Which of the following perspectives emphasizes that personality is primarily unconscious?

is a pattern of enduring, distinctive thoughts, emotions, and behavior that characterizes the way an individual adapts to the world. Personality
The idea that unconscious forces influence personality is related to which of the following? Psychoanalytic theory
Suppose your friend is telling you that he wants to go out and drink and have fun tonight but he should stay in and study for an exam. According to Freudian theory, what personality structure is represented by the urge to go out and have fun? Id
The id is exclusively _____. unconscious
According to Freud, the must balance the wishes of the id and the demands of the superego. ego
A pattern of enduring, distinctive thoughts, emotions, and behavior that characterizes the way an individual adapts to the world is called what? Personality
Which theorist most strongly suggested that unconscious processes influence personality? Sigmund Freud
In psychoanalytic theory, the superego's job is to do which of the following? Evaluate the morality of our behavior
Your friend went out to drink last night, even though he knew he should have stayed in and studied for an exam. According to Freudian theory, what personality structure is causing the guilt he felt afterward? Superego
What is the purpose of defense mechanisms? To reduce anxiety by unconsciously distorting reality
What are an individual's unconscious drives and reservoir of sexual energy called? Id
Pushing unacceptable id impulses back into the unconscious mind is called _____. repression
According to psychodynamic theory, the _____ deals with reality. ego
is a pattern of enduring, distinctive thoughts, emotions, and behavior that characterizes the way an individual adapts to the world. personality
Which of the following is NOT one of the psychosexual stages outlined by Freud? unconscious
psychosexual stages by Freud oral, anal, genital
You know you are about to do something your parents would not approve of. In other words, your _____ is warning you not to do something. superego
Defense mechanisms are an example of _____ processes. unconscious
The purpose of using repression is to push unacceptable impulses back into the unconscious mind. Id
Freud's first stage of psychosexual development, beginning at birth, is the stage. oral
According to Freud, the must balance the wishes of the id and the demands of the superego. ego
Around what age does the anal stage begin? 18 to 36 months
In psychoanalytic theory, the superego's job is to do which of the following? Evaluate the morality of our behavior
What is the purpose of defense mechanisms? To reduce anxiety by unconsciously distorting reality
According to Freud, the Oedipus complex is which of the following? A young boy's desire to replace his father so he can enjoy his mother's affections
According to Freud's theory of psychosexual development, toddlers' erogenous zones (at age 18–36 months) are centered around which of the following? anus
Individual psychology is the view that people are motivated by purposes and goals and strive for perfection over pleasure. Who developed it? Adler
Some critics state that psychodynamic theory overemphasizes _____ and does not acknowledge the capacity for change throughout life. early family experiences
You know you are about to do something your parents would not approve of. In other words, your _____ is warning you not to do something. superego
Defense mechanisms are an example of _____ processes. unconscious
The Oedipus complex is typically resolved by the child _____. (Select all that apply.) identifying as a member of one's own gender being sexually attracted to the opposite sex
Alfred Adler believed that people are primarily motivated to achieve perfection, not find pleasure. His approach is known as _____ psychology. individual
Which of the following are criticisms that have been levied against the psychodynamic theorists? They place too much emphasis on early life experiences. Some of their concepts are difficult to test through empirical research.
In psychoanalytic theory, the superego's job is to do which of the following? Evaluate the morality of our behavior
What is the purpose of defense mechanisms? To reduce anxiety by unconsciously distorting reality
The view of personality that stresses a person's capacity for personal growth, self-conscious freedom to choose a destiny, and positive qualities is called which of the following? Humanistic psychology
According to Freud, the Oedipus complex is which of the following? A young boy's desire to replace his father so he can enjoy his mother's affections
Self- is a state of self-fulfillment in which people realize their highest potential. actualization
Individual psychology is the view that people are motivated by purposes and goals and strive for perfection over pleasure. Who developed it? Adler
Some critics state that psychodynamic theory overemphasizes _____ and does not acknowledge the capacity for change throughout life. early family experiences
True or false: According to the humanistic approach, psychological distress is experienced when there are discrepancies between people's experiences and their self-concepts. true (A discrepancy between self-concepts, such as who you think you are and who you want to be, is a primary source of distress from a humanistic approach.
Which of the following is a critique of the humanistic approach? The theory is too optimistic about human nature.
The humanistic perspective believes that people are _____. able to achieve what they want through personal growth
Which of the following is the motivation to develop one's full potential as a human being? self-actualization
The _____ perspective views personality as a collection of broad, enduring dispositions that lead to characteristic behaviors. trait
Alfred Adler believed that people are primarily motivated to achieve perfection, not find pleasure. His approach is known as _____ psychology. individual
According to the humanist perspective, if how you see yourself differs from how others see you, what are you likely to experience? Psychological distress
A critique of the humanistic approach is that humanism's assertion that people are good _____. cannot be verified
The view of personality that stresses a person's capacity for personal growth, self-conscious freedom to choose a destiny, and positive qualities is called which of the following? Humanistic psychology
A person who is imaginative is likely high in which of the big five traits? Openness to experience
Traits are stable characteristics that tend to manifest themselves how? Repeatedly over time and in many different situations
Individual psychology is the view that people are motivated by purposes and goals and strive for perfection over pleasure. Who developed it? Adler
The trait approach to personality is practical, allows us to know a person better, and is correlated to practical life and health factors. true, (these are the advantages to the trait approach)
