What action is most likely to lower a persons credibility quizlet?

Which of the following is typically included in the planning stage of writing an effective business message?

A. setting a positive and other-oriented tone

B. making the message easy to read

C. making the message easy to navigate

D. ensuring that the communication is fair

E. identifying the primary message and key points


Which of the following is typically included in the drafting stage of writing an effective business message?

A. setting a positive and other-oriented tone

B. double-checking everything

C. sending the message to be proofread

D. identifying the primary message and key points

E. ensuring the communication is fair


Which of the following is typically included in the reviewing stage of writing an effective business message?

A. setting a positive and other-oriented tone

B. ensuring that the communication is fair

C. finding the needs of the audience

D. identifying the primary message and key points

E. making the message easy to navigate


Which of the following is something an excellent business writer would do?

A. spend more time planning than drafting

B. decide on a message-centered approach

C. do the audience analysis during the drafting stage

D. do a last-minute review of his or her work

E. maintain an author-centered tone


Alan is mentoring Pat, a younger colleague, in how to be a better business writer. As Pat was writing her last memo, she did the following things. Which one will Alan tell her she needs to change?

A. Pat addressed the needs of her audience in the memo.

B. Pat spent a long time planning before she started to write.

C. Pat applied the FAIR test to the memo when she reviewed it.

D. Pat made sure the memo is easy to read and easy to navigate.

E. Pat drew primarily on her own opinions and expertise.


Which of the following is one of the three-components of the AIM planning process for developing influential messages?

A. message review

B. message structuring

C. idea analysis

D. inductive structure

E. analysis of the medium


Which of the following is the first step in the AIM planning process for developing influential messages?

A. idea development

B. message structuring

C. audience analysis

D. message review

E. idea analysis


Vanessa has been assigned the task of creating an effective business message aimed at improving the productivity of the employees in her company. In the process of creating the business message, she studies the background of the employees, their needs, and priorities. To which step of the planning process for developing influential messages does Vanessa's action typically belong?

A. idea development

B. message structuring

C. audience analysis

D. message review

E. idea analysis


Enduring beliefs and ideals that individuals hold are referred to as

A. conclusions.

B. positions.

C. values.

D. priorities.

E. facts.


_____ involve ranking or assigning importance to things, such as projects, goals, and tasks.

A. Conclusions.

B. Positions.

C. Values.

D. Priorities.

E. Facts.


In the context of the AIM planning process, which of the following tends to be the single most important planning step for many messages?

A. identifying reader benefits and constraints

B. making the message easy to navigate

C. estimating your credibility

D. setting up the message framework

E. ensuring the communication is fair


George, the marketing manager at Regal, believes that an employee should always act ethically and should also report instances of unethical behavior that he or she encounters. This belief held by George is an example of a(n)

A. fact.

B. conclusion.

C. position.

D. priority.

E. value.


How should writers consider the priorities of their targeted audience during the planning process for effective business messages?

A. Do not consider the priorities as they tend to fluctuate.

B. Recognize that priorities shift less often than values.

C. Assign importance to things, such as projects, goals, and tasks.

D. Refer to the enduring beliefs and ideals that individuals in the audience hold.

E. Remember that priorities remain constant for each individual.


To break out of the reputation of an inexperienced newcomer, a person should

A. avoid taking on higher-responsibility projects.

B. stand out from the corporate culture in terms of dress and communication.

C. be careful not to waste time on extras like creating a professional blog.

D. attend a lot of meetings to get to know as many colleagues as possible.

E. incorporate the I-voice in business messages as often as possible.


In the course of creating an effective business message, excellent business thinkers are most likely to

A. gather information from one strong source rather than from a variety of sources.

B. make well-reasoned conclusions and solutions.

C. begin jotting down a rough draft right away to capture their ideas.

D. encourage one-way linear thinking and a rigid approach to business problems.

E. avoid using the other-oriented tone in their text.


Which of the following people displays the characteristic of an excellent business thinker?

