What is the requirement for marking a classified package that is properly prepared for transmission or transportation?
14 FAH-4 H-320 Show transmitting classified mail and correspondence (CT:DPM-36;�� 11-03-2021) 14 FAH-4 H-321 �Carrying Classified items (CT:DPM-25;�� 03-24-2017) a. Employees carrying classified items must have a security clearance level equal to or higher than the classification level of the items being carried. b. Classified items hand-carried within a building must be covered with a cover sheet of the appropriate classification. 14 FAH-4 H-322 �wrapping of classified items 14 FAH-4 H-322.1 �Single Wrap (CT:DPM-36;�� 11-03-2021) a. Single wrapping is necessary when transporting a classified document that will be enclosed in a briefcase, pouch, courier bag, or other authorized outer lockable apparatus. b. To single-wrap a classified item, fold it inwards and enclose it in an opaque envelope.� Note the classification of the item on the envelope and attach the appropriate registration form (see 12 FAM 539.4-2).� Ordering information for Form DS-0007, Diplomatic Pouch Mail Registration, is on the DPM website. 14 FAH-4 H-322.2 �Double Wrap (CT:DPM-2;�� 05-06-2009) a. Classified information must be double wrapped in order to transport it to or from a Department facility. b. To double-wrap a classified item, address the inner envelope to the appropriate official by name, title and post/organization.� Write a complete return address on the inner envelope. c.� Put the inner envelope into an outer envelope.� Put a complete return address and complete delivery address on the outer envelope.� The outer envelope must be secured with paper tape. d. Placement of classification markings and registration receipts varies depending on location of sender and addressee.� See 14 FAH-4 H-323 through 14 FAH-4 H-326. 14 FAH-4 H-322.3 �Triple Wrap (CT:DPM-28;�� 04-23-2018) a. Triple wrapping allows classified information to be safely transported from posts abroad to the Harry S Truman building (HST) via classified diplomatic pouch.� This method allows a cleared pouch and mail office employee to remove the outermost wrapping and place the properly double-wrapped and addressed package into the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) Registered Mail. b. To triple-wrap a classified item, address the inner envelope to the appropriate official by name, title and post/organization.� Mark the inner envelope on both sides with the appropriate classification and attach the appropriate registration form to the inner envelope. c.� Put the inner envelope into a second envelope.� Put a complete return address and complete delivery address on the second envelope.� Do not put a security classification on the second envelope or indicate in any way that the contents are classified.� Put the red USPS Registered Mail Label 200 on this envelope (see 14 FAH-4 H-315). d. Put the second envelope containing the inner envelope into a third envelope.� This is the envelope the classified mailroom personnel at HST see, so it must be prepared in the same manner as packages prepared for the classified pouch, except it must additionally be marked on both sides with “For Inclusion in USPS Registered Mail in Washington.”� Finally, address it to: ��� SUPERVISOR, POUCH AND MAIL BRANCH ��� A/LM/PMP/DPM/CPM, ROOM B-437 ��� DEPARTMENT OF STATE ��� WASHINGTON, DC� 20520-0437 14 FAH-4 H-323 �sending classified items from Washington 14 FAH-4 H-323.1 �Sending Classified Items Within Washington (CT:DPM-36;�� 11-03-2021) a. Classified items up to SECRET may be sent between HST and Department annexes via the Internal Mail and Messenger Service (IMMS), single wrapped with Form DS-0007, Diplomatic Pouch Mail Registration, attached.� The messenger’s portfolio creates the second, outer cover as required by 12 FAM 539.4-1. b. Classified items up to TOP SECRET may also be hand-carried, double wrapped, between HST and Department annexes. c.� TOP SECRET items must first be registered with the office’s TOP SECRET control officer (see 12 FAM 512.1-4). 14 FAH-4 H-323.2 �Sending Classified Items from Washington to Domestic Addressees (CT:DPM-36;�� 11-03-2021) a. To send classified items up to SECRET from HST and Department annexes to domestic addressees by USPS Registered Mail, double wrap and address the item per 14 FAH-4 H-322.2.