How do you print non scientific notation in python?

Here's my code:

x = 1.0
y = 100000.0    
print x/y

My quotient displays as 1.00000e-05.

Is there any way to suppress scientific notation and make it display as 0.00001? I'm going to use the result as a string.

How do you print non scientific notation in python?


115k25 gold badges160 silver badges284 bronze badges

asked Mar 18, 2009 at 15:27


Using the newer version ''.format (also remember to specify how many digit after the . you wish to display, this depends on how small is the floating number). See this example:

>>> a = -7.1855143557448603e-17
>>> '{:f}'.format(a)

as shown above, default is 6 digits! This is not helpful for our case example, so instead we could use something like this:

>>> '{:.20f}'.format(a)


Starting in Python 3.6, this can be simplified with the new formatted string literal, as follows:

>>> f'{a:.20f}'

answered Oct 19, 2015 at 16:41

How do you print non scientific notation in python?

Aziz AltoAziz Alto

17.5k4 gold badges71 silver badges57 bronze badges


With newer versions of Python (2.6 and later), you can use ''.format() to accomplish what @SilentGhost suggested:


answered Mar 28, 2011 at 19:05


48.1k12 gold badges102 silver badges132 bronze badges


Another option, if you are using pandas and would like to suppress scientific notation for all floats, is to adjust the pandas options.

import pandas as pd
pd.options.display.float_format = '{:.2f}'.format

answered May 24, 2019 at 15:34


6971 gold badge7 silver badges12 bronze badges


Most of the answers above require you to specify precision. But what if you want to display floats like this, with no unnecessary zeros:


numpy has an answer: np.format_float_positional

import numpy as np

def format_float(num):
    return np.format_float_positional(num, trim='-')

answered Sep 25, 2019 at 21:06

Dennis GolomazovDennis Golomazov

15.1k5 gold badges71 silver badges77 bronze badges


In case of numpy arrays you can suppress with suppress command as

import numpy as np


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answered Jan 24 at 7:36

How do you print non scientific notation in python?

Saran ZebSaran Zeb

1111 silver badge5 bronze badges

This will work for any exponent:

def getExpandedScientificNotation(flt):
    str_vals = str(flt).split('e')
    coef = float(str_vals[0])
    exp = int(str_vals[1])
    return_val = ''
    if int(exp) > 0:
        return_val += str(coef).replace('.', '')
        return_val += ''.join(['0' for _ in range(0, abs(exp - len(str(coef).split('.')[1])))])
    elif int(exp) < 0:
        return_val += '0.'
        return_val += ''.join(['0' for _ in range(0, abs(exp) - 1)])
        return_val += str(coef).replace('.', '')
    return return_val

answered Aug 10, 2017 at 3:56

You can use the built-in format function.

>>> a = -3.42142141234123e-15
>>> format(a, 'f')
>>> format(a, '.50f') # Or you can specify precision

answered Jun 26, 2021 at 21:31


3933 silver badges8 bronze badges

This is using Captain Cucumber's answer, but with 2 additions.

1) allowing the function to get non scientific notation numbers and just return them as is (so you can throw a lot of input that some of the numbers are 0.00003123 vs 3.123e-05 and still have function work.

2) added support for negative numbers. (in original function, a negative number would end up like 0.0000-108904 from -1.08904e-05)

def getExpandedScientificNotation(flt):
    was_neg = False
    if not ("e" in flt):
        return flt
    if flt.startswith('-'):
        flt = flt[1:]
        was_neg = True 
    str_vals = str(flt).split('e')
    coef = float(str_vals[0])
    exp = int(str_vals[1])
    return_val = ''
    if int(exp) > 0:
        return_val += str(coef).replace('.', '')
        return_val += ''.join(['0' for _ in range(0, abs(exp - len(str(coef).split('.')[1])))])
    elif int(exp) < 0:
        return_val += '0.'
        return_val += ''.join(['0' for _ in range(0, abs(exp) - 1)])
        return_val += str(coef).replace('.', '')
    if was_neg:
    return return_val


9393 gold badges12 silver badges24 bronze badges

answered Sep 19, 2017 at 10:40

How do you print non scientific notation in python?

