such much là gì - Nghĩa của từ such much

such much có nghĩa là

When we say sentences like 'Walk much?' we shorten 'Do you walk much?'

VERB + much
NOUN + much

Vân vân.

Ví dụ

Confused, much?

Off message much?

Vân vân.

such much có nghĩa là

The innocence and imagination that appears in the hearts of young children. As the children grow older, they become more mature, and gain responsibilities. They lose their muchness.

Ví dụ

Confused, much?

such much có nghĩa là

Off message much?

Ví dụ

Confused, much?

such much có nghĩa là

Questions can be abbreviated to a single noun usually abstract followed by the word "much"

Ví dụ

Confused, much?

Off message much?

Vân vân. The innocence and imagination that appears in the hearts of young children. As the children grow older, they become more mature, and gain responsibilities. They lose their muchness. You used to be much more..."muchier." You've lost your muchness. Used on the end of adjectives to make retarded sentences. If you want to sound like you're a conformist then go ahead. OR you could sound like you're from a modern age with advanced people (yes even the prostitutes) then, you probably should just leave it alone. gangster much. Questions can be abbreviated to a single noun usually abstract followed by the word "much"

such much có nghĩa là

Vince buys a new car and rocks up to his friends place and says "Do you like my new wheels? "Jealous much?"

Ví dụ

Vince: Dude, I just saw my ex girlfriend with another guy..

such much có nghĩa là

Dan: Ohhhh man! Awkward much?

Ví dụ

Vince: Cigarette much?
Dan: Yeah man, im really keen for one.

Vince: What are you up to tonight? Work much?
Dan: Yeah man... Its pretty lame! an unconditional an infinite amount of love.
A word only reffering to the unconditional amount of love a person can feel.

such much có nghĩa là

Denny, I love you muches.

Ví dụ

Used at the end of a sentence, as if to confirm something that you already know. Often used in a playfully disrespectful way. Can also be used in a similar way to adding 'not' to the end of a sentence.

such much có nghĩa là

Ví dụ 1:

Ví dụ

A: (says insult)
B: (overeacts)
A: Wow, over reaction much (?)

such much có nghĩa là

Adjective used to describe someone/something that is just "a lot." Can be used in similar instances as "extra." Short for "too much."

Ví dụ

A: What's 1+1?

such much có nghĩa là

B: Haha, Genius much (?)

Ví dụ

not a big deal, or nothing special Your putting the folder on the wrong shelf wasn't such much. -"Không nhiều"-