Tracer la gì

Bạn đang tìm kiếm ý nghĩa ᴄủa TRACER? Trên hình ảnh ѕau đâу, bạn ᴄó thể thấу ᴄáᴄ định nghĩa ᴄhính ᴄủa TRACER. Nếu bạn muốn, bạn ᴄũng ᴄó thể tải хuống tệp hình ảnh để in hoặᴄ bạn ᴄó thể ᴄhia ѕẻ nó ᴠới bạn bè ᴄủa mình qua Faᴄebook, Tᴡitter, Pintereѕt, Google, ᴠ.ᴠ. Để хem tất ᴄả ý nghĩa ᴄủa TRACER, ᴠui lòng ᴄuộn хuống. Danh ѕáᴄh đầу đủ ᴄáᴄ định nghĩa đượᴄ hiển thị trong bảng dưới đâу theo thứ tự bảng ᴄhữ ᴄái.
Bạn đang tìm kiếm ý nghĩa ᴄủa TRACER ? Trên hình ảnh ѕau đâу, bạn ᴄó thể thấу ᴄáᴄ định nghĩa ᴄhính ᴄủa TRACER. Nếu bạn muốn, bạn ᴄũng ᴄó thể tải хuống tệp hình ảnh để in hoặᴄ bạn ᴄó thể ᴄhia ѕẻ nó ᴠới bạn hữu ᴄủa mình qua Faᴄebook, Tᴡitter, Pintereѕt, Google, ᴠ. ᴠ. Để хem tất ᴄả ý nghĩa ᴄủa TRACER, ᴠui lòng ᴄuộn хuống. Danh ѕáᴄh đầу đủ ᴄáᴄ định nghĩa đượᴄ hiển thị trong bảng dưới đâу theo thứ tự bảng ᴄhữ ᴄái .Bạn đang хem : Traᴄer là gì, traᴄer là gì, nghĩa ᴄủa từ traᴄer

Hình ảnh ѕau đâу trình bàу ý nghĩa đượᴄ ѕử dụng phổ biến nhất ᴄủa TRACER. Bạn ᴄó thể gửi tệp hình ảnh ở định dạng PNG để ѕử dụng ngoại tuуến hoặᴄ gửi ᴄho bạn bè qua email.Nếu bạn là quản trị trang ᴡeb ᴄủa trang ᴡeb phi thương mại, ᴠui lòng хuất bản hình ảnh ᴄủa định nghĩa TRACER trên trang ᴡeb ᴄủa bạn.

Hình ảnh ѕau đâу trình bàу ý nghĩa đượᴄ ѕử dụng phổ biến nhất ᴄủa TRACER. Bạn ᴄó thể gửi tệp hình ảnh ở định dạng PNG để ѕử dụng ngoại tuуến hoặᴄ gửi ᴄho bạn bè qua email.Nếu bạn là quản trị trang ᴡeb ᴄủa trang ᴡeb phi thương mại, ᴠui lòng хuất bản hình ảnh ᴄủa định nghĩa TRACER trên trang ᴡeb ᴄủa bạn.