� Put the classification marking and Form DS-0007, Diplomatic Pouch Mail Registration, on the inner envelope but not the outer envelope.� Put the red USPS Label 200 on the outer envelope.� IMMS will take the double-wrapped item to HST for postage and mail the item via USPS Registered Mail to the domestic addressee. b. To send classified items up to SECRET from HST and Department annexes to domestic addressees by USPS Express Mail, double wrap and address the item per 14 FAH-4 H-322.2.� Put the classification marking and Form DS-0007 on the inner envelope but not the outer envelope and deliver the double-wrapped item directly to a USPS facility (see 12 FAM 536.9-3).� Put the double-wrapped item into the USPS Express Mail envelope, which forms the third cover.� Do not use a USPS drop box.� The waiver of signature block must not be executed.� The Department does not centrally fund USPS Express Mail costs and the IMMS will not send items via USPS Express Mail.� Sending offices must fund the purchase of USPS Express Mail service. c.� To send classified items up to SECRET from HST and Department annexes to domestic addressees by commercial transportation companies such as FEDEX, double wrap and address the item per 14 FAH-4 H-322.2, ensuring that the outer envelope is addressed to a specific individual.� Put the classification marking and Form DS-0007 on the inner envelope but not the outer envelope and deliver the double-wrapped item directly to a representative of the commercial transportation company.� Put the double-wrapped item into the transportation company’s envelope, which forms the third cover.� Do not use a transportation company drop box.� The waiver of indemnity and signature block, where available, must not be executed.� Sending offices must pre-arrange pick-up with the receiving office.� The Department does not centrally fund transportation company costs and the IMMS will not send items via commercial transportation companies.� Sending offices must fund the purchase of transportation company services. d. TOP SECRET items must first be registered with the office’s Top Secret control officer (see 12 FAM 512.1-4).� To send TOP SECRET items from HST and Department annexes to domestic addresses, affix a Form DS-0007 to the envelope and use the Defense Courier Division (DCD) for transport to domestic addresses.� Hand-carry these items, double wrapped, to the Supervisor of the Pouch and Mail Branch in Room H-437 at HST or hand-carry the double-wrapped items to Classified Diplomatic Pouch and Mail (A/LM/PMP/DPM/CPM) at SA-8 for entry into DCD.� See 14 FAH-4 H-260for DCD procedures. 14 FAH-4 H-323.3 �Sending Classified Items from Washington to Category B (Pouch) Posts (CT:DPM-36;�� 11-03-2021) a. To send classified items up to SECRET from HST and Department annexes to posts abroad in Category B, single wrap the item.� Use a complete return address as described in 14 FAH-4 H-311.3 and a complete delivery address as described in 14 FAH-4 H-311.4, paragraph b.� Note classification markings on both sides of the envelope and attach a completed Form DS-0007, Diplomatic Pouch Mail Registration.� Send the item through the Internal Mail and Messenger Service (IMMS), who will deliver it to A/LM/PMP/DPM/CPM at SA-8 for inclusion in the classified diplomatic pouch to post. b. TOP SECRET items must first be registered with the office’s TOP SECRET control officer (see 12 FAM 512.1-4).� TOP SECRET items with a Form DS-0007, Diplomatic Pouch Mail Registration attached may be hand-carried to the Supervisor of the Pouch and Mail Branch in Room H-437 at HST or hand-carried, double wrapped, to A/LM/PMP/DPM/CPM at SA-8 for inclusion in the classified diplomatic pouch to post. c.� The diplomatic pouch bag creates the second, outer cover as required by 12 FAM 539.4-1. 14 FAH-4 H-323.4 �Sending Classified Items from Washington to Category A (MPS) and Category C (DPO) Posts (CT:DPM-36;�� 11-03-2021) a. To send classified items up to SECRET from HST and Department annexes to overseas posts in Category A (posts with access to the Military Postal Service) or Category C (posts with access to a diplomatic post office), do not use the MPO or DPO address.� Use the classified diplomatic pouch.� Single wrap the item.� Use a complete return address as described in 14 FAH-4 H-311.3 and a complete delivery address as described in 14 FAH-4 H-311.4, paragraph b.