Hướng dẫn làm voucher bằng photoshop Informational, Transactional

Miradi ya Bei Isiyobadilika

  • Kazi za Mtaa
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Jimbo la Kazi

I am looking for someone to help me understand and build a conversational AI for the purpose of cold calling potential clients and customers and to screen them as well as qualified them to see if they are motivated to Buy or sell real estate within the next 30 days .. I have no experience in this field but i am interested in learning more for personal development. I'm not sure what platform or technology is needed for this, so I am seeking an expert who has more than average experience, developing and designing Conversational AI model, and can help guide me through the process. The project should include instruction from start to finish so that I can build the model designed locally to my own specifications and to further scale on a national and international level. if you or...