HP laptop screen goes pink and green

HP ENVY 15 AE116TX: My screen is pink

last 7 months I bought a HP ENVY 15 TOUCH screen

And when I'm with her, the screen becomes pink and flickering.

How can I solve this problem and the warranty always covers this issue.

Also, when my laptop become black there is a pixel that turns red but when the color is light, it doesn't show.

I'm looking forward to resolve this thank you!

Hi @KimJonas,

Thank you for reaching out to the forums!I understand that the screen becomes pink and sparkles.I'd love to help you.

Most likely the graphics drivers need to be reinstalled. You can find more information in this document: flashing or blinking screen.

You can always connect an external monitor to exclude the display.

If the problem is resolved and that you appreciate my help, please click on the button "Accept as Solution" and the "Thumbs Up". Let me know how make you out. See you soon!


Tags: Notebooks

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    Hi Spoon1901,

    Thank you for visiting the Forums HP's Support and welcome. I read your thread on your computer laptop 17-j017cl TouchSmart from HP ENVY and your touch screen, here's a link to a update the system BIOS. It will help improve the screen problems.

    I hope this helps.

    Thank you.

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    Your machine is a CTO machine actually. Please use the latest manual from the following link:


    Page #95 gives you parts available and how to replace.

    Kind regards.

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    Hello @elcapitan26,

    Thanks for the quick response!

    My mistake, this is the number of spare part: 813808-001.

    Take a look at Chapter 3, Page 20 in the guide.

    Please let me know if this information helps you solve the problem by marking this message as 'accept as Solution' , this will help others easily find the information they seek. In addition, by clicking on the Thumbs up below is a great way to say thank you!

    Kind regards!

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    Welcome to the community of HP @CEM60,

    I came across your post and wanted to answer you. For your specific problem, you are faced with not closing the door of your Envy 100, I would contact HP directly to see about a replacement printer or trade because it is a hardware problem.

    I'll leave details of HP for you below.

    Testify of my answer by hitting the thumbs to the top slot

    HP laptop screen goes pink and green

    Click on the button "Accept as Solution" if I helped you reach a solution.

    Good luck, I hope this information helps

    HP laptop screen goes pink and green

    Details of HP:

    Step 1. Open the link: www.hp.com/contacthp/
    Step 2. Enter the product number or select Auto detection
    Step 3. Scroll up to "still need help? Fill out the form to select your contact options.
    Step 4. Scroll down and click on: contact HP options - click Get phone number
    File number and phone number are displayed.

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    You can try to find what's wrong with your laptop if you would connect it to the external monitor.
    If the same question would be visible on the second, the external monitor then this screen problem could be related to the graphics chip.

    If the image on the external monitor would be nice laptop computer s internal monitor could be faulty.

    However, in both cases, you must contact the ASP in your country for replacement.

    Good luck

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