A. Maggie's memos are always written from her perspective and use the word "I" a lot.

B. Paul's memos usually imply that he is proposing the only acceptable solution to the problem.

C. Ozzie likes to write spontaneously, so his memos often have a meandering structure.

D. Alec seldom reviews his messages before distributing them, and they often contain mistakes.

E. Svetlana uses a variety of sources such as journal articles and colleagues' expertise.


Rich needs to choose someone to analyze the following problem and suggest potential solutions: The company is having trouble recruiting employees with the right skills. Which of the following employees should he choose?

A. Sonia usually bases her ideas on a single, very popular, human resources journal.

B. Vern has a logical mind that generally sees issues as linear, step-by-step processes.

C. Alexia is the fastest writer in the department and can whip out a draft in no time.

D. Will has a knack for explaining complex issues in a clear, understandable way.

E. Berthe is very conventional in her thinking, and she distrusts innovation.


In the context of dealing with business problems, which of the following should ideally be the first step?

A. analyzing the business problem

B. clarifying business objectives

C. formulating an alternative business plan

D. identifying the business problem

E. acquiring data about the business problem


Facts are statements that

A. are subjective and differ from situation to situation.

B. are based on assumptions.

C. can be relied on with a fair amount of certainty.

D. are fictitious in nature.

E. are inherently ambiguous in nature.


Analyzing a business problem typically involves

A. ignoring audience constraints.

B. deducing conclusions from facts.

C. imposing your priorities on the situation.

D. exaggerating the problem.

E. being flexible and not taking positions.


At Glaciers, Inc., the management wanted to introduce a new medical insurance program for its employees. They appointed Laura to analyze the pros and cons of the idea. Laura conducted thorough research and prepared a report based on her findings. Before doing any writing, she stated her view in a short, memorable statement of less than 15 words, known as a(n)

A. call to action.

B. primary message.

C. thesis statement.

D. overarching theme.

E. supporting sentence.


In a business message, the function of a call to action is to

A. summarize your message in a short, memorable away.

B. outline the organizational structure for the reader.

C. support the main message with evidence and opinions.

D. orient the message to the needs of the readers.

E. explicitly state what you want readers to do.


For the past couple of months, many employees working at Exterior Inc. have been quitting their jobs. Jason from the human resources department is given the responsibility of analyzing the reasons behind this problem. After conducting a thorough research, Jason finds that the employees were not happy with their salary and hence had no motivation to work. How will Jason structure his message if he wants to use the deductive, or direct, approach?

A. start with a call to action; lay out the supporting reasons; conclude with the primary message

B. state the primary message; lay out supporting reasons; conclude with a call to action

C. lay out the supporting reasons in careful order; state the primary message

D. state the primary message; give the call to action; lay out the supporting reasons

E. start with a call to action; state the primary message; lay out the supporting reasons


Most business arguments employ a deductive approach. When employing this approach you are most likely to

A. avoid stating your position regarding any business issue.

B. provide supporting reasons first followed by the primary message.

C. begin by stating the primary message, which is typically a recommendation.

D. begin by making a call to action for your audience to follow.

E. begin by stating the supporting reasons followed by your call to action.


The difference between the deductive approach and the inductive approach is that

A. in the inductive approach, the order of supporting ideas is unimportant.

B. in the inductive approach, the supporting reasons are placed before the primary message.

C. in the deductive approach, the supporting reasons follow the call to action.

D. in the deductive approach, positions are based on assumptions, not facts.

E. in the deductive approach, the business argument concludes with the primary message.


What do the deductive approach and inductive approach to structuring business messages have in common?

A. In both, the call to action comes in the middle.

B. In both, the supporting ideas come last.

C. In both, the arrangement of supporting ideas is important.

D. In both, the primary message comes first.

E. In both, the call to action must be 15 words or less.


Omar is the marketing manager at PLM. In his market survey, he finds that customers are not happy with PLM's inefficient customer service. How will Omar structure his message if he wants to use the inductive, or indirect, approach?