Tracer la gì

Xem thêm : Tụt Lợi Là Gì – 5 Cáᴄh Chữa Tụt Lợi Chân Răng Ngaу Tại Nhà

Tất ᴄả ᴄáᴄ định nghĩa ᴄủa TRACER

Như đã đề ᴄập ở trên, bạn ѕẽ thấу tất ᴄả ᴄáᴄ ý nghĩa ᴄủa TRACER trong bảng ѕau. Xin biết rằng tất ᴄả ᴄáᴄ định nghĩa đượᴄ liệt kê theo thứ tự bảng ᴄhữ ᴄái.Bạn ᴄó thể nhấp ᴠào liên kết ở bên phải để хem thông tin ᴄhi tiết ᴄủa từng định nghĩa, bao gồm ᴄáᴄ định nghĩa bằng tiếng Anh ᴠà ngôn ngữ địa phương ᴄủa bạn.
từ ᴠiết tắtĐịnh nghĩaTRACERBọᴄ thép trinh ѕát ᴄhiến thuật ᴄhiến đấu thiết bị уêu ᴄầuTRACERChuуển tiếp bứᴄ хạ mảng ᴄho bứᴄ хạ năng lượng ᴠũ trụTRACERCáᴄ máу đo Tropoѕpheriᴄ ᴄho không khí hóa họᴄ ᴠà nghiên ᴄứu môi trườngTRACERDi ᴄhuуển ᴄáᴄ phân tíᴄh từ хa ᴄho ᴄáᴄ đặᴄ tính ᴠà môi trường khắᴄ phụᴄTRACERGiáo ᴠiên ᴄứu trợ ᴠà hợp đồng ᴠiệᴄ làm đăng kýTRACERƯớᴄ tính ᴄhi phí giao thông ᴠận tải

TRACER đứng trong ᴠăn bản

Tóm lại, TRACER là từ ᴠiết tắt hoặᴄ từ ᴠiết tắt đượᴄ định nghĩa bằng ngôn ngữ đơn giản. Trang nàу minh họa ᴄáᴄh TRACER đượᴄ ѕử dụng trong ᴄáᴄ diễn đàn nhắn tin ᴠà trò ᴄhuуện, ngoài phần mềm mạng хã hội như VK, Inѕtagram, WhatѕApp ᴠà Snapᴄhat. Từ bảng ở trên, bạn ᴄó thể хem tất ᴄả ý nghĩa ᴄủa TRACER: một ѕố là ᴄáᴄ thuật ngữ giáo dụᴄ, ᴄáᴄ thuật ngữ kháᴄ là у tế, ᴠà thậm ᴄhí ᴄả ᴄáᴄ điều khoản máу tính. Nếu bạn biết một định nghĩa kháᴄ ᴄủa TRACER, ᴠui lòng liên hệ ᴠới ᴄhúng tôi. Chúng tôi ѕẽ bao gồm nó trong bản Cập Nhật tiếp theo ᴄủa ᴄơ ѕở dữ liệu ᴄủa ᴄhúng tôi. Xin đượᴄ thông báo rằng một ѕố từ ᴠiết tắt ᴄủa ᴄhúng tôi ᴠà định nghĩa ᴄủa họ đượᴄ tạo ra bởi kháᴄh truу ᴄập ᴄủa ᴄhúng tôi. Vì ᴠậу, đề nghị ᴄủa bạn từ ᴠiết tắt mới là rất hoan nghênh! Như một ѕự trở lại, ᴄhúng tôi đã dịᴄh ᴄáᴄ từ ᴠiết tắt ᴄủa TRACER ᴄho Tâу Ban Nha, Pháp, Trung Quốᴄ, Bồ Đào Nha, Nga, ᴠᴠ Bạn ᴄó thể ᴄuộn хuống ᴠà nhấp ᴠào menu ngôn ngữ để tìm ý nghĩa ᴄủa TRACER trong ᴄáᴄ ngôn ngữ kháᴄ ᴄủa 42. Như đã đề ᴄập ở trên, bạn ѕẽ thấу tất ᴄả ᴄáᴄ ý nghĩa ᴄủa TRACER trong bảng ѕau. Xin biết rằng tất ᴄả ᴄáᴄ định nghĩa đượᴄ liệt kê theo thứ tự bảng ᴄhữ ᴄái. Bạn ᴄó thể nhấp ᴠào link ở bên phải để хem thông tin ᴄhi tiết ᴄủa từng định nghĩa, gồm có ᴄáᴄ định nghĩa bằng tiếng Anh ᴠà ngôn từ địa phương ᴄủa bạn. Tóm lại, TRACER là từ ᴠiết tắt hoặᴄ từ ᴠiết tắt đượᴄ định nghĩa bằng ngôn từ đơn thuần. Trang nàу minh họa ᴄáᴄh TRACER đượᴄ ѕử dụng trong ᴄáᴄ forum gửi tin nhắn ᴠà trò ᴄhuуện, ngoài ứng dụng mạng хã hội như VK, Inѕtagram, WhatѕApp ᴠà Snapᴄhat. Từ bảng ở trên, bạn ᴄó thể хem tất ᴄả ý nghĩa ᴄủa TRACER : một ѕố là ᴄáᴄ thuật ngữ giáo dụᴄ, ᴄáᴄ thuật ngữ kháᴄ là у tế, ᴠà thậm ᴄhí ᴄả ᴄáᴄ pháp luật máу tính. Nếu bạn biết một định nghĩa kháᴄ ᴄủa TRACER, ᴠui lòng liên hệ ᴠới ᴄhúng tôi. Chúng tôi ѕẽ gồm có nó trong bản Cập Nhật tiếp theo ᴄủa ᴄơ ѕở tài liệu ᴄủa ᴄhúng tôi. Xin đượᴄ thông tin rằng một ѕố từ ᴠiết tắt ᴄủa ᴄhúng tôi ᴠà định nghĩa ᴄủa họ đượᴄ tạo ra bởi kháᴄh truу ᴄập ᴄủa ᴄhúng tôi. Vì ᴠậу, đề xuất ᴄủa bạn từ ᴠiết tắt mới là rất hoan nghênh ! Như một ѕự trở lại, ᴄhúng tôi đã dịᴄh ᴄáᴄ từ ᴠiết tắt ᴄủa TRACER ᴄho Tâу Ban Nha, Pháp, Trung Quốᴄ, Bồ Đào Nha, Nga, ᴠᴠ Bạn ᴄó thể ᴄuộn хuống ᴠà nhấp ᴠào menu ngôn từ để tìm ý nghĩa ᴄủa TRACER trong ᴄáᴄ ngôn từ kháᴄ ᴄủa 42 .

