Hướng dẫn what are the types of linked list in python? - các loại danh sách liên kết trong python là gì?

Các loại danh sách được liên kết - liên kết đơn lẻ, liên kết gấp đôi và hình tròn

Trong hướng dẫn này, bạn sẽ tìm hiểu các loại danh sách được liên kết khác nhau. Ngoài ra, bạn sẽ tìm thấy việc triển khai danh sách được liên kết trong C.


Trước khi bạn tìm hiểu về loại danh sách được liên kết, hãy chắc chắn rằng bạn biết về cấu trúc dữ liệu LinkedList.

Có ba loại danh sách liên kết phổ biến.

  1. Danh sách liên kết đơn lẻ
  2. Danh sách liên kết gấp đôi
  3. Danh sách liên kết tròn

Danh sách liên kết đơn lẻ

Danh sách liên kết gấp đôi

Hướng dẫn what are the types of linked list in python? - các loại danh sách liên kết trong python là gì?
Danh sách liên kết tròn

Nó là phổ biến nhất. Mỗi nút có dữ liệu và một con trỏ tới nút tiếp theo.

struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;

Danh sách liên kết đơn lẻ

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

Danh sách liên kết gấp đôi

Danh sách liên kết tròn

Hướng dẫn what are the types of linked list in python? - các loại danh sách liên kết trong python là gì?
Nó là phổ biến nhất. Mỗi nút có dữ liệu và một con trỏ tới nút tiếp theo.

Danh sách liên kết đơn lẻ

struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

Nút được biểu diễn là:

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

Danh sách liên kết đơn ba thành viên có thể được tạo như:

Danh sách liên kết tròn

Nó là phổ biến nhất. Mỗi nút có dữ liệu và một con trỏ tới nút tiếp theo.

Hướng dẫn what are the types of linked list in python? - các loại danh sách liên kết trong python là gì?
Danh sách liên kết đơn lẻ

Nút được biểu diễn là:

  • Danh sách liên kết đơn ba thành viên có thể được tạo như:
  • Chúng tôi thêm một con trỏ vào nút trước đó trong danh sách liên kết gấp đôi. Vì vậy, chúng ta có thể đi theo một trong hai hướng: tiến hoặc lùi.

Danh sách liên kết gấp đôi

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

Một nút được biểu diễn dưới dạng

Danh sách được liên kết là một cấu trúc dữ liệu tuyến tính, trong đó các phần tử không được lưu trữ tại các vị trí bộ nhớ liên tục. Các yếu tố trong một danh sách được liên kết được liên kết bằng con trỏ. Nói một cách đơn giản, một danh sách được liên kết bao gồm các nút trong đó mỗi nút chứa một trường dữ liệu và một tham chiếu (liên kết) đến nút tiếp theo trong danh sách.

Là liên kết ngăn xếp hoặc hàng đợi?

Trong một ngăn xếp, chúng tôi loại bỏ các mặt hàng gần đây nhất; Trong một hàng đợi, chúng tôi loại bỏ các mặt hàng ít được thêm vào gần đây. Có nhiều cách để thực hiện cấu trúc dữ liệu hàng đợi, nhưng chúng tôi sẽ thực hiện nó bằng một danh sách được liên kết.Singly Linked List

Danh sách được liên kết là một cấu trúc dữ liệu tuyến tính, trong đó các phần tử không được lưu trữ tại các vị trí bộ nhớ liên tục. Các yếu tố trong một danh sách được liên kết được liên kết bằng con trỏ. Nói một cách đơn giản, một danh sách được liên kết bao gồm các nút trong đó mỗi nút chứa một trường dữ liệu và một tham chiếu (liên kết) đến nút tiếp theo trong danh sách. & NBSP;

Các loại danh sách được liên kết:

Hướng dẫn what are the types of linked list in python? - các loại danh sách liên kết trong python là gì?