� Note classification markings on both sides of the envelope and attach a completed Form DS-0007, Diplomatic Pouch Mail Registration.� Send the item through the Internal Mail and Messenger Service (IMMS), who will deliver it to A/LM/PMP/DPM/CPM at SA-8 for inclusion in the classified diplomatic pouch to post. b. TOP SECRET items must first be registered with the office’s TOP SECRET control officer (see 12 FAM 512.1-4).� TOP SECRET items with a Form DS-0007 attached may be hand-carried to the Supervisor of the Pouch and Mail Branch in Room H-437 at HST or hand-carried, double wrapped, to A/LM/PMP/DPM/CPM at SA-8 (Logistics Operation Center, Springfield, VA) for inclusion in the classified diplomatic pouch to post. c.� The diplomatic pouch bag creates the second, outer cover as required by 12 FAM 539.4-1. 14 FAH-4 H-324 �sending classified items from domestic addresses (CT:DPM-2;�� 05-06-2009) “Domestic” is defined as domestic field offices of U.S. Government agencies in the 50 States, the District of Columbia, and all territories and possessions of the United States; see 14 FAM 715. 14 FAH-4 H-324.1 �Sending Classified Items from Domestic Addresses to Washington (CT:DPM-36;�� 11-03-2021) a. To send classified items up to SECRET from domestic addresses to HST and Department annexes by USPS Registered Mail, double wrap and address the inner envelope per 14 FAH-4 H-322.2.� Put the classification marking and Form DS-0007, Diplomatic Pouch Mail Registration, on the inner envelope.� On the outer envelope, use a complete return address and a complete delivery address.� Affix a red USPS Label 200 and a green Form PS-3811, Return Receipt, on the outer envelope and mail the item via USPS Registered Mail.� Regardless of actual office address, all USPS Registered Mail items addressed to Washington area annexes are delivered by USPS to SA-32 and picked up by the Internal Mail and Messenger Service (IMMS) for final processing.� IMMS completes the Form PS-3811 and delivers the item to the addressee. b. To send classified items up to SECRET from domestic addressees to HST and Department annexes by USPS Express Mail, double wrap and address the inner envelope per 14 FAH-4 H-322.2.� Put the classification marking and Form DS-0007 on the inner envelope.� On the outer envelope, use a complete return address and a complete delivery address and deliver the double-wrapped item directly to a USPS facility (see 12 FAM 536.9-3).� Put the double-wrapped item into the USPS Express Mail envelope, which forms the third cover.� On the USPS Priority Mail Express envelope, use a complete return address and the following delivery address: ��� SUPERVISOR, POUCH AND MAIL BRANCH ��� A/LM/PMP/DPM/CPM, ROOM B-437 ��� DEPARTMENT OF STATE ��� WASHINGTON, DC �20520-0437 ��� Do not use a USPS drop box.� The waiver of signature block must not be executed.� The Department does not centrally fund USPS Priority Mail Express costs.� Sending offices must fund the purchase of USPS Priority Mail Express service.� Regardless of actual office address, all USPS Priority Mail Express items addressed to Washington area annexes are delivered by USPS to SA-32 and picked up by IMMS for final processing and delivery. c.� To send classified items up to SECRET from domestic addressees to HST and Department annexes by commercial transportation companies such as FEDEX, double wrap and address the item per 14 FAH-4 H-322.2 ensuring that the outer envelope is addressed to a specific individual.� Put the classification marking and Form DS-0007 on the inner envelope but not the outer envelope and deliver the double-wrapped item directly to a representative of the commercial transportation company.� Put the double-wrapped item into the transportation company’s envelope, which forms the third cover.� On the transportation company's envelope, use a complete return address and the following delivery address: ��� SUPERVISOR, POUCH AND MAIL BRANCH ��� A/LM/PMP/DPM/CPM, ROOM B-437 ��� DEPARTMENT OF STATE ��� WASHINGTON, DC �20520-0437 ��� Do not use a transportation company drop box.� Sending offices must pre-arrange pick-up with the receiving office.� The waiver of indemnity and signature block, where available, must not be executed. d. TOP SECRET items must first be registered with the office’s TOP SECRET control officer (see 12 FAM 512.1-4).