A. start with a call to action; lay out the supporting reasons; conclude with the primary message

B. state the primary message; lay out supporting reasons; conclude with a call to action

C. lay out the supporting reasons in careful order; state the primary message

D. state the primary message; give the call to action; lay out the supporting reasons

E. start with a call to action; state the primary message; lay out the supporting reasons


Roberto, a manager at GBN, has to prepare a report about the advantages of introducing a counseling program for employees in his company. In his report, he makes the claim that introducing a counseling program would reduce voluntary turnover because employees would be happier with their pay packages, but he offers no evidence linking counseling with pay. This report failed to effectively deliver the message that Roberto had intended. Which of the following is most likely to be the reason behind this failure?

A. slanting of facts

B. exaggeration

C. unsupported generalization

D. weak analogy

E. either/or logic


Lorraine, the HR manager at BGH Garden Pot Manufacturing, analyzes the problem of increasing employee turnover and concludes that upgrading the employee benefit programs would help control the situation. While preparing her report, Lorraine states that upgrading the company's employee benefit program would reduce employee turnover because a nearby large investment firm used the same strategy to solve a similar problem. However Lorraine's message failed to convince the decision makers at BGH. Which of the following is most likely to be the reason behind this failure?

A. slanting of facts

B. exaggeration

C. unsupported generalization

D. weak analogy

E. faulty cause/effect argument


Jorge, the shipping manager at Durable Products, writes a memo proposing that that they stop using RoadHog Trucking Company and ship everything by L.B. Haines. The reason he gives is that two of the accounts that have been shipping by L.B. Haines during the last year increased their orders by more than 10%, so he is certain that switching trucking firms will cause other accounts to grow too. The executives of the company do not accept Jorge's suggestion. Why was his memo unconvincing?

A. slanting of facts

B. exaggeration

C. either/or logic

D. weak analogy

E. faulty cause/effect argument


Salina, the expeditor at RingPro Gasket Manufacturer, writes a memo asking her manager to buy her a new computerized system for tracking customer orders. She claims that if she does not get this system, chronically late deliveries will ensue. Her manager turns down her request. Salina made the mistake of using

A. either/or logic.

B. an indirect structure.

C. an unsupported generalization.

D. a weak analogy.

E. you-voice.


Chris, an editorial manager at Better Textbooks, Inc., wants to eliminate his copy editing department and outsource the work to a company in India. In his proposal, he states, "Doing so will revolutionize our workflow and save us untold thousands of dollars." The editorial director calls Chris into his office and informs him that his memo is not credible. What mistake did Chris make?

A. either/or logic

B. exaggeration

C. unsupported generalization

D. weak analogy

E. faulty cause/effect argument


Which of the following is most likely to lower a person's credibility?

A. slanting facts

B. using strong analogies

C. asking for more responsibility

D. refusing to exaggerate

E. using other-oriented approach


Derik has been given the responsibility of analyzing how counseling programs can reduce problem behavior among employees in his company. After much research, he discovers that counseling has several benefits. Employees exhibiting problem behavior often respond positively to counseling. They are likely to be more motivated and meet performance standards after the counseling sessions. Considering this information, identify the statement that clearly exaggerates what Derik has found.

A. Employees exhibiting problem behavior are most likely to respond positively to counseling.

B. Counseling always dramatically improves the performance of employees exhibiting problem behavior.

C. Counseling can contribute toward increasing the motivation levels of employees exhibiting problem behavior.

D. The issue of problem behavior among employees can be improved through counseling.

E. Counseling is one of the ways of increasing the motivation levels of employees exhibiting problem behavior.


______ is the overall evaluation that a reader perceives the writer to have toward the reader and the message content.

A. Tone

B. Framework

C. Structure

D. Layout

E. Outline


Which of the following should be one of the goals of a business communicator?

A. to make exaggerated claims to be persuasive

B. to express the message in ways that inspire others

C. to slant facts to gain as much benefit as possible

D. to focus on the negative aspects of the message

E. to avoid using the other-oriented approach


In all business messages, communicators should ideally aim at

A. effectively using either/or arguments.

B. slanting facts to their benefit.

C. projecting positivity.

D. appropriately exaggerating facts.

E. avoiding the other-oriented approach.


Which of the following techniques is most likely to make business messages more positive?