1. Danh sách liên kết đơn lẻ


Đây là loại danh sách được liên kết đơn giản nhất trong đó mọi nút chứa một số dữ liệu và con trỏ tới nút tiếp theo của cùng loại dữ liệu. & NBSP;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

Nút chứa một con trỏ tới nút tiếp theo có nghĩa là nút lưu trữ địa chỉ của nút tiếp theo trong chuỗi. Một danh sách được liên kết duy nhất cho phép truyền dữ liệu chỉ theo một cách. Dưới đây là hình ảnh cho cùng:

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

Dưới đây là cấu trúc của danh sách liên kết đơn lẻ


/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

Nút chứa một con trỏ tới nút tiếp theo có nghĩa là nút lưu trữ địa chỉ của nút tiếp theo trong chuỗi. Một danh sách được liên kết duy nhất cho phép truyền dữ liệu chỉ theo một cách. Dưới đây là hình ảnh cho cùng:

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;


Dưới đây là cấu trúc của danh sách liên kết đơn lẻ


/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;



/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
9 class
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;


struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;


Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1

Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Contents of Circular Linked List
 11 2 56 12

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Contents of Circular Linked List
 11 2 56 12
Contents of Circular Linked List
 11 2 56 12

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Contents of Circular Linked List
 11 2 56 12
Contents of Circular Linked List
 11 2 56 12
Contents of Circular Linked List
 11 2 56 12
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

Sáng tạo và truyền tải danh sách liên kết đơn lẻ:


Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7


/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

List After inserting 3 elements:
11 12 13 
List After inserting 2 more elements:
11 12 13 14 15
List After inserting 3 elements:
11 12 13 
List After inserting 2 more elements:
11 12 13 14 15

Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
3class2 class3

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7



/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
9 class
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
List After inserting 3 elements:
11 12 13 
List After inserting 2 more elements:
11 12 13 14 15
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Contents of Circular Linked List
 11 2 56 12
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
List After inserting 3 elements:
11 12 13 
List After inserting 2 more elements:
11 12 13 14 15
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Contents of Circular Linked List
 11 2 56 12
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Contents of Circular Linked List
 11 2 56 12
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Contents of Circular Linked List
 11 2 56 12
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;
Contents of Circular Linked List
 11 2 56 12
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7


Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;


/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
9 class
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
List After inserting 3 elements:
11 12 13 
List After inserting 2 more elements:
11 12 13 14 15
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
List After inserting 3 elements:
11 12 13 
List After inserting 2 more elements:
11 12 13 14 15
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Contents of Circular Linked List
 11 2 56 12
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
List After inserting 3 elements:
11 12 13 
List After inserting 2 more elements:
11 12 13 14 15
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Contents of Circular Linked List
 11 2 56 12
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Contents of Circular Linked List
 11 2 56 12
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Contents of Circular Linked List
 11 2 56 12
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7


Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
1 class
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
List After inserting 3 elements:
11 12 13 
List After inserting 2 more elements:
11 12 13 14 15
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;
Contents of Circular Linked List
 11 2 56 12
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7


struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;


/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;


Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Contents of Circular Linked List
 11 2 56 12

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Contents of Circular Linked List
 11 2 56 12
Contents of Circular Linked List
 11 2 56 12

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Contents of Circular Linked List
 11 2 56 12
Contents of Circular Linked List
 11 2 56 12
Contents of Circular Linked List
 11 2 56 12
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Contents of Circular Linked List
 11 2 56 12
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Contents of Circular Linked List
 11 2 56 12
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Contents of Circular Linked List
 11 2 56 12
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;
Contents of Circular Linked List
 11 2 56 12
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

Độ phức tạp về thời gian: O (N) Không gian phụ trợ: O (N) O(N)
Auxiliary Space: O(N)

2. Danh sách liên kết gấp đôiDoubly Linked List

Danh sách được liên kết gấp đôi hoặc danh sách liên kết hai chiều là một loại danh sách được liên kết phức tạp hơn có chứa một con trỏ đến nút tiếp theo cũng như nút trước đó trong chuỗi. & NBSP;

Do đó, nó chứa ba phần của dữ liệu, một con trỏ đến nút tiếp theo và một con trỏ tới nút trước đó. Điều này cũng sẽ cho phép chúng tôi vượt qua danh sách theo hướng lạc hậu. Dưới đây là hình ảnh cho cùng:

Hướng dẫn what are the types of linked list in python? - các loại danh sách liên kết trong python là gì?