Mục lục

  • 1 /´treisə/
  • 2 Thông dụng
    • 2.1 Danh từ
      • 2.1.1 Cái vạch
      • 2.1.2 Người vạch, người kẻ
      • 2.1.3 (kỹ thuật) người đồ lại (một bức hoạ)
      • 2.1.4 (quân sự) đạn lửa
      • 2.1.5 (pháp lý) người truy nguyên; người phát hiện
      • 2.1.6 Nguyên tử đánh dấu, chất phóng xạ đánh dấu (dùng để điều tra quá trình sinh học, (hoá học) trong cơ thể con người..) (như) tracer element
  • 3 Chuyên ngành
    • 3.1 Cơ - Điện tử
      • 3.1.1 Thước vạch dấu, mũi vạch dấu, chất đánh dấu
    • 3.2 Hóa học & vật liệu
      • 3.2.1 chất dánh dấu
    • 3.3 Toán & tin
      • 3.3.1 đồ vết
    • 3.4 Xây dựng
      • 3.4.1 đồ viên
    • 3.5 Y học
      • 3.5.1 nguyên tố đánh dấu
    • 3.6 Điện lạnh
      • 3.6.1 vật đánh dấu
    • 3.7 Kỹ thuật chung
      • 3.7.1 chất chỉ thị
      • 3.7.2 mũi vạch dấu
    • 3.8 Kinh tế
      • 3.8.1 dấu vết
      • 3.8.2 đường ray
      • 3.8.3 đường sắt
      • 3.8.4 phiếu tìm (cho một món đồ mất)


Thông dụng

Danh từ

Cái vạch
Người vạch, người kẻ
(kỹ thuật) người đồ lại (một bức hoạ)
(quân sự) đạn lửa
(pháp lý) người truy nguyên; người phát hiện
Nguyên tử đánh dấu, chất phóng xạ đánh dấu (dùng để điều tra quá trình sinh học, (hoá học) trong cơ thể con người..) (như) tracer element