True or false: According to the humanistic approach, psychological distress is experienced when there are discrepancies between people's experiences and their self-concepts. True (a discrepency between self concepts, such as who you think you are and who you want to be, is a primary source of distress from a humanistic approach
Which of the following is a critique of the humanistic approach? The theory is too optimistic about human nature.
A person who is sympathetic and kind is likely high in which of the big five traits? agreeableness
The _____ perspective views personality as a collection of broad, enduring dispositions that lead to characteristic behaviors. trait
Social cognitive perspectives on personality differ from behaviorism by placing greater emphasis on which of the following? How people interpret their situations
Which of the following is a strong advantage of the trait approach to personality? It provides a clear, straightforward description of people's behavior patterns.
According to Carl Rogers, decreasing discrepancies between the _____ and the _____ can lead to more positive perceptions of self and less worry about what others want, and can increase positive experiences in the world. ideal; real
A critique of the humanistic approach is that humanism's assertion that people are good _____. cannot be verified
A _____ theorist is not interested in broad traits but instead looks at how more specific factors, such as beliefs, relate to behavior and performance. social cognitive
The trait approach to personality is practical, allows us to know a person better, and is correlated to practical life and health factors. True (these are the advantages to the trait approach)
True or false: According to the humanistic approach, psychological distress is experienced when there are discrepancies between people's experiences and their self-concepts. true (A discrepancy between self-concepts, such as who you think you are and who you want to be, is a primary source of distress from a humanistic approach.
Observational learning occurs when _____. an individual learns the consequences of a response without experiencing the consequence directly
Which of the following is a critique of the humanistic approach? The theory is too optimistic about human nature.
A person who is sympathetic and kind is likely high in which of the big five traits? Agreeableness (Reason: Conscientiousness is associated with competent, self-disciplined achievement, and striving, whereas agreeableness is related to being sympathetic, warm, and forgiving.
Which psychologist created the CAPS model and criticized the idea of constancy of behavior? Mischel
Social cognitive perspectives on personality differ from behaviorism by placing greater emphasis on which of the following? How people interpret their situations
The social cognitive approach to personality has been criticized for which of the following? Underestimating the role of enduring qualities in personality Making overly specific predictions that are difficult to generalize Ignoring the role of biology in shaping personality
Which of the following is a strong advantage of the trait approach to personality? It provides a clear, straightforward description of people's behavior patterns.
Eysenck's activation system approach describes the role of the brain system in personality. reticular
Social cognitive theorists believe that we acquire a wide range of behaviors, thoughts, and feelings through observing others' behavior and that these observations form an important part of our personalities. true (Reason: The social cognitive perspective emphasizes the influence of thoughts and feelings.
genetics is the study of the inherited underpinnings of our characteristics. behavioral
During a job interview, you are asked to rate on a scale of 1 to 5 how happy you are. What type of test is the interviewer giving you? self-report
Social cognitive psychologist Walter Mischel caused a large controversy in which field? personality
Social cognitive theory focuses on the interaction of individuals with their _____. environments
Eysenck's approach to _____ is based on the reticular activation system (RAS). extraversion
Heritability estimates for the big five personality traits are around _____ percent. 50 percent
A test that requires the interpretation of ambiguous images, such as the Rorschach inkblot test, is considered a(n) test. projective
The most commonly used method of measuring personality is the self- test. report
Typical assessment methods used by psychodynamic researchers include studies and projective techniques. case
Which psychologist created the CAPS model and criticized the idea of constancy of behavior? Mischel
The social cognitive approach to personality has been criticized for which of the following? Making overly specific predictions that are difficult to generalize Ignoring the role of biology in shaping personality Underestimating the role of enduring qualities in personality
Eysenck's activation system approach describes the role of the brain system in personality. retiular
A test that requires the interpretation of ambiguous images, such as inkblots or pictures, is considered a ______ test. projective
_____ researchers prefer to use projective techniques and case studies. Psychodynamic
Social cognitive theory focuses on the interaction of individuals with their _____. environments
A test that requires the interpretation of ambiguous images, such as the Rorschach inkblot test, is considered a(n) test. projective
Typical assessment methods used by psychodynamic researchers include studies and projective techniques. case
_____ researchers prefer to use projective techniques and case studies. Psychodynamic

Which of the following is a belief of the psychodynamic perspective on personality?

Psychodynamic theory states that events in our childhood have a great influence on our adult lives, shaping our personality. Events that occur in childhood can remain in the unconscious, and cause problems as adults.

Which of the following is entirely unconscious according to Freud?

The Id. The id is the only component of personality that is present from birth. This aspect of personality is entirely unconscious and includes instinctive and primitive behaviors.

Which of the following is a criticism of the humanistic perspective of personality?

One major criticism of humanistic psychology is that its concepts are too vague. Critics argue that subjective ideas such as authentic and real experiences are difficult to objectify; an experience that is real for one individual may not be real for another person.

Which of the following theorists was the first to focus his efforts on the unconscious mind?

Sigmund Freud emphasized the importance of the unconscious mind, and a primary assumption of Freudian theory is that the unconscious mind governs behavior to a greater degree than people suspect. Indeed, the goal of psychoanalysis is to make the unconscious conscious.