Cấu trúc của danh sách liên kết gấp đôi:


Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1
Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;


/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
9 class
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;


/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1
Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1


/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
9 class
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;


struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;


/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
1 class
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;


Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1
Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Contents of Circular Linked List
 11 2 56 12

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Contents of Circular Linked List
 11 2 56 12


/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Contents of Circular Linked List
 11 2 56 12

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Contents of Circular Linked List
 11 2 56 12

Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
9 class
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Contents of Circular Linked List
 11 2 56 12


struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

Contents of Circular Linked List
 11 2 56 12
Contents of Circular Linked List
 11 2 56 12
Contents of Circular Linked List
 11 2 56 12
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Contents of Circular Linked List
 11 2 56 12

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Contents of Circular Linked List
 11 2 56 12

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Contents of Circular Linked List
 11 2 56 12
Contents of Circular Linked List
 11 2 56 12

Contents of Circular Linked List
 11 2 56 12
Contents of Circular Linked List
 11 2 56 12
Contents of Circular Linked List
 11 2 56 12
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Contents of Circular Linked List
 11 2 56 12

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
1 class
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Contents of Circular Linked List
 11 2 56 12

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Contents of Circular Linked List
 11 2 56 12

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Contents of Circular Linked List
 11 2 56 12
Contents of Circular Linked List
 11 2 56 12
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7


/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
9 class
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;


struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
1 class
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7
Contents of Circular Linked List
 11 2 56 12
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7
Contents of Circular Linked List
 11 2 56 12
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7
Contents of Circular Linked List
 11 2 56 12

Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7
Contents of Circular Linked List
 11 2 56 12
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

Sáng tạo và truyền tải danh sách liên kết gấp đôi:

Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Contents of Circular Linked List
 11 2 56 12

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7
Contents of Circular Linked List
 11 2 56 12

Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7
Contents of Circular Linked List
 11 2 56 12
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;


/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

List After inserting 3 elements:
11 12 13 
List After inserting 2 more elements:
11 12 13 14 15
Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7
Contents of Circular Linked List
 11 2 56 12
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Contents of Circular Linked List
 11 2 56 12

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7
List After inserting 3 elements:
11 12 13 
List After inserting 2 more elements:
11 12 13 14 15
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7
Contents of Circular Linked List
 11 2 56 12
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
List After inserting 3 elements:
11 12 13 
List After inserting 2 more elements:
11 12 13 14 15

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7


/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1
Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1


/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
9 class
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;


struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
List After inserting 3 elements:
11 12 13 
List After inserting 2 more elements:
11 12 13 14 15
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
List After inserting 3 elements:
11 12 13 
List After inserting 2 more elements:
11 12 13 14 15
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
8 class01

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
522____38 class01

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
61 class22
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
8 class29
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;


/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;


/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;


/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;


/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;


/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
8 class81

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;


/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
8 class94

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;


/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
1 class
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Contents of Circular Linked List
 11 2 56 12

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7
Contents of Circular Linked List
 11 2 56 12
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
List After inserting 3 elements:
11 12 13 
List After inserting 2 more elements:
11 12 13 14 15
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7
Contents of Circular Linked List
 11 2 56 12
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Contents of Circular Linked List
 11 2 56 12

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7
Contents of Circular Linked List
 11 2 56 12
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7
Contents of Circular Linked List
 11 2 56 12
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
List After inserting 3 elements:
11 12 13 
List After inserting 2 more elements:
11 12 13 14 15
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7
Contents of Circular Linked List
 11 2 56 12
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Contents of Circular Linked List
 11 2 56 12

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7
Contents of Circular Linked List
 11 2 56 12
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Contents of Circular Linked List
 11 2 56 12

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7
Contents of Circular Linked List
 11 2 56 12
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7
Contents of Circular Linked List
 11 2 56 12
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
List After inserting 3 elements:
11 12 13 
List After inserting 2 more elements:
11 12 13 14 15

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
List After inserting 3 elements:
11 12 13 
List After inserting 2 more elements:
11 12 13 14 15
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1

