrant/certificates/mongosqld-server.pem"
#    CAFile: "/vagrant/certificates/ca.crt"
  path: "/etc/mongosqld/schema/"
    name: mongosqld
    displayName: mongosqld
    description: "BI Connector SQL proxy server"

Install mongosqld as a service with the above configuration

sudo mongosqld install --config /etc/mongosqld.conf

Note: You may not be able to install or start the service if the directory for log is not created already. We have to create it manually. Like: sudo mkdir logdir

Enable mongosqld service and your service will auto start when the system reboot

sudo systemctl enable mongosqld.service

Start mongosqld service if you want

sudo systemctl start mongosqld.service

Get Started with MongoDB BI Connector in 4 Steps

How to install mongodb bi connector in linux

By Zhang Youdong (Linqing)

MongoDB uses BI Connector to enable BI components for directly accessing MongoDB using SQL or ODBC data sources. At first, MongoDB directly used PostgreSQL Foreign Data Wrapper (FDW) to convert SQL statements to MQL. Later, the lighter-weighted mongosqld was implemented to support connections with BI tools.

How to install mongodb bi connector in linux

Install BI Connector

Refer to this link to install BI Connector.

wget$tar xvf mongodb-bi-linux-x86_64-rhel70-v2.12.0.tgz
  • The mongosqld tool receives SQL query requests and forwards the requests to MongoDB Server, which is the core of BI Connector.
  • The mongodrdl tool generates database schema information that is used for BI SQL queries.
  • The mongotranslate tool converts SQL queries to the MongoDB Aggregation Pipeline format.

Start mongosqld

Refer to this link to launch BI Connector

mongodb-bi-linux-x86_64-rhel70-v2.12.0/bin/mongosqld --addr --mongo-uri
  • addr: specifies the address of the mongosqld listener.
  • mongo-uri: specifies the address of the connected MongoDB Server.

By default, mongosqld automatically analyzes the schema of the data in the destination MongoDB Server and caches it to the memory. Specify the schema mapping during startup. Use the mongodrdl tool to generate a schema, specify a collection, and export the schema information for the fields in the collection.

$./bin/mongodrdl --uri=mongodb:// -c coll01
- db: test
- table: coll01
collection: coll01
pipeline: []
- Name: _id
MongoType: float64
SqlName: _id
SqlType: float
- Name: qty
MongoType: float64
SqlName: qty
SqlType: float
- Name: type
MongoType: string
SqlName: type
SqlType: varchar

Use a MySQL Client to Connect to mongosqld

The mongosqld tool is directly accessed from a MySQL client. Connect to the tool by using a BI tool such as Excel, Access, or Tableau. Refer to this page for more information.

mysql --protocol=tcp --port=3307mysql> use test
Database changed
mysql> show tables;
| Tables_in_test |
| coll |
| coll01 |
| coll02 |
| inventory |
| myCollection |
| yourCollection |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> select * from coll01;
| _id | qty | type |
| 1 | 5 | apple |
| 2 | 10 | orange |
| 3 | 15 | banana |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
// 对照 MongoDB 数据库里的原始数据mongo --port
mymongo:PRIMARY> use test
switched to db test
mymongo:PRIMARY> show tables;
mymongo:PRIMARY> db.coll01.find()
{ "_id" : 1, "type" : "apple", "qty" : 5 }
{ "_id" : 2, "type" : "orange", "qty" : 10 }
{ "_id" : 3, "type" : "banana", "qty" : 15 }

Convert SQL to Aggregation

For example, to convert an SQL query for test.coll01 to the MongoDB Aggregation Pipeline format, analyze the schema by using mongodrdl and then use the mongotranslate tool to convert the schema.

// 导出分析的 shema 文件
$./bin/mongodrdl --uri=mongodb:// -c coll01 > coll01.schema
// SQL 转换为 Aggregation
$./bin/mongotranslate --query "select * from test.coll01" --schema coll01.schema
{"$project": {"test_DOT_coll01_DOT__id": "$_id","test_DOT_coll01_DOT_qty": "$qty","test_DOT_coll01_DOT_type": "$type","_id": NumberInt("0")}},

Original Source:

How do you install a bi connector?

Install the BI Connector.
Run the downloaded . msi file..
Follow the wizard instructions to install the files. The binaries install into a bin directory inside the installation directory. If a prior version exists, you might need to configure your system services to launch the new installation..

How do I run a MongoDB BI connector?

Quick Start Guide for Windows.
Start a local MongoDB mongod process..
Start a local BI Connector mongosqld process..
Install the ODBC driver and create a data source name (DSN).
Connect with a BI tool of your choice..

Is MongoDB connector for bi free?

MongoDB Atlas CLI The Atlas CLI (mongodb-atlas-cli) lets you manage your MongoDB Atlas deployments from the command line. Download for free now.

Is MongoDB BI connector open source?

Introduction to MongoDB MongoDB is an open-source document-oriented NoSQL database owned by MongoDB Inc. As it is a NoSQL database, so it uses collections and documents to store data instead of using tables and rows.