� To send TOP SECRET items from domestic addresses to HST and Department annexes, double wrap with a Form DS-0007 affixed to the inner envelope and use the Defense Courier Division (DCD) for transport to Washington.� The items will be delivered to A/LM/PMP/DPM/CPM at SA-8 for transmission to addressee.� See 14 FAH-4 H-260 for DCD procedures. 14 FAH-4 H-324.2 �Sending Classified Items from Domestic Addresses to Domestic Addresses (CT:DPM-36;�� 11-03-2021) a. To send classified items up to SECRET from domestic addresses to domestic addresses by USPS Registered Mail, double wrap and address the item per 14 FAH-4 H-322.2.� Put the classification marking and Form DS-0007, Diplomatic Pouch Mail Registration, on the inner envelope but not the outer envelope.� Put the red USPS Label 200 on the outer envelope and mail the item via USPS Registered Mail. b. To send classified items up to SECRET from domestic addressees to domestic addresses by USPS Express Mail, double wrap and address the item per 14 FAH-4 H-322.2.� Put the classification marking and Form DS-0007 on the inner envelope but not the outer envelope.� Deliver the double-wrapped item directly to a USPS facility (see 12 FAM 536.9-3).� Put the double-wrapped item into the USPS Express Mail envelope, which forms the third cover.� Do not use a USPS drop box.� The waiver of signature block must not be executed.� The Department does not centrally fund USPS Express Mail costs.� Sending offices must fund the purchase of USPS Express Mail service. c.� To send classified items up to SECRET from domestic addressees to domestic addressees by commercial transportation companies such as FEDEX, double wrap and address the item per 14 FAH-4 H-322.2, ensuring that the outer envelope is addressed to a specific individual.� Put the classification marking and Form DS-0007 on the inner envelope but not the outer envelope and deliver the double-wrapped item directly to a representative of the commercial transportation company.� Put the double-wrapped item into the transportation company’s envelope, which forms the third cover.� The waiver of indemnity and signature block, where available, must not be executed.� Do not use a transportation company drop box.� Sending offices must pre-arrange pick-up with the receiving office. d. TOP SECRET items must first be registered with the office’s Top Secret control officer (see 12 FAM 512.1-4).� To send TOP SECRET items from domestic addresses to domestic addresses, double wrap with a Form DS-0007 affixed to the inner envelope and use the Defense Courier Division (DCD) for transport.� See 14 FAH-4 H-260 for DCD procedures. 14 FAH-4 H-324.3 �Sending Classified Items from Domestic Addresses to Category B (Pouch) Posts (CT:DPM-36;�� 11-03-2021) a. Sending classified material directly to posts abroad via USPS is prohibited because 12 FAM 536.9 requires that all classified information be transported across international borders by diplomatic couriers (see 14 FAM 732.4, paragraph e). b. To send classified items up to SECRET from domestic addresses to Category B (pouch) posts by USPS Registered Mail, double wrap and address the inner envelope per 14 FAH-4 H-322.2.� Put the classification marking and Form DS-0007, Diplomatic Pouch Mail Registration, on the inner envelope.� On the outer envelope, use a complete return address and the following delivery address: ��� SUPERVISOR, POUCH AND MAIL BRANCH ��� A/LM/PMP/DPM/CPM, ROOM B-437 ��� DEPARTMENT OF STATE ��� WASHINGTON, DC� 20520-0437 ��� Put the red USPS Label 200 on the outer envelope and mail the item via USPS Registered Mail to HST.� The Supervisor of the Pouch and Mail Branch will remove the outer envelope, enter the item onto the transmittal document Form DS-712, Registered Mail Invoice, and have the IMMS deliver the item to A/LM/PMP/DPM/CPM at SA-8 for inclusion in the classified diplomatic pouch to post. c.� TOP SECRET items must first be registered with the office’s Top Secret control officer (see 12 FAM 512.1-4).� To send TOP SECRET items from domestic addresses to Category B (pouch) posts, double wrap with a Form DS-0007 affixed to the outer envelope and send the items by Defense Courier Division (DCD) to A/LM/PMP/DPM/CPM at SA-8 for inclusion in the classified diplomatic pouch to post.� See 14 FAH-4 H-260 for DCD procedures. 