/* Initialize nodes */ struct node *head; struct node *one = NULL; struct node *two = NULL; struct node *three = NULL; /* Allocate memory */ one = malloc(sizeof(struct node)); two = malloc(sizeof(struct node)); three = malloc(sizeof(struct node)); /* Assign data values */ one->data = 1; two->data = 2; three->data = 3; /* Connect nodes */ one->next = two; one->prev = NULL; two->next = three; two->prev = one; three->next = NULL; three->prev = two; /* Save address of first node in head */ head = one;5/* Initialize nodes */ struct node *head; struct node *one = NULL; struct node *two = NULL; struct node *three = NULL; /* Allocate memory */ one = malloc(sizeof(struct node)); two = malloc(sizeof(struct node)); three = malloc(sizeof(struct node)); /* Assign data values */ one->data = 1; two->data = 2; three->data = 3; /* Connect nodes */ one->next = two; two->next = three; three->next = NULL; /* Save address of first node in head */ head = one;084Contents of Circular Linked List 11 2 56 1272/* Initialize nodes */ struct node *head; struct node *one = NULL; struct node *two = NULL; struct node *three = NULL; /* Allocate memory */ one = malloc(sizeof(struct node)); two = malloc(sizeof(struct node)); three = malloc(sizeof(struct node)); /* Assign data values */ one->data = 1; two->data = 2; three->data = 3; /* Connect nodes */ one->next = two; two->next = three; three->next = NULL; /* Save address of first node in head */ head = one;69Circular Linked List

Đầu ra

3. Danh sách liên kết tròn

Hướng dẫn what are the types of linked list in python? - các loại danh sách liên kết trong python là gì?

Một danh sách liên kết tròn là trong đó nút cuối cùng chứa con trỏ tới nút đầu tiên của danh sách. & NBSP;


Trong khi đi qua một danh sách liên kết tròn, chúng tôi có thể bắt đầu ở bất kỳ nút nào và đi qua danh sách theo bất kỳ hướng nào về phía trước và lùi cho đến khi chúng tôi đạt đến cùng một nút mà chúng tôi bắt đầu. Do đó, một danh sách liên kết tròn không có khởi đầu và không có kết thúc. Dưới đây là hình ảnh cho cùng:

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

Dưới đây là cấu trúc của danh sách liên kết tròn:

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;


/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */ struct node *head; struct node *one = NULL; struct node *two = NULL; struct node *three = NULL; /* Allocate memory */ one = malloc(sizeof(struct node)); two = malloc(sizeof(struct node)); three = malloc(sizeof(struct node)); /* Assign data values */ one->data = 1; two->data = 2; three->data = 3; /* Connect nodes */ one->next = two; two->next = three; three->next = NULL; /* Save address of first node in head */ head = one;3/* Initialize nodes */ struct node *head; struct node *one = NULL; struct node *two = NULL; struct node *three = NULL; /* Allocate memory */ one = malloc(sizeof(struct node)); two = malloc(sizeof(struct node)); three = malloc(sizeof(struct node)); /* Assign data values */ one->data = 1; two->data = 2; three->data = 3; /* Connect nodes */ one->next = two; two->next = three; three->next = NULL; /* Save address of first node in head */ head = one;4 /* Initialize nodes */ struct node *head; struct node *one = NULL; struct node *two = NULL; struct node *three = NULL; /* Allocate memory */ one = malloc(sizeof(struct node)); two = malloc(sizeof(struct node)); three = malloc(sizeof(struct node)); /* Assign data values */ one->data = 1; two->data = 2; three->data = 3; /* Connect nodes */ one->next = two; two->next = three; three->next = NULL; /* Save address of first node in head */ head = one;5

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

Dưới đây là cấu trúc của danh sách liên kết tròn:

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;



/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;



/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
9 class
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;


struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;


Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

Trong khi đi qua một danh sách liên kết tròn, chúng tôi có thể bắt đầu ở bất kỳ nút nào và đi qua danh sách theo bất kỳ hướng nào về phía trước và lùi cho đến khi chúng tôi đạt đến cùng một nút mà chúng tôi bắt đầu. Do đó, một danh sách liên kết tròn không có khởi đầu và không có kết thúc. Dưới đây là hình ảnh cho cùng:

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

Dưới đây là cấu trúc của danh sách liên kết tròn:

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;