If it is a string then use the built in float on it to do the conversion for instance: print( "%.5f" % float("1.43572e-03")) answer:0.00143572

answered Feb 6, 2015 at 8:43


4992 gold badges7 silver badges23 bronze badges

In addition to SG's answer, you can also use the Decimal module:

from decimal import Decimal
x = str(Decimal(1) / Decimal(10000))

# x is a string '0.0001'

How do you print non scientific notation in python?


70.3k41 gold badges180 silver badges283 bronze badges

answered Mar 18, 2009 at 15:34


30.9k17 gold badges62 silver badges72 bronze badges


Since this is the top result on Google, I will post here after failing to find a solution for my problem. If you are looking to format the display value of a float object and have it remain a float - not a string, you can use this solution:

Create a new class that modifies the way that float values are displayed.

from builtins import float
class FormattedFloat(float):

    def __str__(self):
        return "{:.10f}".format(self).rstrip('0')

You can modify the precision yourself by changing the integer values in {:f}

answered Jul 2, 2018 at 17:16

Jared MarksJared Marks

9088 silver badges13 bronze badges

A simpler solution to display a float to an arbitrary number of significant digits. No numpy or list comprehensions required here:

def sig(num, digits=3):
    "Return number formatted for significant digits"
    if num == 0:
        return 0
    negative = '-' if num < 0 else ''
    num = abs(float(num))
    power = math.log(num, 10)
    if num < 1:
        step = int(10**(-int(power) + digits) * num)
        return negative + '0.' + '0' * -int(power) + str(int(step)).rstrip('0')
    elif power < digits - 1:
        return negative + ('{0:.' + str(digits) + 'g}').format(num)
        return negative + str(int(num))

I'm stripping trailing 0s and displaying full integers in the example: sig(31415.9) = 31415 instead of 31400. Feel free to modify the code if that's not something you're into.


for power in range(-8,8):
    num = math.pi * 10**power
    print(str(num).ljust(25), sig(num))

answered May 18, 2021 at 13:52

How do you print non scientific notation in python?


4076 silver badges17 bronze badges

Using 3.6.4, I was having a similar problem that randomly, a number in the output file would be formatted with scientific notation when using this:

fout.write('someFloats: {0:0.8},{1:0.8},{2:0.8}'.format(someFloat[0], someFloat[1], someFloat[2]))

All that I had to do to fix it was to add 'f':

fout.write('someFloats: {0:0.8f},{1:0.8f},{2:0.8f}'.format(someFloat[0], someFloat[1], someFloat[2]))

answered Apr 13, 2018 at 23:07

As of 3.6 (probably works with slightly older 3.x as well), this is my solution:

import locale
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '')

def number_format(n, dec_precision=4):
    precision = len(str(round(n))) + dec_precision
    return format(float(n), f'.{precision}n')

The purpose of the precision calculation is to ensure we have enough precision to keep out of scientific notation (default precision is still 6).

The dec_precision argument adds additional precision to use for decimal points. Since this makes use of the n format, no insignificant zeros will be added (unlike f formats). n also will take care of rendering already-round integers without a decimal.

n does require float input, thus the cast.

answered Jul 22, 2019 at 1:52

Alex SAlex S

24.5k18 gold badges49 silver badges63 bronze badges


I was having a similar problem that randomly, using my solution:

from decimal import Decimal


answered Mar 25 at 19:28


11 silver badge2 bronze badges


How do I print without scientific notation in Python?

Use str..
num = 1.2e-6..
output = "{:.7f}". format(num).

How do you print a float without scientific notation in Python?

Use a formatted string literal to print a float without scientific notation, e.g. print(f'{num:. 8f}') . You can use an expression in the f-string to print the float without scientific notation, with the specified number of decimal places.

How do I get rid of E+ in pandas?

How to suppress scientific notation in Pandas.
Solution 1: use .round() df.round(5).
Solution 2: Use apply to change format. df.apply(lambda x: '%.5f' % x, axis=1).
Solution 3: Use .set_option() Note that . ... .
Solution 4: Assign display.float_format. You can change the display format using any Python formatter:.

How do I make Numpy not use scientific notation?

Use numpy. set_printoptions() to print an array without scientific notation. Call set_printoptions(suppress=True) to suppress scientific notation when printing.