14 FAH-4 H-324.4 �Sending Classified Items from Domestic Addresses to Category A (MPS) and Category C (DPO) Posts (CT:DPM-36;�� 11-03-2021) a. Sending classified material directly to posts abroad via USPS is prohibited because 12 FAM 536.9 requires that all classified information be transported across international borders by diplomatic couriers (see 14 FAM 732.4, paragraph e).� If domestic offices and other agencies or contractors choose to use USPS Registered Mail or to send classified material up to SECRET to Category A posts (with access to the Military Postal System) and Category C posts (with access to the diplomatic post office), the shipment must be routed to the Department in Washington for inclusion in the classified diplomatic pouch. b. To send classified items up to SECRET from domestic addresses to Category A and C posts by USPS Registered Mail, double wrap and address the inner envelope per 14 FAH-4 H-322.2.� Put the classification marking and Form DS-0007, Diplomatic Pouch Mail Registration, on the inner envelope.� On the outer envelope, use a complete return address and the following delivery address: ��� SUPERVISOR, POUCH AND MAIL BRANCH ��� A/LM/PMP/DPM/CPM, ROOM B-437 ��� DEPARTMENT OF STATE ��� WASHINGTON, DC� 20520-0437 ��� Put the red USPS Label 200 on the outer envelope and mail the item via USPS Registered Mail to HST.� The Supervisor of the Pouch and Mail Branch will remove the outer envelope, enter the item onto the transmittal document Form DS-712, Registered Mail Invoice, and have the IMMS deliver the item to A/LM/PMP/DPM/CPM at SA-8 for inclusion in the classified diplomatic pouch to post. c.� TOP SECRET items must first be registered with the office’s TOP SECRET control officer (see 12 FAM 512.1-4).� To send TOP SECRET items from domestic addresses to Category A and C posts, double wrap with a Form DS-0007 affixed to the outer envelope and send the items by Defense Courier Division (DCD) to A/LM/PMP/DPM/CPM at SA-8 for inclusion in the classified diplomatic pouch to post.� See 14 FAH-4 H-260 for DCD procedures. 14 FAH-4 H-325 �sending classified items from category b (pouch) postS 14 FAH-4 H-325.1 �Sending Classified Items from Category B Posts to Washington (CT:DPM-36;�� 11-03-2021) a. To send classified items up to SECRET from Category B (pouch) posts to Washington, single wrap the item, appropriately addressed, affix a Form DS-0007, Diplomatic Pouch Mail Registration, and deliver to post’s classified vault receiving area for inclusion in the outgoing classified diplomatic pouch. b. TOP SECRET items must first be registered with the office's TOP SECRET control officer (see 12 FAM 512.1-4).� TOP SECRET items must be transmitted to post by classified diplomatic pouch.� To send TOP SECRET items from Category B (pouch) posts to Washington, affix a Form DS-0007, Diplomatic Pouch Mail Registration, to the envelope and deliver to post’s classified vault receiving area for inclusion in the outgoing classified diplomatic pouch. c.� The diplomatic pouch bag creates the second, outer cover as required by 12 FAM 539.4-1. 14 FAH-4 H-325.2 �Sending Classified Items from Category B Posts to Domestic Addresses (CT:DPM-36;�� 11-03-2021) a. To send classified items up to SECRET from Category B (pouch) posts to domestic addresses, triple wrap the item as described in 14 FAH-4 H-322.3.� The HST classified pouch room will enter the item into USPS Registered Mail for delivery to the domestic addressee. b. TOP SECRET items must first be registered with the office’s TOP SECRET control officer (see 12 FAM 512.1-4).� TOP SECRET items must be transmitted to post by classified diplomatic pouch.� To send TOP SECRET items from Category B (pouch) posts to domestic addresses, double wrap the item with the classification and a Form DS-0007, Diplomatic Pouch Mail Registration, on the inner envelope.� Address the outer envelope to the Classified Pouch Supervisor at A/LM/PMP/DPM/CPM at SA-8, with a Form DS-0007, Diplomatic Pouch Mail Registration, affixed and the DCD account number (DODAAC) noted on the outer envelope.� Personnel at SA-8 will give the inner envelope to the Defense Courier Division (DCD) for delivery to the domestic addressee.� See 14 FAH-4 H-260 for DCD procedures. 14 FAH-4 H-325.3 �Sending Classified Items from Category B Posts to Category B Posts (CT:DPM-36;�� 11-03-2021) a. To send classified items up to SECRET from Category B (pouch) posts to another Category B (pouch) post, single wrap the item, appropriately addressed, affix a Form DS-0007, Diplomatic Pouch Mail Registration, and deliver to post’s classified vault receiving area for inclusion in the outgoing classified diplomatic pouch. b. TOP SECRET items must first be registered with the office’s TOP SECRET control officer (see 12 FAM 512.1-4).