Dimensions of holistic health Lesson Plan

LESSON PLAN IN HEALTH VII I. OBJECTIVES At the end of the lesson, the student should be able to: 1. Explain the differe

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I. OBJECTIVES At the end of the lesson, the student should be able to: 1. Explain the different dimensions of holistic health (physical, mental/intellectual, emotional, social, moral-spiritual). 2. Analyze the interplay among the health dimensions in developing holistic health. 3. Practice health habits to achieve holistic health

II. SUBJECT MATTER ARE YOU REALLY HEALTHY? Reference: Health Grade 7 Learners Module pp.6-18 Materials: Catolina, Pentil Pen, Neon Paper, Envelop, Index Card, Projector, and Laptop. Values: Self-Awareness Strategy: Cooperative Learning III. PROCEDURE

Teacher`s Activity A. PREPARATION 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


Prayer Energizer Greetings Setting of standards or agreement Review Direction: I have here sets of scrambled letters. Loop any words associated with your past lesson. I want volunteers to a loop a word. H Y S I C A L S O C I A L M U X A O O A T T L M P U B Y Y C N Q C U S O N S V O O T B C R K V P L O T W P D D H E M O T I O N A L X V O Y R C H A N G E S W T W J R N E H E I G H T V R E L A T I O N S H I P U P R O B L E M S E X U A L

Students` Activity

6. Motivation Class, I`m going to show you a short video clip. What you are going to do is to observe and afterwards, I`m going to ask your reactions based from the video presented. Questions: 1.What can you say about the video? 2.What is it about?

(Students will answer)

B. PRESENTATION Based on the video presented, who can guess our topic for this morning? Very Good! So our lesson for this morning is about Are you Really Healthy? 1. Unlocking of Difficulties (Cryptogram) Direction: Write the corresponding letters of the given numbers. 1. Adequate- enough 2. Anxiety- pain or uneasiness of mind 3. Dimension- a part of something 4. Holistic- complete or total 5. Interrelated- relate or connect to one another.

Ma`am our topic for today is about Are you really healthy.

N 1 Q 10

X 2 T 11

L 3 C 12

M 4 D 13

H 5 E 14

O 6 I 15

Y 7 S 16

U A 8 9 R 117

1. 9










2. 9





3. 13
















4. 5 5. 1 5

1 1 1

1 4

1 7

1 7

1 4

3 9 1 1

1 4

1 3

C. DISCUSSION In your own concept, what is health? Precisely! Being healthy means having a balance of dimensions of health . This results in attaining holistic health. Again, what are the different dimensions of holistic health? Very Good those are the different dimensions of holistic health. -Dimensions of Holistic Health2. Physical Health- means how well your body functions. You can attain this by giving your body a total care. (discussions of activities that can improve physical health) 2. Mental/Intellectual Health- means being life-long learner by continuously wanting to learn new things and improve one`s learner. (discussion of activities that can improve mental/intellectual health). 3. Emotional Health- involves understanding and liking yourself as well as accepting and learning from your mistakes. (Discussion of practices that can improve emotional health) 4. Social Health- refers to how well you get along with other people. (discussion of practices that can improve social health) 5. Moral-spiritual Health- means being at peace and in harmony with yourself, others and higher power or bigger reality. (discussion of practices that can improve moral- spiritual health)

Ma`am health is well-being of your body, mind, and your relationship with others.

Ma`am the different dimensions of holistic health are physical, emotional, mental/intellectual, social and moral-spiritual health.

D. GENERALIZATION Class, what have your learned from our topic today? Again, what are the five dimensions of holistic health?

(Students will answer)

Ma`am the five dimensions of holistic health are physical, mental/intellectual, emotional, social and moral-spiritual health.

Values Integration: Who wants to achieve a holistic health, class? How will you attain holistic health?

(students will answer)

What are these habits?

Good! If we attained harmonious balance of all health dimensions, it will lead us to a happy and fulfilled life. It may sound difficult to attain but developing each dimensions at this stage in your life will benefit you for a lifetime.

E. APPLICATION (Game-based) Class, I will group you into three. This will be group 1, 2 and 3. I have here envelops which contains the directions of the activities that you will be doing with your group. Select a leader and a secretary.

Group 1: Demonstrate at least 3 activities to attain physical health. Group 2: Compose a poem related to Mental and emotional health. Group 3: Create a song and dance activities to attain social and moral-spiritual health.


EVALUATION Direction: Write your answer before the number. What dimensions of health does each activity develop most? Write: P for Physical Health M for Mental/Intellectual Health E for Emotional Health MS for Moral Spiritual Health S for Social Health 1. Going to church every Sunday 2. Playing outdoors. 3. Making friends with other people. 4. Reading books to learn. 5. Sleeping at least 7-8 hours a day. 6. Eating a full breakfast. 7. Going out with family and friends. 8. Respecting the rights of others. 9. Sharing jokes with family members. 10. Playing chess and math games.


ASSIGNMENT Direction: write one health dimensions in each circle. On the lines write activities you can do in each dimensions that can contribute to holistic health. On the space provided below, explain briefly how health dimensions are interrelated.