Chapped lips là gì

Phép tịnh tiến chapped thành Tiếng Việt là: nẻ, nứt nẻ (ta đã tìm được phép tịnh tiến 2). Các câu mẫu có chapped chứa ít nhất 201 phép tịnh tiến.

chapped adjective verb

Simple past tense and past participle of chap. [..]

+ Thêm bản dịch Thêm chapped

"chapped" trong từ điển Tiếng Anh - Tiếng Việt

  • nẻ adjective

    Stop those hands from getting chapped.

    Ngăn cho bàn tay không bị nứt nẻ.

    FVDP Vietnamese-English Dictionary

  • nứt nẻ

    Stop those hands from getting chapped.

    Ngăn cho bàn tay không bị nứt nẻ.


  • Hiển thị các bản dịch được tạo bằng thuật toán

Bản dịch tự động của " chapped " sang Tiếng Việt

  • Chapped lips là gì

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  • Chapped lips là gì

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Các cụm từ tương tự như "chapped" có bản dịch thành Tiếng Việt

  • old chap


  • chap-fallen

    buồn rầu · chán nản · có má xị · thất vọng

  • arrow name chap


  • chaps

    của chaparajo

  • chap fallen

    buồn nản · chán nản · có má xị · thất vọng

  • chap

    bố · chàng · chỗ nứt nẻ · gã · hàm dưới · hàm kìm · hàm ê tô · làm nứt nẻ · má · má lợn · người bán hàng rong · nẻ · nứt · nứt nẻ · tay · thằng · thằng cha

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Bản dịch "chapped" thành Tiếng Việt trong ngữ cảnh, bộ nhớ dịch

Biến cách Gốc từ

Congregation Bible Study: (30 min.) kr chap. 15 ¶29-36, review box “How Real Is the Kingdom to You?”

Phần học Kinh Thánh của hội thánh: (30 phút) kr chg 19 đ. 8-18, khung ôn lại “Nước Trời có thật với bạn đến mức nào?”

chapped nghĩa là gì, định nghĩa, các sử dụng và ví dụ trong Tiếng Anh. Cách phát âm chapped giọng bản ngữ. Từ đồng nghĩa, trái nghĩa của chapped.

Từ điển Anh Anh - Wordnet

  • chapped

    used of skin roughened as a result of cold or exposure

    chapped lips

    Synonyms: cracked, roughened

    chap: crack due to dehydration

    My lips chap in this dry weather

Chưa có Tiếng Việt cho từ này, bạn vui lòng tham khảo bản Tiếng Anh. Đóng góp nội dung vui lòng gửi đến [email protected] (chúng tôi sẽ có một phần quà nhỏ dành cho bạn).

Dry chapped lips is a symptom of dry, flaky or cracked lips. Cracks may appear on the surface of the upper and lower lips, and the lips may be sore and may bleed.
In most cases, cracked lips are not a serious condition and pose no health risk. Accordingly, chapped lips are rarely associated with medical emergencies. However, chapped lips can be a sign of dehydration. Severe dehydration and electrolyte imbalance can lead to shock or coma and can be life-threatening. Therefore, seek immediate medical attention if you or someone you are traveling with has symptoms of severe dehydration, such as confusion, coma, loss of consciousness, cold skin, or decreased excretion of water. urine.
In addition, there are other symptoms that can occur with chapped lips, depending on the underlying disease, disorder, or condition. Specifically, symptoms that frequently affect the lips may also involve other body systems. For example, chapped lips may be accompanied by other symptoms affecting the mouth including:
Bleeding Lip sores Cold sores caused by herpes simplex virus infection Dry mouth Hoarse voice Red, hot or swollen lips Copper Sometimes, chapped lips can be accompanied by symptoms related to other body systems. These may include:
Feeling very thirsty Feeling tired, exhausted Headaches Rash Nasal congestion
Common causes of chapped lips are changes in humidity and weather. Indeed, chapped lips are often caused by exposure to harsh environments, leading to irritation, including cold, dry weather, frequent eating of hot and spicy foods and drinks, and the habit of licking the lips. The common cold and sun damage can also cause chapped lips and medications like cholesterol-lowering medications.
Besides, exposure to allergens or irritants is another common cause of chapped lips. When the body comes into contact with external products, it will cause an allergic reaction or direct irritation on the skin in general and the skin of the lips in particular, which is inherently very sensitive. However, in most cases, chapped lips are caused by dryness and wind is the main culprit.
On the other hand, instability in health conditions can also cause chapped lips. Symptoms of dry chapped lips can also be related to many underlying medical conditions, including thyroid disease, vitamin deficiencies, and inflammatory bowel disease. Specifically, where poor thyroid function can cause dry mouth and lips, vitamin B complex deficiency and low levels of zinc or iron in the blood have also been reported to cause dry, flaky lips. At the same time, chronic inflammatory bowel disease such as Crohn's disease can affect the entire gastrointestinal tract from the lips to the anus, and if a person has both severe cleft lip that won't heal as well as abdominal pain, this could be a cause. may be doubtful.

