Kindly reminder nghĩa là gì

Đâu là sự khác biệt giữa  Thanks for your kindly reminder.vàThanks for your friendly reminder. ?Hãy thoải mái đưa ra các câu ví dụ nhé.

@gagaapple: the first one doesn't make sense. the second one, thanks for your friendly reminder" is correct.

@gagaapple: They are different because of the way you would use the words "kindly" and "friendly". In this situation it would make more sense to say "Thanks for your friendly reminder". Or instead saying "Thanks for kindly reminding me". Saying "Thanks for your kindly reminder" does not make any sense. Kindly is used more when you are describing an action, like saying "She kindly said no" or "They kindly declined". But you cannot say "She friendly said no".

@gagaapple: if you wrote thanks for your kind reminder" then it makes sense, but I still believe thanks for your friendly reminder" is better being that they are similar in nature.

Bạn có biết cách cải thiện kỹ năng ngôn ngữ của mình không Tất cả những gì bạn cần làm là nhờ người bản ngữ sửa bài viết của mình!
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