To personalize your plan là gì",}); Thats it! Cheông xã out the React Native sầu integration documentation for more information.

Bạn đang xem: Sentry là gì

To personalize your plan là gì

Quickly identify performance issues & view full end-to-end distributed trace to see the exact, poor-performing API Gọi and surface any related errors.

To personalize your plan là gì

Get the same experience you"re used khổng lồ on web development regardless of the device with extended functionality for native sầu components

See error details lượt thích function, filename, & line number without ever digging through crash logs

Support for advanced React Native sầu features like RAM bundles & Autolinking

Written in TypeScript & open sourced, so you can trust what code is going in your application

To personalize your plan là gì

Fill in the blanks about React Native errors

See what the app was doing when the error occurred: user interactions, device state, network calls, and more.

Record environment and usage details so you can recreate bugs down khổng lồ the browser version, OS, and query parameters specific lớn your tiện ích. s tag distribution graph also makes it easy khổng lồ isolate và prioritize any React error by seeing how often it occurs in context.

How actionable is this error? Should I snooze the alert? Was the bug device or OS version specific? Has an error with the same stack occurred before? How many splines were being reticulated? What was the value of the shopping cart?

To personalize your plan là gì

For Pyhẹp

To personalize your plan là gì

For Node

Xem thêm: Upstream Là Gì - định Nghĩa Và Giải Thích ý Nghĩa

To personalize your plan là gì

For Ruby

Improve sầu workflow with a full view of releases so you can mark errors as resolved và prioritize live sầu issues.

Learn in which version a bug first appeared, merge duplicates, and know if things regress in a future release.

Add commit data lớn automatically suggest an owner of each React Native sầu error and instantly send deploy emails.

Is your data secure? You better believe it.

Just look at all the high-quality security features all accounts get, regardless of plan.

Two-Factor Auth Single Sign On support Organization audit log SOC-2 Certified

Learn more about Security

Privacy Shield certified PII data scrubbing SSL encryption COPPA Compliant

Learn more about Privacy

Platforms JavaScript .NET Pynhỏ nhắn Android PHPhường Django Java Flask Ruby Laravel iOS Rails Node React Go All Platforms

Xem thêm: Thế Nào Là Doanh Nghiệp Có Giao Dịch Liên Kết Là Gì

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