MVC dropdownlist selected value


Here I will explain how to get dropdownlist selected value in mvc razor with example or mvc get selected value from dropdownlist in razor with example or mvc bind dropdownlist values from database and get dropdownlist selected value with example. In mvc by using @Html.Dropdownlist or @Html.DropdownlistFor properties we can easily implement dropdownlist by binding values from database and we can get dropdownlist selected values by using id values.


In previous articles I explained mvc bind dropdownlist values from database, mvc redirect to another view or controller action method, mvc tightly coupled view in application with example, difference between web api and web service with example, web api in and consume web api in with example, mvc show alert message after post data, mvc insert data into database with example
and many articles relating to mvc,, c#, Now I will explain how to get dropdownlist selected value in mvc with example.

Generally, to bind dropdownlist in mvc we will write the code like as shown below

@Html.DropDownListFor(m => m.UserId, new SelectList(Model.usersinfo, "UserId", "UserName"), "Select User")

Here DropDownListFor function will render it as

<select id="UserId" name="UserId">
<option value="">Select Useroption>
<option value="1">Suresh Dasarioption>
<option value="2">Rohini Alavalaoption>
<option value="3">Praveen Kumaroption>
<option value="4">Madhav Saioption>

In jQuery by using dropdownlist id we can easily get selected value in mvc like as shown below.

<script type="text/javascript">
$(function () {
//Dropdownlist Selectedchange event
$('#UserId').change(function () {
// Get Dropdownlist seleted item text
$("#lbltxt").text($("#UserId option:selected").text());
// Get Dropdownlist selected item value

We will see how to bind dropdownlist values from database and how to get dropdownlist selected value with example in mvc.

Generally, in mvc we can implement dropdownlist by using two properties either @Html.DropDownList model or @Html.DropDownListFor model. Before we start implementing first design userdetails table in database and insert some data like as shown below.

Column Name
Data Type
Allow Nulls
Or use following query to create userdetails table in database and insert some data to bind values to dropdownlist.

create table userdetails(
userid int primary key identity,
username varchar(50),
education varchar(50),
location varchar(50)

INSERT INTO userdetails(username,education,location)
values('Suresh Dasari','B.Tech','Chennai'),
('Rohini Alavala','Msc','Guntur'),
('Praveen Kumar','B.Tech','Bangalore'),
('Madhav Sai','MBA','Nagpur')

Once we create userdetails table now create mvc application for that Open visual studio --> Go to File --> Select New --> Project like as shown below

MVC dropdownlist selected value
Once we select Project new popup will open in that select Asp.Net Web Application and give name to application and click OK like as shown below

MVC dropdownlist selected value
Once click OK new popup will open in that select Empty template and select folders and core reference as MVC and click OK like as shown below

MVC dropdownlist selected value
Once we finished creating application our project structure will be like as shown below

MVC dropdownlist selected value
Now we will add new model to our application to define properties in our application for that right click on Models folder --> select Add --> select Class like as shown below

MVC dropdownlist selected value
Once we click on Class new popup will open in that give name of your model as UserDetails and click Add button like as shown below.

MVC dropdownlist selected value
Now open newly created model (UserDetails) and write the code like as shown below

using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace InsertGetUserDetails.Models
public class UserDetails
public int UserId { get; set; }
public string UserName { get; set; }
public string Education { get; set; }
public string Location { get; set; }
public List<UserDetails> usersinfo { get; set; }

Now we will add new controller to get data from database for that right click on Controller folder --> select Add --> Controller like as shown below

MVC dropdownlist selected value
Once we click on Controller new popup will open in that select MVC 5 Controller Empty and click Add like as shown below.

MVC dropdownlist selected value
Once click on Add new window will open in that enter name of controller and click Add like as shown below

MVC dropdownlist selected value
Now open newly created controller and write the code like as shown below

using MVCExamples.Models;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Web.Mvc;

namespace MVCExamples.Controllers
public class UserController : Controller
// GET: User
public ActionResult Index()
UserDetails objuser = new UserDetails();
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection("Data Source=Suresh;Integrated Security=true;Initial Catalog=MySamplesDB"))
using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("select * from userdetails", con))
SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);
List<UserDetails> userlist = new List<UserDetails>();
for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++)
UserDetails uobj = new UserDetails();
uobj.UserId = Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["userid"].ToString());
uobj.UserName = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["username"].ToString();
uobj.Education = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["education"].ToString();
uobj.Location = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["location"].ToString();
objuser.usersinfo = userlist;
return View(objuser);

If you observe above controller code, we are getting user details from database.

Now we will add view to our controller action method for that right click on Index action method --> select Add View like as shown below

MVC dropdownlist selected value
Now give name Index to view, select template as Empty and select Model class as UserDetails which we created in our application then click on Add button like as shown below

MVC dropdownlist selected value
The newly created view will be added under Views folder like as shown below

MVC dropdownlist selected value
Now open newly created view and write the code like as shown below

@model MVCExamples.Models.UserDetails

Layout = null;

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width" />
<title>Bind DropdownList Details & Get Selected Valuetitle>
<script type="text/javascript" src="">script>
Select User: @Html.DropDownListFor(m => m.UserId, new SelectList(Model.usersinfo, "UserId", "UserName"), "Select User")<br /><br />
Selected Text: <label id="lbltxt">label><br /><br />
Selected Value: <label id="lblid">label>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function () {
//Dropdownlist Selectedchange event
$('#UserId').change(function () {
// Get Dropdownlist seleted item text
$("#lbltxt").text($("#UserId option:selected").text());
// Get Dropdownlist selected item value


Now we will run and see the application result. (url always in the format of http://localhost:portnumber/controller name/action method name) and check the output that would be like as shown below

MVC dropdownlist selected value

This is how we can bind dropdownlist in our mvc applications based on requirement.

MVC dropdownlist selected value

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