At the door nghĩa là gì

At the door nghĩa là gì
Photo byDabbas

"Come knocking at (one's) door" = Đến gõ cửa -> Cơ hội/khả năng đang tỏ ra rất rõ hoặc thể hiện cho ai thấy và nó sẽ sớm xảy ra.

Ví dụ
Offers come knocking at his door and Puneeth is very selective when it comes to movies. He not only thinks of how much the movie can utilise his talent but also thinks about what the audience would like to see in him in his next.

If youre lucky, the perfect job might come knocking at your door without you having to lift a finger (after all, dreams do come true). But if youre like the rest of us, finding and securing a job might be a slightly harder slog (thời gian làm việc vất vả).

On October 31, death will come knocking at my door. It will take the form of goblins, ghosts and ghouls, along with small, hooded creatures (loại vật trùm đầu) carrying dollar-store plastic scythes (cái hái) up my front steps. I will open the door, laugh in its face and hand it some candy. I wont be scared at all, because its nothing like the real thing.

Bin Kuan

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