Chuyên ngành

1.Refer to the exhibit. What information can be determined from the displayed output? Router R2 is receiving hello packets from a neighbor with the IP address via the R2 S0/0/1 interface. 2. Which two router component and operation pair are correctly described? (Choose two.) NVRAM – stores the configuration file POST – runs diagnostics on hardware modules 3. Which statement correctly describes a feature of RIP? RIP uses only one metric—hop count— for path selection. 4.Refer to the exhibit. RouterA and RouterB cannot successfully exchange EIGRP routes. What is the problem? The autonomous system numbers do not match. 5.Refer to the exhibit. Which option will provide the configuration that is needed for router R1 to dynamically learn routes to the,, and subnetworks? with a routing protocol 6.Refer to the exhibit. The network administrator has run the following command on R1. R1(config)# ip route What is the result of running this command? Traffic for network is forwarded to 7. A network administrator is using an application that is monitoring packets on the network and sees an EIGRP update packet. What is the purpose of the update packet? The packet is used to propagate routing information within the EIGRP network. 8. Which two statements are true about the router ID in a single area OSPF network? (Choose two.) The router ID is used to uniquely identify each router in the OSPF routing domain. 9.Refer to the exhibit. A network administrator has configured OSPF using the following command: network area 0 Which router interface will participate in OSPF? Serial0/0/0 10. Which two statements are true for link-state routing protocols? (Choose two.) Routers that run a link-state protocol can establish a complete topology of the network. The shortest path first algorithm is used. 11. What is the function of the OSPF LSU packet? used to announce new OSPF information and to reply to certain types of requests 12. Which two statements about routing protocols are accurate? (Choose two.) OSPF supports VLSM. EIGRP supports discontiguous network designs. 13.Refer to the exhibit. Router R2 is configured properly and all interfaces are functional. Router R1 has been installed recently. Host A is unable to ping host B. Which procedure can resolve this problem? Configure a static route on R1 using the IP address of S0/0/0 on R2. 14.Refer to the exhibit. The interfaces of all routers are configured for OSPF area 0. R3 can ping R1, but the two routers are unable to establish a neighbor adjacency. What should the network administrator do to troubleshoot this problem? Check the hello and dead intervals between the routers. 15. A network administrator is setting up a new router with a device name of Admin, an encrypted password of cangetin, and the IP address assigned to the first FastEthernet interface. Which command sequence correctly configures this router? Router(config)# hostname Admin Admin(config)# enable secret cangetin Admin(config)# interface fa0/0 Admin(config-if)# ip address 16. Which routing protocol maintains a topology table separate from the routing table? EIGRP 17.Refer to the exhibit. The hosts on the R1 LAN are unable to access the Internet. What is incorrectly configured? the IP address of the S0/0/0 interface at R1 18. All routers in a network are configured in a single OSPF area with the same priority value. No loopback interface has been set on any of the routers. Which secondary value will the routers use to determine the router ID? The highest IP address among the active interfaces will be used. 19.Refer to the exhibit. Which summarization should R1 use to advertise its networks to R2? 20. Which protocol is used by EIGRP to deliver and receive update packets? RTP 21. A router boots and enters setup mode. What is the reason for this? The configuration file is missing from NVRAM. 22. What is the purpose of the TTL field within an IP packet header? limits the period of time or number of hops a packet can traverse through the network before it should be discarded 23.Refer to the exhibit. If the EIGRP routing protocol is used throughout the network, which IP address and mask prefix should be sent by router R1 to the Edge router as a result of manual summarization of LANs A, B, C, and D? 24. A technician needs to determine the value of the router ID for a branch router. What three commands can be used from the branch router to determine the router ID for a particular router that is participating in OSPF routing? (Choose three.) show ip ospf show ip protocols show ip ospf interface 25.Refer to the exhibit. R1 and R2 are adjacent routers both running RIP. All interfaces on both routers are correctly configured and operational. Both routers are configured to include all connected interfaces in routing updates. R2 is not showing any routes from R1 in the routing table. What is the likely cause? R2 will not accept version 1 updates from R1. 26. Which multicast address does EIGRP use to send hello and updates packets? 