� TOP SECRET items must be transmitted to post by classified diplomatic pouch.� To send TOP SECRET items from Category B (pouch) posts to another Category B (pouch) post, affix a Form DS-0007 to the envelope and deliver to post’s classified vault receiving area for inclusion in the outgoing classified diplomatic pouch. c.� The diplomatic pouch bag creates the second, outer cover as required by 12 FAM 539.4-1. 14 FAH-4 H-325.4 �Sending Classified Items from Category B Posts to Category A (MPS) and Category C (DPO) Posts (CT:DPM-36;�� 11-03-2021) a. Sending classified material between posts abroad via USPS is prohibited because 12 FAM 536.9 requires that all classified information be transported across international borders by diplomatic couriers (see 14 FAM 732.4, paragraph e). b. To send classified items up to SECRET from Category B (pouch) posts to Category A (MPS) or Category C (DPO) posts, do not use an MPO or DPO address.� You must use the classified diplomatic pouch.� Single wrap the item, appropriately addressed, affix a Form DS-0007, Diplomatic Pouch Mail Registration, and deliver to post’s classified vault receiving area for inclusion in the outgoing classified diplomatic pouch. c.� TOP SECRET items must first be registered with the office’s TOP SECRET control officer (see 12 FAM 512.1-4).� TOP SECRET items must be transmitted to post by classified diplomatic pouch.� To send TOP SECRET items from Category B (pouch) posts to MPS or DPO posts, affix a Form DS-0007, Diplomatic Pouch Mail Registration, to the envelope and deliver to post’s classified vault receiving area for inclusion in the outgoing classified diplomatic pouch. d. The diplomatic pouch bag creates the second, outer cover as required by 12 FAM 539.4-1. 14 FAH-4 H-326 �sending classified items from category a (military postal service) and category c (diplomatic post office) posts 14 FAH-4 H-326.1 �Sending Classified Items from MPS and DPO Posts to Washington (CT:DPM-36;�� 11-03-2021) a. Sending classified material from posts abroad via USPS is prohibited because 12 FAM 536.9 requires that all classified information be transported across international borders by diplomatic couriers (see 14 FAM 732.4, paragraph e).� The classified material must be routed to Washington via the classified diplomatic pouch. b. To send classified items up to SECRET to Washington from Category A (MPS) or Category C (DPO) posts, do not send via the MPS or DPO.� You must use the classified diplomatic pouch.� Single wrap the item, appropriately addressed, affix a Form DS-0007, Diplomatic Pouch Mail Registration, and deliver to post’s classified vault receiving area for inclusion in the outgoing classified diplomatic pouch. c.� TOP SECRET items must first be registered with the office’s Top Secret control officer (see 12 FAM 512.1-4).� TOP SECRET items must be transmitted to post by classified diplomatic pouch.� To send TOP SECRET items from MPS or DPO posts to Washington, affix a Form DS-0007, Diplomatic Pouch Mail Registration, to the envelope and deliver to post’s classified vault receiving area for inclusion in the outgoing classified diplomatic pouch. d. The diplomatic pouch bag creates the second, outer cover as required by 12 FAM 539.4-1. 14 FAH-4 H-326.2 �Sending Classified Items from MPS and DPO Posts to Domestic Addresses (CT:DPM-36;�� 11-03-2021) a. Sending classified material from posts abroad via USPS is prohibited because 12 FAM 536.9 requires that all classified information be transported across international borders by diplomatic couriers (see 14 FAM 732.4, paragraph e).� The classified material must be routed through Washington via the classified diplomatic pouch. b. To send classified items up to SECRET to domestic addresses from Category A (MPS) or Category C (DPO) posts, do not send via the MPS or DPO.� You must use the classified diplomatic pouch.� Triple wrap the item as described in 14 FAH-4 H-322.3.� The HST classified pouch room will enter the item into USPS Registered Mail for delivery to the domestic address. c.� TOP SECRET items must first be registered with the office’s TOP SECRET control officer (see 12 FAM 512.1-4).