Which of the following best describes algorithms

Which of these categories are top level categories i.e. they don’t have any outgoing NARROWER_THAN relationships?


  • Shopping

  • Wine Bars

  • Doctors

  • Local Flavor

Correct Answer:

  • Shopping

  • Local Flavor

Quiz Part 2: Ordering search results

Algorithm Understanding: Pearson Similarity

Which of the following are valid values that can be returned by the Pearson Similarity algorithm?


  • 0.72

  • -3.41

  • 2.34

  • -0.52

Correct Answer:

  • 0.72

  • -0.52

Running the algorithm in Neo4j

Which of the following are fields returned by the algo.similarity.pearson procedure?


  • similarityPairs

  • relationships

  • p75

  • writeRelationshipType

Correct Answer:

  • similarityPairs

  • p75

  • writeRelationshipType

Matching Results



  • Blah

  • Blah

Correct Answer:

  • Blah

Quiz Part 3: Most relevant reviews

Algorithm Understanding: Personalized PR

Which of the following best describe the Personalized PageRank algorithm?


  • It measures similarity of the structural context in which objects occur, based on their relationships with other objects.

  • It’s a variation of the PageRank algorithm that reduces the bias that PageRank has towards assigning higher scores to nodes with relationships from nodes that have few outgoing relationships.

    An algorithm is a defined set of step-by-step procedures that provides the correct answer to a particular problem. By following the instructions correctly, you are guaranteed to arrive at the right answer.

    An algorithm is often expressed in the form of a graph, where a square represents each step. Arrows then branch off from each step to point to possible directions that you may take to solve the problem. In some cases, you must follow a particular set of steps to solve the problem. In other instances, you might be able to follow different paths that will all lead to the same solution.

    This article discusses how algorithms are used as an approach to problem-solving. It also covers how psychologists compare this approach to other ways to solve problems.

    Examples of Algorithms

    There are many different examples of how algorithms can be used in daily life. Some common ones include:

    • A recipe for cooking a particular dish
    • The method a search engine uses to find information on the internet
    • Instructions for how to assemble a bicycle
    • Instructions for how to solve a Rubik's cube
    • A process to determine what type of treatment is most appropriate for certain types of mental health conditions

    Reasons to Use Algorithms in Psychology

    The upside of using an algorithm to solve a problem or make a decision is that yields the best possible answer every time. There are situations where using an algorithm can be the best approach:

    • When accuracy is crucial: This is useful in situations when accuracy is critical or where similar problems need to be frequently solved. In many cases, computer programs can be designed to speed up this process. Data then needs to be placed in the system so that the algorithm can be executed to come up with the correct solution.
    • When each decision needs to follow the same process: Such step-by-step approaches can be useful in situations where each decision must be made following the same process. Because the process follows a prescribed procedure, you can be sure that you will reach the correct answer each time.

    Potential Pitfalls When Using Algorithms

    The downside of using an algorithm to solve the problem is that this process tends to be very time-consuming. So if you face a situation where a decision needs to be made very quickly, you might be better off using a different problem-solving strategy.

    For example, an emergency room doctor making a decision about how to treat a patient could use an algorithm approach. However, this would be very time-consuming and treatment needs to be implemented quickly. In this instance, the doctor would instead rely on their expertise and past experiences to very quickly choose what they feel is the right treatment approach.


    Algorithms can be a great problem-solving choice when the answer needs to be 100% accurate or when each decision needs to follow the same process. A different approach might be needed if speed is the primary concern.

    Algorithms vs. Heuristics

    In psychology, algorithms are frequently contrasted with heuristics. Both can be useful when problem-solving, but it is important to understand the differences between them.

    What Is a Heuristic?

    A heuristic is a mental shortcut that allows people to quickly make judgments and solve problems.

    These mental shortcuts are typically informed by our past experiences and allow us to act quickly. However, heuristics are really more of a rule-of-thumb; they don't always guarantee a correct solution.

    So how do you determine when to use a heuristic and when to use an algorithm? When problem-solving, deciding which method to use depends on the need for either accuracy or speed.

    When to Use an Algorithm

    If complete accuracy is required, it is best to use an algorithm. By using an algorithm, accuracy is increased and potential mistakes are minimized.

    If you are working in a situation where you absolutely need the correct or best possible answer, your best bet is to use an algorithm. When you are solving problems for your math homework, you don't want to risk your grade on a guess.

    By following an algorithm, you can ensure that you will arrive at the correct answer to each problem.

    When to Use a Heuristic

    On the other hand, if time is an issue, then it may be best to use a heuristic. Mistakes may occur, but this approach allows for speedy decisions when time is of the essence.

    Heuristics are more commonly used in everyday situations, such as figuring out the best route to get from point A to point B. While you could use an algorithm to map out every possible route and determine which one would be the fastest, that would be a very time-consuming process. Instead, your best option would be to use a route that you know has worked well in the past.

    A Word From Verywell

    Psychologists who study problem-solving have described two main processes that people utilize to reach conclusions: algorithms and heuristics. Knowing which approach to use is important because these two methods can vary in terms of speed and accuracy.

    Which of the following best describes what an algorithm is?

    B is correct Algorithms are just instructions that execute solutions and can be written in a computerised or non-computerised context.

    Which of the following is true about the algorithm?

    Answer: b) Algorithms are step-by-step rules for reaching a particular solution. Explanation: Algorithm is defined as step-vise procedure of solving and gaining a definite answer for a particular problem.

    Which process would be an example of an algorithm?

    Common examples include: the recipe for baking a cake, the method we use to solve a long division problem, the process of doing laundry, and the functionality of a search engine are all examples of an algorithm.

    Which of the following statements is true about Algorithms quizlet psychology?

    Which of the following statements is true about algorithms? They come in different forms, such as formulas, instructions, and the testing of all possible solutions.