27. Which default EIGRP configuration must be modified to allow an EIGRP router to advertise subnets that are configured with VLSM? autosummarization 28. Which three statements are true regarding the encapsulation and de-encapsulation of packets when traveling through a router? (Choose three.) The router modifies the TTL field, decrementing it by one. The router maintains the same source and destination IP. The router changes the source physical address to the physical address of the exit interface. 29.Refer to the exhibit. A technician has configured the interfaces on the Router, but upon inspection discovers that interface FastEthernet0/1 is not functioning. Which action will most likely correct the problem with FastEthernet0/1? The no shutdown command needs to be added to the interface configuration. 30.Refer to the exhibit. Routers R1 and R2 are directly connected through a FastEthernet link but cannot form a neighbor adjacency. What could resolve the problem? The hello and dead timers must be configured with the same values on both routers. 32.Refer to the exhibit. Host A is having problems accessing server A. All routers have the same EIGRP configuration as router RTR_A. What should be done so that host A can access server A? Add the command no auto-summary on all routers. 33.Refer to the exhibit. All routers are configured to use the EIGRP routing protocol with default settings, all routes are advertised on all routers, and the network is fully converged. Which path will the data take to travel between and It will travel via A, F, E, D, and C. 35. In a complex lab test environment, a router has discovered four paths to via the use of the RIP routing process. Which route will be installed in the routing table after the discovery of all four paths? R [120/1] via, 00:00:17, Serial0/0/1 36.Refer to the exhibit. Router R1 receives a packet with a destination of To which network in the routing table will the packet be matched? 37 Refer to the exhibit. Host A is unable to access the Internet. What is the reason for this? The Fa0/1 interfaces of the two routers are configured for different subnets. 39.Refer to the exhibit. R1 and R2 are both configured with RIPv1. Beginning from global configuration mode, what comand or commands will eliminate RIP updates on the Ethernet segment of R2? R2# configure terminal R2(config)# router rip R2(config-router)# passive-interface FastEthernet0/0 40. What is a characteristic of classful routing? support for VLSM 41.Refer to the exhibit. The network fails. What mechanism prevents R2 from receiving false update information regarding the network? split horizon 42.Refer to the exhibit. Which IP address and subnet mask can be configured on host H1 if it is to communicate with the network? 43.Refer to the exhibit. What will happen when the router reloads? It will attempt to load the start-up configuration file that is stored in NVRAM. 44. A router has learned about a network through static and dynamic routing processes. Which route will be used to reach network S [1/0] via 45.Refer to the exhibit. The command ip route S0/0/0 is run on router R2. What are the two results of this command? (Choose two.) A static route will be updated in the routing table. The route will be specified as the default route for all networks not defined in the routing table. 46.Refer to the exhibit. What does the state “FULL/ -” indicate? The router with router ID and RouterA are on a point-to-point network. 47. You have been asked to explain converged networks to a trainee. How would you accurately describe a converged network? A network is converged after all routers share the same information, calculate best paths, and update their routing tables. 48.Refer to the exhibit. Based on the partial output in the exhibit, why can users establish a console connection to this router without entering a password? The login command was not entered on the console line. 49.Refer to the exhibit. On the basis of the show running-config output, which option correctly reflects the routes that will be listed in the R2 routing table? S is directly connected, Serial0/0/0 C is directly connected, Serial0/0/0 C is directly connected, Serial0/0/1 S* is directly connected, Serial0/0/1 50. Which of the following are required when adding a network to the OSPF routing process configuration? (Choose three.) network address wildcard mask area ID 51.Refer to the exhibit. The network consists of hundreds of routers branched from connected regional distribution sites using single area OSPF. Recent network failures caused packet flooding and route recalculations in all branch networks. What should the engineer do to minimize the effect of the routing instabilities? Change the topology to a heirarchical design which puts each branch network in its own area. 52.Refer to the exhibit. A ping from R1 to is successful, but a ping from R1 to fails. What is the cause of this problem? The static route for is incorrectly configured. 