� TOP SECRET items must be transmitted to post by classified diplomatic pouch.� To send TOP SECRET items from MPS and DPO posts to domestic addresses, double wrap the item with the classification and Form DS-0007 on the inner envelope.� Address the outer envelope to the Classified Pouch Supervisor at A/LM/PMP/DPM/CPM at SA-8, with a Form DS-0007, Diplomatic Pouch Mail Registration, affixed and the DCD account number (DODAAC) noted on the outer envelope.� Personnel at SA-8 will give the inner envelope to the Defense Courier Division (DCD) for delivery to the domestic addressee.� See 14 FAH-4 H-260 for DCD procedures. 14 FAH-4 H-326.3 �Sending Classified Items from MPS and DPO Posts to Category B (Pouch) Posts (CT:DPM-36;�� 11-03-2021) a. To send classified items up to SECRET from MPS and DPO posts to Category B (pouch) posts, single wrap the item, appropriately addressed, affix a Form DS-0007, Diplomatic Pouch Mail Registration, and deliver to post’s classified vault receiving area for inclusion in the outgoing classified diplomatic pouch. b. TOP SECRET items must first be registered with the office’s TOP SECRET control officer (see 12 FAM 512.1-4).� TOP SECRET items must be transmitted to post by classified diplomatic pouch.� To send TOP SECRET items from MPS and DPO posts to Category B (pouch) posts, affix a Form DS-0007 to the envelope and deliver to post’s classified vault receiving area for inclusion in the outgoing classified diplomatic pouch. c.� The diplomatic pouch bag creates the second, outer cover as required by 12 FAM 539.4-1. 14 FAH-4 H-326.4 �Sending Classified Items from MPS and DPO Posts to Category A (MPS) and Category C (DPO) Posts (CT:DPM-36;�� 11-03-2021) a. Sending classified material from posts abroad via USPS is prohibited because 12 FAM 536.9 requires that all classified information be transported across international borders by diplomatic couriers (see 14 FAM 732.4, paragraph e).� The classified material must be routed through Washington via the classified diplomatic pouch. b. To send classified items up to SECRET from MPS and DPO posts to other MPS or DPO posts, do not send via the MPS or DPO.� You must use the classified diplomatic pouch.� Single wrap the item, appropriately addressed, affix a Form DS-0007, Diplomatic Pouch Mail Registration, and deliver to post’s classified vault receiving area for inclusion in the outgoing classified diplomatic pouch. c.� TOP SECRET items must first be registered with the office’s TOP SECRET control officer (see 12 FAM 512.1-4).� TOP SECRET items must be transmitted to post by classified diplomatic pouch.� To send TOP SECRET items from MPS and DPO posts to other MPS or DPO posts, affix a Form DS-0007 to the envelope and deliver to post’s classified vault receiving area for inclusion in the outgoing classified diplomatic pouch. d. The diplomatic pouch bag creates the second, outer cover as required by 12 FAM 539.4-1. 14 FAH-4 H-327 �THROUGH H-329 UNASSIGNED What is a requirement for a transfer of classified information?Before classified information is transferred onto a system, the user must ensure that the system has been accredited to process classified information at the appropriate classification level and category. The user must ensure information being shared is based on a need-to-know.
When preparing a classified package for transmission what markings should be included on the inner wrapper?The inner wrapper only may be marked with an "attention line" with the routing symbol or organizational component of the addressee. The outer and inner envelope or wrapper shall contain the complete organizational return address of the individual preparing the package. 1003.
What markings are required on all classified documents?Required markings are: (1) The overall classification of the document. (2) The agency, office of origin, and date of the document. (3) Identification of the source(s) of classification of the information contained in the document and, for originally classified information, a concise reason for classification.
What are the three requirements to access classified information?Requirements for Access
They must have a favorable determination of eligibility at the proper level, have a “need-to-know”, and have signed an appropriate NDA before accessing classified information. Any individual who fails to meet these requirements is not authorized to access classified information.