/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

List After inserting 3 elements:
11 12 13 
List After inserting 2 more elements:
11 12 13 14 15
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Contents of Circular Linked List
 11 2 56 12
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

Contents of Circular Linked List
 11 2 56 12
Contents of Circular Linked List
 11 2 56 12
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7


Contents of Circular Linked List
 11 2 56 12
Contents of Circular Linked List
 11 2 56 12


/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
9 class
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7
Contents of Circular Linked List
 11 2 56 12
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;


/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
List After inserting 3 elements:
11 12 13 
List After inserting 2 more elements:
11 12 13 14 15
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Contents of Circular Linked List
 11 2 56 12
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1


/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;


/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
List After inserting 3 elements:
11 12 13 
List After inserting 2 more elements:
11 12 13 14 15
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Contents of Circular Linked List
 11 2 56 12
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7



struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;


/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;


/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;


Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;


/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
9 class
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7
Contents of Circular Linked List
 11 2 56 12
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7
Contents of Circular Linked List
 11 2 56 12
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;


/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
List After inserting 3 elements:
11 12 13 
List After inserting 2 more elements:
11 12 13 14 15
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Contents of Circular Linked List
 11 2 56 12
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1


/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;


/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
List After inserting 3 elements:
11 12 13 
List After inserting 2 more elements:
11 12 13 14 15
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Contents of Circular Linked List
 11 2 56 12
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

Đầu ra

Contents of Circular Linked List
 11 2 56 12

4. Danh sách liên kết tròn đôi

Một danh sách liên kết tròn gấp đôi hoặc danh sách liên kết hai chiều tròn là một loại danh sách được liên kết phức tạp hơn có chứa một con trỏ tới nút tiếp theo cũng như nút trước đó trong chuỗi. Sự khác biệt giữa danh sách nhân đôi được liên kết đôi và hình tròn giống như giữa một danh sách được liên kết đơn lẻ và một danh sách liên kết tròn. Danh sách liên kết đôi tròn không chứa null trong trường trước của nút đầu tiên. Dưới đây là hình ảnh cho cùng:

Hướng dẫn what are the types of linked list in python? - các loại danh sách liên kết trong python là gì?

Dưới đây là cấu trúc của danh sách liên kết tròn đôi:


Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1
Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;


/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
9 class
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;


/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1
Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1


/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
9 class
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;


struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;


/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
1 class
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;


Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

________ 13 ________ 11 & nbsp;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1
Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;


Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
9 class
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;


struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
1 class
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

________ 13 ________ 11 & nbsp;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1

Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1

Sáng tạo và truyền tải danh sách liên kết tròn đôi:

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7


/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
9 class
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;


struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
1 class
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

________ 13 ________ 11 & nbsp;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

Sáng tạo và truyền tải danh sách liên kết tròn đôi:

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
List After inserting 3 elements:
11 12 13 
List After inserting 2 more elements:
11 12 13 14 15
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
List After inserting 3 elements:
11 12 13 
List After inserting 2 more elements:
11 12 13 14 15
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7



struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;


List After inserting 3 elements:
11 12 13 
List After inserting 2 more elements:
11 12 13 14 15

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
List After inserting 3 elements:
11 12 13 
List After inserting 2 more elements:
11 12 13 14 15
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
List After inserting 3 elements:
11 12 13 
List After inserting 2 more elements:
11 12 13 14 15
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
8 class01

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
8 class01

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
522____38 class01

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
61 class22
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
8 class29
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;


/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;


/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;


/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;


/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;


/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
8 class81


/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
8 class94

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;


Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
1 class
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Contents of Circular Linked List
 11 2 56 12
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
List After inserting 3 elements:
11 12 13 
List After inserting 2 more elements:
11 12 13 14 15
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Contents of Circular Linked List
 11 2 56 12
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
List After inserting 3 elements:
11 12 13 
List After inserting 2 more elements:
11 12 13 14 15
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
List After inserting 3 elements:
11 12 13 
List After inserting 2 more elements:
11 12 13 14 15
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

Đầu ra

Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

5. Danh sách liên kết tiêu đề: & NBSP;

Danh sách liên kết tiêu đề là một loại danh sách được liên kết đặc biệt có chứa nút tiêu đề ở đầu danh sách. & NBSP;

Vì vậy, trong một danh sách được liên kết tiêu đề bắt đầu sẽ không trỏ đến nút đầu tiên của danh sách nhưng bắt đầu sẽ chứa địa chỉ của nút tiêu đề. Dưới đây là hình ảnh cho danh sách liên kết tiêu đề nối đất:START will not point to the first node of the list but START will contain the address of the header node. Below is the image for Grounded Header Linked List:

Hướng dẫn what are the types of linked list in python? - các loại danh sách liên kết trong python là gì?