53. When would the IOS image held in ROM be used to boot the router? when the running configuration directs the router to do this 54. A router needs an IOS upgrade. Which component must be checked to make sure it meets the requirement for the new IOS? flash 1. Refer to the exhibit. Given the topology shown in the exhibit, what three commands are needed to configure EIGRP on the Paris router? (Choose three.) Paris(config)# router eigrp 100 Paris(config-router)# network Paris(config-router)# network 2. In a lab test environment, a router has learned about network through four different dynamic routing processes. Which route will be used to reach this network? D [90/2195456] via, 00:00:09, Serial0/0/0 3. Which routing protocol maintains a topology table separate from the routing table? EIGRP 4. Refer to the exhibit. R1 and R2 are unable to establish an adjacency. What two configuration changes will correct the problem? (Choose two.) Configure the routers in the same area. Match the hello and dead timers on both routers. 5. Which statement is true about the metrics used by routing protocols? A metric is a value used by a particular routing protocol to compare paths to remote networks. 6. Refer to the exhibit. Although R2 is configured correctly, host A is unable to access the Internet. Which two static routes can be configured on R1 to enable Internet connectivity for host A? (Choose two.) ip route Fa0/1 ip route 7. Refer to the exhibit. Host A is unable to access the Internet. What is the reason for this? The Fa0/1 interfaces of the two routers are configured for different subnets. 8. Refer to the exhibit. Two routers are unable to establish an adjacency. What is the possible cause for this? The hello and dead intervals are different on the two routers. 9. Refer to the exhibit. R1 knows two routes, Path A and Path B, to the Ethernet network attached to R3. R1 learned Path A to network from a static route and Path B to network from EIGRP. Which route will R1 install in its routing table? The route via Path A is installed because the static route has the lowest administrative distance to network 10. Refer to the exhibit. A ping between the serial interfaces of R1 and R2 is successful, but a ping between their FastEthernet interfaces fails. What is the reason for this problem? One of the default routes is configured incorrectly. 11. Which router component is used to store the routing table? SDRAM 12. Refer to the exhibit. Both routers are using the RIPv2 routing protocol and static routes are undefined. R1 can ping and, but is unable to ping The network is not included in the RIP configuration of R2. 13. What two routing protocols use a hierarchal network topology? (Choose two.) IS-IS OSPF 14. Refer to the exhibit. Routers R1 and R2 are directly connected via their serial interfaces and are both running the EIGRP routing protocol. R1 and R2 can ping the directly connected serial interface of their neighbor, but they cannot form an EIGRP neighbor adjacency. What action should be taken to solve this problem? Configure both routers with the same EIGRP process ID. 15. Refer to the exhibit. What information can be determined from the highlighted output? Automatic summarization is disabled. 17. Refer to the exhibit. All routers are running RIPv1. The two networks and are unable to access each other. What can be the cause of this problem? RIPv1 does not support discontiguous networks. 18. Refer to the exhibit. A network administrator has enabled RIP on routers B and C in the network diagram. Which of the following commands will prevent RIP updates from being sent to Router A? B(config)# router rip B(config-router)# passive-interface S0/0 19. Refer to the exhibit. A network administrator has configured R1 as shown, and all interfaces are functioning correctly. A ping from R1 to fails. What could be the cause of this problem? The default route is configured incorrectly. 20. A router has learned two equal cost paths to a remote network via the EIGRP and RIP protocols. Both protocols are using their default configurations. Which path to the remote network will be installed in the routing table? the path learned via EIGRP 21. Refer to the exhibit. What is the meaning of the highlighted value 2? It is the number of hops between R2 and the network. 22. Refer to the exhibit. Based on the output from the show running-config and debug ip rip commands, what are two of the routes that are added to the routing table of R1? (Choose two.) R [120/1] via, 00:00:24, Serial0/0/1 R [120/1] via, 00:00:24, Serial0/0/0 23. Refer to the exhibit. Routers R1 and R3 use different routing protocols with default administrative distance values. All devices are properly configured and the destination network is advertised by both protocols. Which path will be used to transmit the data packets between PC1 and PC2? The packets will travel via R2-R1. 24. What are two functions of a router? (Choose two.) It forwards data packets toward their destination. It acts as an intersection between multiple IP networks. 25. Refer to the exhibit. The network has three connected routers: R1, R2, and R3. The routes of all three routers are displayed. All routers are operational and pings are not blocked on this network. Which ping will fail? from R1 to 26. A network administrator needs to assign the very last usable IP address in the network range to the router interface that serves this LAN. Which IP address should the administrator configure on the interface? 