iPhone autoplay video

iPhone autoplay video
iPhone autoplay video
iPhone autoplay video
iPhone autoplay video
Photo: apple.com

Autoplay videos have long been a divisive topic. Some users love the convenience of not having to interact with every video just to listen to them. Others recall too many instances of trying to browse in peace only to be interrupted by an autoplay video.

The one thing that everyone seems to agree on is that your decision to listen to autoplay videos should be in your control. Unfortunately, it rarely feels like thats the case.

Fortunately, there are several ways you can change that. Whether you want to enjoy autoplay videos as you browse or whether you want to shut them down until youre ready, here are the ways you can finally control the noise.

Adjust Autoplay Photo and Videos Volume in iOS 13

By default, Apple mutes your personal photos and videos in iOS 13. Whats particularly annoying about that feature is that your iPhone will still autoplay videos, but it wont enable the volume by default.

The bad news is that there doesnt currently seem to be a way to autoplay with volume via your phones settings. The good news is that there is a way to get around this feature. To do so, youll just need to follow these simple steps.

  1. Open Settings
  2. Go to Photos
  3. Enable the option to turn off Autoplay

Its important to understand what this actually does. Basically, your personal collection of photos and videos will no longer play automatically when you load them. The good news is that when you do choose to play them, the volume will be enabled. This is, unfortunately, the best way possible to enjoy audio from the start without having to manually toggle it each time.

Turn Off Autoplay Videos in Apple Apps

Have you finally had it with autoplay videos? Do you just want to get rid of them all together? Well, you can do soas long as youre using an Apple app. You just need to follow these steps.

  1. Open Settings
  2. Choose Accessibility
  3. Select the Motions option
  4. Here, you should see an option for autoplay Video Previews. Choose to disable this option if you wish to do so.

Again, you have to understand this does not disable every autoplay video on your iPhone. It will, however, disable autoplay videos for all Apple apps. That includes Safari. Yes, that means that you can finally turn off autoplay videos by default while browsing (as long as youre using Safari). Youre welcome.

Turn Off Autoplay in iTunes and the App Store

While autoplay tends to be less of an issue with iTunes and the app store, it can still be a pain from time to time. However, theres thankfully a way to disable autoplay in iTunes should you wish to do so.

  1. Open settings
  2. Choose iTunes & App Store
  3. Select Video Autoplay
  4. Tap the Off option

Just as it says, this will disable autoplay in iTunes and the App Store. This will not affect autoplay videos elsewhere, so youll still need to follow the necessary steps to disable them in other areas.

Change Settings to Limit Autoplay Volume for Music and Videos

Theres no universal one-step solution to disable autoplay videos regardless of their source. However, there is a way you can limit their intrusiveness (so long as youre willing to make some sacrifices). To start, follow these steps:

  1. Open Settings
  2. Choose Music
  3. Tap Volume Limit
  4. Use this bar to adjust the maximum allowed volume for music and videos.

By setting the volume very low (or turning it off) you can essentially ensure that no more autoplay videos blare through your speakers. Unfortunately, this also affects videos and music you might actually want to hear. That means that its really a last-ditch effort for shutting down the autoplay videos that plague your digital life.

Turn Off Autoplay Videos on Instagram

Its sadly not possible to control the autoplay settings for every app via your iPhone settings. However, you can often alter the autoplay settings through each app.

Its safe to say that there are probably millions of Instagram users out there who want to disable autoplay on Instagram. While it can be handy to have Instagram videos play automatically, there are many more times when such videos can play at unwelcome times.

If you want to ensure Instagram videos never bother you again, then youll need to follow these steps:

  1. Open the Instagram App
  2. The the three lines button on the top right and choose Settings
  3. Choose the Account option and select Cellular Data Use
  4. Select the Use Less Data option

One of the ways that Instagram uses less data on your device is by ensuring that videos no longer play automatically via the Instagram app. While its a little odd that they dont just offer you that option, this is still a fairly effective way to fix a common annoyance. Just know that this feature may also cause Instagram photos and videos to load a little slower on your device.

Turn Off Autoplay Videos on Twitter

While Twitter may not be quite as aggressive with their autoplay videos as Instagram, they can still be quite annoying. Fortunately, Twitter offers a much more direct way to disable them than Instagram does.

  1. Open the Twitter app
  2. Choose Settings and Privacy
  3. Select Data Usage
  4. Here, you should see a Video Autoplay option. Simply select the Never Play Videos Automatically option to disable them entirely. Alternatively, you can choose to only autoplay videos when youre on Wi-Fi.

Turn Off Autoplay Videos on Facebook

While Facebook may own Instagram, the Facebook app thankfully offers a much more direct way to turn off autoplay videos.

  1. In the Facebook app, choose the three lines icon
  2. Tap Settings and then Account Settings
  3. Select the Videos and Photos option
  4. Tap the autoplay option that appears. You can either choose to enable videos while youre on cellular and Wi-Fi, on Wi-Fi only, or to disable them entirely.