Winter is a challenging time for all skin types, whether a person has dry or oily skin. On the other hand, the outdoor air combined with the hot indoor sun can also dehydrate the skin and cause dry, flaky lips and bleeding. Many people overlook chapped lips, but in fact, they can be a sign of more serious health problems, especially when exposed to any one of the following risk factors:
Yeast Infection: Dry lips can be a sign of a yeast infection. This will be more accurate if the patient has chapped lips with cracks around the corners of the mouth. When a person licks their lips excessively, warm saliva and humid temperatures encourage yeast growth, especially when saliva accumulates at the corners of the mouth, causing dry, flaky lips. Allergic reactions: Dry lips can be a sign of an allergic reaction. If the lips look the same after the filler injection, this could be an allergic reaction. In fact, lip plumping products are a common reason for topical allergic reactions. In addition, cinnamon and chili powder are often found in lip plumping lipsticks and can also cause a reaction. Dehydration: A very common factor that causes chapped lips is dehydration. Dry lips, mouth and eyes are all the first signs of a dehydrated skin, lacking the proper amount of water reserves. Sun damage: Dry or chapped lips can be caused by sun damage. Prolonged sun exposure can cause lips to become dry and hard, leading to chapping. If you don't protect your lips from the sun's ultraviolet rays, that can also lead to lip inflammation. Therefore, even on the coldest winter days, make sure to use a lip product that contains sun protection. Vitamin Deficiency: Chapped lips can be a sign of vitamin deficiency in the body. In it, vitamin B plays an important role in the regular functioning of the body. This smoothie both provides energy, helps the immune system fight disease, and contributes to healthy skin. Without enough Vitamin B in the body, the patient may experience many skin problems, such as dry lips, peeling skin. Too much vitamin A : Contrary to the deficiency of B vitamins, dry lips also mean that the body is absorbing too much Vitamin A. Vitamin A toxicity can occur if the person is taking too much. Supplements contain vitamin A. Excess Vitamin A is stored in the liver and builds up over time, causing a variety of symptoms, such as severe chapped corners of the mouth, dryness, and flaking of the skin. Medications: There are a number of medications that can lead to chapped lips. For example, high blood pressure medications, antidepressants, and chemotherapy drugs are some of the medications known to cause chapped lips. The mechanism is because these drugs reduce saliva production, which can dry out the lips and also in the mouth. In short, the skin on the lips is much thinner and more fragile than on other parts of the body. Lips are also exposed to a variety of environmental factors, including the sun and dry cold air, and are prone to dryness, cracking, and peeling. This is a common and annoying problem. Accordingly, each person needs to know the causes and risk factors for dry, flaky lips, proactively prevent them, and combine them with home remedies to help limit chapped lips and not make them worse. dry more.