27. Which two statements are true about the EIGRP successor route? (Choose two.) It may be backed up by a feasible successor route. It is used by EIGRP to forward traffic to the destination. 28. Refer to the exhibit. An administrator is adding a new subnet of 50 hosts to R3. Which subnet address should be used for the new subnet that provides enough addresses while wasting a minimum of addresses? 29. Refer to the exhibit. Which statement is true concerning the routing configuration? Packets routed to the R2 Fast Ethernet interface require two routing table lookups. 30. Refer to the exhibit. Which statement is true about router R2? The packets that are routed to network require two routing table lookups. 31. What command would the network administrator apply to a router that is running OSPF to advertise the entire range of addresses included in in area 0? R1(config-router)# network area 0 32. How does route poisoning prevent routing loops? Failed routes are advertised with a metric of infinity. 33. Refer to the exhibit. A router learns a route to the network, as shown in the output of the show ip rip database command. However, upon running the show ip route command, the network administrator sees that the router has installed a different route to the network learned via EIGRP. What could be the reason for the missing RIP route? Compared to RIP, EIGRP has a lower administrative distance. 34. Refer to the exhibit. Packets destined to which two networks will require the router to perform a recursive lookup? (Choose two.) 35. Which statement is true about the RIPv1 protocol? It excludes subnet information from the routing updates. 36. All routers in a network are configured in a single OSPF area with the same priority value. No loopback interface has been set on any of the routers. Which secondary value will the routers use to determine the router ID? The highest IP address among the active interfaces will be used. 37. Refer to the exhibit. Router R2 is configured properly and all interfaces are functional. Router R1 has been installed recently. Host A is unable to ping host B. Which procedure can resolve this problem? Configure a static route on R1 using the IP address of S0/0/0 on R2. 38. Which three statements describe the operation of routing with EIGRP? (Choose three.) As new neighbors are discovered, entries are placed in a neighbor table. If hello packets are not received within the hold time, DUAL must recalculate the topology. The reported distance is the distance to a destination as advertised by a neighbor. 39. Refer to the exhibit. The network administrator is planning IP addressing of a new network. What part of this addressing scheme must be changed to allow communication between host A and the server? the IP address of the server 40. Which two statements are correct about the split horizon with poison reverse method of routing loop prevention? (Choose two.) It assigns a value that represents an infinite metric to the poisoned route. It sends back the poisoned route update to the same interface from where it was received. 41. What are two tasks that must be completed before two routers can use OSPF to form a neighbor adjacency? (Choose two.) The routers must agree on the network type. The routers must use the same dead interval. 42. Which two components are used to determine the router ID in the configuration of the OSPF routing process? (Choose two.) the highest IP address of any logical interface the highest IP address of any physical interface 43. What is the function of the OSPF LSR packet? It is used by the receiving routers to request more information about any entry in the DBD. 44. Refer to the exhibit. Which summarization should R1 use to advertise its networks to R2? 45. Refer to the exhibit. The hosts that are connected to R2 are unable to ping the hosts that are connected to R1. How can this problem be resolved? Configure the R2 router interfaces for area 0. 46. Refer to the exhibit. Which router is advertising subnet Router4 47. Refer to the exhibit. All router interfaces are configured with an IP address and are operational. If no routing protocols or static routes are configured, what information will be included in the show ip route command output for router A? Routes to networks,, and will be in the routing table. 48. When a router boots, what is the default order to locate the Cisco IOS if there is no boot system command? flash, TFTP server, ROM 49. Which two statements are true for link-state routing protocols? (Choose two.) Routers that run a link-state protocol can establish a complete topology of the network. The shortest path first algorithm is used. 50. Refer to the exhibit. While trying to diagnose a routing problem in the network, the network administrator runs the debug ip rip command. What can be determined from the output of this command? The router is not originating routes for 51. Refer to the exhibit. Which three statements are true of the routing table for Router1? (Choose three.) The AD of EIGRP routes has been manually changed to a value other than the default value. Router1 is running both the EIGRP and OSPF routing process. No default route has been configured. 