Dmc devil may cry đánh giá

I highly recommend Devil may Cry. It’s a great action game that hangs with the best the genre can offer. Combine that with its cool aesthetic and engaging characters, and you have the first can’t-miss release of 2013.

Just an extremely satisfying game, even with its occasional glitches. If you're into dynamic combat and constant chaotic over-the-top action, Dmc is the game to buy. It's a shame they didn't make the story longer, since it won't take an average gamer more than 6-7 hours to finish it on normal difficulty.


Come on People! This is an great Game and Ninja Theory did an great Job! Great Graphics on Xbox 360 and a great Game!

Technically perfectible but very, very, very entertaining. Ninja Theory's Devil May Cry is a hell of a lot of fun, with tons of gameplay modes and combos to unleash.

A worthy rebirth of the franchise as it possesses fast-paced chaotic action, which is diversified by the several weapons that make up Dante’s arsenal, an engaging soundtrack, and a story worthy of the DmC franchise.

The original Devil May Cry paved new roads in action gaming. As a remake, DmC: Devil May Cry largely repaves the same road, but a gleefully brutal combat system and the patented bad attitude bring the sexy back to mass demon extermination. Even better, the action endures throughout a lengthy campaign with few drops in the tempo - no small feat, that.

This is the best entry in its genre since Bayonetta, and might just be the best game Ninja Theory has made to date.

Ninja Theory has the know-how, the lust to experiment and the talent. But we are not completely convinced by Dante's reboot.

I'm one of the few people who thinks this part is the best. For comparison , after that I tried to play all parts of DMC for the first time and couldn't stand it for more than an hour. There are also very addictive gameplay mechanics and stunning graphics. A bunch of different modes and at least two huge campaigns for Dante and Virgil. The most delicious part of the game is of course the fights. The combat system here literally blows the roof off. The game arsenal is represented by pistols and melee weapons (sword, axe, scythe), and something will appear later. With this set, you can do simply unthinkable things. Thanks to the combination of combat techniques inherent in each individual weapon, you can build a huge number of attacks to fight the enemy. The fights look spectacular, are beautifully animated and are accompanied by bright and colorful special effects. Here I would also like to note the high-quality optimization: the game is not particularly demanding to the characteristics of computer hardware, and it is also perfectly adapted to the control of the keyboard and mouse The best game from the DMC Devil May Cry universe

DMC DEVIL MAY CRY 2 LIFE, Ninja Theory........

Really good game but very boring story

Good combat story's is alright but they changed Dante why too much its a shame because they did good with the combat I don't expect any sequels from this one even though they had that cliffhanger with Virgil campaign

First isssue is that this is not a DMC game.. Its a grinfe Americal knock off that fails to emulate the coolnes and fun ofvthe real games.. The game starts out gringey and while itinially the combat feels fun it get boring ver fast.. The whole game is generic and underwheslming.

First of all i want to start by saying that this shouldn't be named Devil May Cry, because it has nothing to do with Devil May Cry besides the name of the game and characters, The Story is weak, the characters are pretty much forgettable and contradict themselves, especially the main character named "Dante" but resembles nothing of the old character, the gameplay and difficulty is much more easy than the past Devil May Cry games, which is extremely disappointing, this game was pretty much made just for the money, however Capcom didn't get as much as they expect, i hope they cancel this and don't waste money anymore with this crap!

The game's sense of cool distilled from gallows humor, fantastical horror, wildly imaginative nightmare landscapes, and a bloody mean streak a mile wide.

It's a hardcore twist on already impressive game, making the hack 'n' slash action more difficult, but also more compelling than before.

You need check game out one the best game and lot action game and good music and story best and good day


This is truly the definitive edition of a great hack and slash game. The exclusive additions may seem dreary, but they actually refresh the fighting system and serve as a return to the roots of the franchise. This is a well-made re-edition.

Apart from the visual upgrade, it offers new content and polished gameplay. It still is a great game, and this is the best way to play it.

Dante’s remastering demonstrates that no matter what colour your hair is, a great game remains a great game made better by the frame rate increase and all the extras that come included in the package.

While the fluid and highly enjoyable combat remain intact, the restructuring of collectibles and scenarios such as the final boss tarnish the experience. That’s not to mention that the Definitive Edition doesn’t hold a candle to the two year old PC version from a visual standpoint as there’s a lack of anisotropic filtering and a shinier gloss to Dante’s skin.

Dante doubters be damned, this is a rollicking good twitcher reborn. [April 2015, p.60]

Hay que ser muy cerrado de mente para puntuar esta maravilla de juego con un 0 porque no sigue la saga principal, la variedad de armas, enemigos, movimientos, gráficos es excelente, se trata de un universo paralelo, un spin off y es el mejor spin off de un juego que jamás he visto, muy por encima de DMC 4.

Para ser sincero, no recuerdo demasiado de este juego. Era el primer Devil May Cry que jugaba y no lo sentí tan malo. Es cierto que el Dante original le pega unas cuantas patadas a este, pero es disfrutable. Lo que no me explico es por qué decidieron hacer un reboot, después vieron con el 5 que el público quiere seguir con la línea clásica.

If it hadn't been for the legacy of the classic series this game would have been a great slasher series on its own. Ninja Theory put a lot of effort into art and gameplay so the game feels and looks interesting enough to return to, especially as a separate experience from the main series. With that in mind the weakest part of the game has to be its story still. The plot-points are pretentious and very dull, being on the nose they often make you cringe with how crudely they're put together. It makes for nice set-pieces and very creative visuals despite everything mentioned before. So even if you ignore superior classic DMC lore, it's still a naive tale with very straightforward delivery. The highlight of the game is it's gameplay, it's more approachable than the main series yet still provides a challenge (granted not nearly as difficult as the main series of course). This re-release also gives smooth 60 fps performance so desperately missing from the original release and the combo style system is stricter, the fighting balance is tweaked, so that it's a bit more difficult than the original game. In general it's a modded PC version which should've been released in the first place. If you come into this fresh you will enjoy it, but maybe not the story and the writing, if you have already played it you won't find much in it unless you really love the game and/or for some reason haven't played it on PC. If you're a fan of the classic series, try to look at it as a separate experience and you might get into the combat. Overall, very solid, but the writing is cringe.

Gameplay is ok with a **** story and cringy dialogue that misses the whole point of the original series. Don't recommend buying it since the original story continuous.

[ ] Perfect [ ] Awesome [ ] Good [x] Good Bad [ ] Fail Não vejo necessidade em escrever um longo texto analisando uma arte, a nota é apenas um conselho para saber o quanto ela vale para sua vida. I see no need to write a long text analyzing an art, the note is just a piece of advice to know how much it is worth in your life.

Summary The definitive edition of this action game arrives with enhanced 1080p graphics at 60fps, new features and all the original DLC included. Chain together stylish combos with up to 8 unique weapons. Traverse the demonic world of Limbo as you join Dante and Vergil in the legendary rebirth of the Devil May Cry franchise.