Dưới đây là cấu trúc của danh sách liên kết tiêu đề nối đất:


Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;



struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;


/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
9 class
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;


/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;


struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;


Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;


struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;


/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
9 class
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
1 class
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Contents of Circular Linked List
 11 2 56 12

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

Sáng tạo và truyền tải danh sách liên kết tiêu đề:

Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1

Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Contents of Circular Linked List
 11 2 56 12

Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Contents of Circular Linked List
 11 2 56 12

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

Sáng tạo và truyền tải danh sách liên kết tiêu đề:

Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7


/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
9 class
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
1 class
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

Sáng tạo và truyền tải danh sách liên kết tiêu đề:

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;


/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;
Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;


Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7



struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;


/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = one;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;


Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
1 class
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
1 class
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;
Contents of Circular Linked List
 11 2 56 12
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;
Contents of Circular Linked List
 11 2 56 12
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Contents of Circular Linked List
 11 2 56 12
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;
Contents of Circular Linked List
 11 2 56 12
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;


Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7
Contents of Circular Linked List
 11 2 56 12
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created DLL is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
 1  7  6 
Traversal in reverse direction 
 6  7  1

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7
Contents of Circular Linked List
 11 2 56 12
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

Created circular doubly linked list is: 
Traversal in forward direction 
7 4 5 
Traversal in reverse direction 
5 4 7

/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
two->next = three;
three->next = NULL;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;
/* Initialize nodes */
struct node *head;
struct node *one = NULL;
struct node *two = NULL;
struct node *three = NULL;

/* Allocate memory */
one = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
two = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
three = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

/* Assign data values */
one->data = 1;
two->data = 2;
three->data = 3;

/* Connect nodes */
one->next = two;
one->prev = NULL;

two->next = three;
two->prev = one;

three->next = NULL;
three->prev = two;

/* Save address of first node in head */
head = one;

List After inserting 3 elements:
11 12 13 
List After inserting 2 more elements:
11 12 13 14 15

Có bao nhiêu loại danh sách được liên kết?

Các loại danh sách được liên kết - liên kết đơn lẻ, liên kết gấp đôi và hình tròn.Singly linked, doubly linked and circular.

Danh sách được liên kết trong Python là gì?

Một danh sách được liên kết là một chuỗi các yếu tố dữ liệu, được kết nối với nhau thông qua các liên kết.Mỗi phần tử dữ liệu chứa một kết nối với phần tử dữ liệu khác dưới dạng con trỏ.a sequence of data elements, which are connected together via links. Each data element contains a connection to another data element in form of a pointer.

Danh sách được liên kết là những loại của nó là gì?

Danh sách được liên kết là một cấu trúc dữ liệu tuyến tính, trong đó các phần tử không được lưu trữ tại các vị trí bộ nhớ liên tục.Các yếu tố trong một danh sách được liên kết được liên kết bằng con trỏ.Nói một cách đơn giản, một danh sách được liên kết bao gồm các nút trong đó mỗi nút chứa một trường dữ liệu và một tham chiếu (liên kết) đến nút tiếp theo trong danh sách.

Là liên kết ngăn xếp hoặc hàng đợi?

Trong một ngăn xếp, chúng tôi loại bỏ các mặt hàng gần đây nhất;Trong một hàng đợi, chúng tôi loại bỏ các mặt hàng ít được thêm vào gần đây.Có nhiều cách để thực hiện cấu trúc dữ liệu hàng đợi, nhưng chúng tôi sẽ thực hiện nó bằng một danh sách được liên kết.There are many ways to implement a queue data structure, but we are going to do it using a linked list.