52. Refer to the exhibit. The network fails. What mechanism prevents R2 from receiving false update information regarding the network? split horizon 53. Which two statements are true regarding link-state routing protocols? (Choose two.) They are aware of the complete network topology. They offer rapid convergence times in large networks. 54. Refer to the exhibit. What action will R2 take for a packet that is destined for It will forward the packet to R1. 55. Which three statements are true regarding the encapsulation and de-encapsulation of packets when traveling through a router? (Choose three.) The router modifies the TTL field, decrementing it by one. The router maintains the same source and destination IP. The router changes the source physical address to the physical address of the exit interface. 56. A router boots and enters setup mode. What is the reason for this? The configuration file is missing from NVRAM. 57. Refer to the exhibit. How many routes are ultimate routes? 5 58. Refer to the exhibit. Which two facts can be derived from this output? (Choose two.) Three network devices are directly connected to Router2. The serial interface between Router2 and Router3 is up. 59. A network is configured with the IP, IPX, and AppleTalk protocols. Which routing protocol is recommended for this network? EIGRP 60. Refer to the exhibit. Which two statements are true based on the exhibited output? (Choose two.) All routes are stable. The show ip eigrp topology command has been run on R1. 61. Refer to the exhibit. To implement the RIPv2 protocol, the network administrator runs the commands as displayed. However, the show ip protocol command fails to display any output. How can the administrator solve the problem that is indicated by the lack of output from this command? Specify the network for which RIP routing has to be enabled. 62. Refer to the exhibit. The show cdp neighbors command was run at R1. Which two facts about the newly detected device can be determined from the output? (Choose two.) ABCD is a router that is connected to R1. The device is connected at the Serial0/0/1 interface of R1. 63. Refer to the exhibit. The routers are properly configured using a dynamic routing protocol with default settings, and the network is fully converged. Router A is forwarding data to router E. Which statement is true about the routing path? If the network uses the RIP protocol, router A will determine that all paths have equal cost. 64. Refer to the exhibit. All interfaces are addressed and functioning correctly. The network administrator runs the tracert command on host A. Which two facts could be responsible for the output of this command? (Choose two.) The entry for is missing from the routing table of R1. The entry for is missing from the routing table of R2. 65. Refer to the exhibit. Both routers are using the RIP protocol. Devices on the network can ping the S0/0/0 interface on R2 but cannot ping devices on the network. What is a possible cause of this problem? The routers are configured with different versions of RIP. 66. Refer to the exhibit. R2 is configured correctly. The network administrator has configured R1 as shown. Which two facts can be deduced from the configuration of R1? (Choose two.) R1 will forward the route information for subnet R1 will not forward route information for subnet 67. Refer to the exhibit. All routers are properly configured to use the EIGRP routing protocol with default settings, and the network is fully converged. Which statement correctly describes the path that the traffic will use from the network to the network? The traffic will be load-balanced between A-B-D and A-C-D. 68. Which two router component and operation pair are correctly described? (Choose two.) NVRAM – stores the configuration file POST – runs diagnostics on hardware modules 69. A network administrator uses the RIP routing protocol to implement routing within an autonomous system. What are two characteristics of this protocol? (Choose two.) It uses the Bellman-Ford algorithm to determine the best path. It periodically sends complete routing tables to all connected devices. 70. Refer to the exhibit. Which two components are required to complete the configuration? (Choose two.) a DTE device a V.35 cable 71. Refer to the exhibit. The output of the show ip route command for router R1 is displayed. What action will the router take for a packet that is destined for It will forward the packet to the default gateway. 72. Refer to the exhibit. All routers are running the same routing protocol. Based on the exhibit and its displayed commands, which statement is true? The link to the ISP will be excluded from the routing protocol process. 73. Refer to the exhibit. A network administrator is accessing router R1 from the console port. Once the administrator is connected to the router, which password should the administrator enter at the R1> prompt to access the privileged EXEC mode? Cisco789 74. A router has EIGRP configured as the only routing protocol. In what way might EIGRP respond if there is no feasible successor route to a destination network and the successor route fails? It sends queries to adjacent neighbors until a new successor route is found.

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