A. exaggerating facts

B. setting unrealistic expectations

C. avoiding diplomatic words

D. using constructive terms

E. focusing on what a product lacks


In order to make business messages more positive, business writers should focus on actions they can accomplish and demonstrate a realistic optimism. However they should be careful

A. not to set unrealistic expectations.

B. to avoid diplomatic terms.

C. not to use too-strong analogies.

D. to avoid generalizations.

E. not to send meta messages.


In the context of writing business messages, which of the following is true?

A. Displaying a can-do attitude reduces the credibility of business messages.

B. Emphasizing what products and services are, rather than what they are not, makes business messages more positive.

C. Using diplomatic terms related to your relationships and interactions makes business messages sound phony.

D. The practice of slanting increases the credibility of a business message.

E. Using accurately negative terms related to your relationships and interactions makes business messages more other-oriented.


Carlton finds that a geographic restructuring would have a positive effect on his insurance company and increase its efficiency. He draws up a report for the board of directors in which he mentions that separate departments should be set up for each of the company's 10 sales territories. Which of the following statements is most likely to increase the positivity of his proposition?

A. Let me know if you want to work on changing the structure of the company.

B. Using a geographic structure will not guarantee that the company's productivity increases.

C. Geographic restructuring is not likely to reduce the company's overall costs.

D. I look forward to putting together a detailed plan to restructure the company geographically.

E. A geographic structure might possibly have a positive effect on the company.


In content and form, a business message should typically

A. avoid any form of self-centeredness.

B. exaggerate facts.

C. avoid using diplomatic terms.

D. avoid using strong analogies.

E. slant facts skillfully.


A business message that primarily relies on the _____ shows that the message is self-centered.

A. you-voice

B. we-voice

C. I-voice

D. impersonal voice

E. other-oriented voice


Extensive use of the I-voice in a business message

A. fails to indicate that the writer cares about the interest of the audience.

B. increases the positivity of the message.

C. reveals that the writer has slanted the facts.

D. emphasizes that the writer understands the concerns of the reader.

E. indicates that the writer uses faulty either/or logic.


The use of we-voice in a business message

A. fails to reflect the interests of the audience.

B. indicates that the writer has not reached any conclusions.

C. decreases the credibility of the message.

D. emphasizes the writer's shared interests with the reader.

E. indicates that the writer is slanting the message.


Which of the following is most likely to show that the writer of a business message has concern for the audience?

A. relying heavily on the I-voice

B. presenting exaggerated facts to the audience

C. respecting the autonomy of the reader

D. presenting slanted facts to the audience

E. giving credit to any sources used


Meta message is best defined as

A. the gist of the primary message that the subject line of a topic communicates.

B. the overall but often underlying message people take away from a communication.

C. the message that is unofficial and travels through the grapevine.

D. the message communicated using an asynchronous mode of communication.

E. the direct message in which the autonomous voice of the speaker is most prominent.


Sending mixed signals is most likely to

A. result in positive meta messages.

B. increase the flexibility of encoding and decoding.

C. cause the reader to feel confused.

D. resolve the conflict between the content and tone of a message.

E. increase the credibility of a message.


What is the most likely impact of slanting facts quizlet?

What is the most likely impact of slanting facts? It reduces the credibility of a business message. Which of the following is typically included in the planning stage of writing an effective business message?

Which element is most likely to negatively influence readers perception of credibility?

Which of the following is most likely to have a negative impact on your readers' perceptions of your credibility? parallel language. You are applying the FAIR test to a business message.

Which statement is most likely to be true about excellent business writers quizlet?

Which statement is most likely to be true about excellent business writers? They spend a significant amount of time reviewing their work.

What is a Metamessage quizlet?

A metamessage is the implied meaning attached to a person's explicit message and conveyed through the articulation of the explicit message. This implied meaning results from the relationship between what is said and how it is said.