How does matlab recognize python?

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Change default environment of Python interpreter



Use pyenv to change the default version or execution mode of the Python® interpreter. These changes are persistent across different MATLAB® sessions.


MATLAB automatically loads Python when you type py.command. You cannot change the interpreter after MATLAB loads Python. To change the interpreter, restart MATLAB, and then call pyenv.


pyenv displays details about the current (default) Python environment.


pyenv(Name,Value) specifies parameters for setting the Python environment. For example, pyenv('Version','2.7') changes the default Python version on Microsoft® Windows® platforms to 2.7.

pe = pyenv(___) additionally returns environment details as a PythonEnvironment object. Use this syntax with any of the arguments in previous syntaxes.


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Display Python Version for Your System

Create list Variable Out-of-Process

Set the execution mode to OutOfProcess.


ans = 
  PythonEnvironment with properties:

          Version: "2.7"
       Executable: "C:\Python27\pythonw.exe"
          Library: "C:\windows\system32\python27.dll"
             Home: "C:\Python27"
           Status: NotLoaded
    ExecutionMode: OutOfProcess

Create the variable.


Show the process. MATLAB displays information specific to your environment.

ans = 
  PythonEnvironment with properties:

          Version: "2.7"
       Executable: "C:\Python27\pythonw.exe"
          Library: "C:\windows\system32\python27.dll"
             Home: "C:\Python27"
           Status: Loaded
    ExecutionMode: OutOfProcess
        ProcessID: "8196"
      ProcessName: "MATLABPyHost"

Use Python Version 2.7

pe = pyenv;
if pe.Status == 'Loaded'
    disp('To change the Python version, restart MATLAB, then call pyenv('Version','2.7').')

Test Python Is Installed

To verify if Python is installed on your system, check the PythonEnvironment Version property.

pe = pyenv;
if pe.Version == ""
    disp "Python not installed"

Input Arguments

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Name-Value Arguments

Specify optional pairs of arguments as Name1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN, where Name is the argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the pairs does not matter.

Before R2021a, use commas to separate each name and value, and enclose Name in quotes.

Example: pe = pyenv(Version="/usr/bin/python",ExecutionMode="OutOfProcess")

Version — Python version or executable string | character vector

Python version number (Windows platforms only) or executable file name, specified as a string or a character vector. For information about supported versions, see Configure Your System to Use Python.

  • If Version specifies a number, then the value must contain the major and minor version numbers separated by a period. The function looks for the version in the Windows registry. If you download the Python application from, then the installation automatically adds the version to the registry. If you download the application from a different source, you must either add the version to the registry or call pyenv with the executable file name to change the version.

  • If Version is the name of an existing executable Python file, then the value must contain the name of the file and the full or relative path to the file. You can use this syntax on any platform or for repackaged CPython implementation downloads.

Example: '2.7'

Example: '/usr/bin/python'

Data Types: char | string

ExecutionMode — Execution mode 'InProcess' (default) | 'OutOfProcess'

Execution mode indicating whether to run Python scripts in the same process as MATLAB, specified as 'InProcess' or 'OutOfProcess'. The default 'InProcess' runs the scripts in the MATLAB process. Use this mode for performance-critical use cases.

'OutOfProcess' starts a separate process and is used for safe execution of Python scripts and libraries. Select 'OutOfProcess' for:

  • Working with Python libraries which require a different version of a 3rd party library also required by MATLAB.

  • Debugging workflows.

When you call a Python function out-of-process, there is overhead associated with the call. This behavior might affect performance.

Data Types: char | string

Version History

Introduced in R2019b

How does MATLAB integrate with Python?

Integrate a Python Package.
Install the compiled Python Package. ... .
In consultation with the MATLAB programmer, collect the MATLAB function signatures that comprise the services in the application..
Import the compiled Python package. ... .
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Does MATLAB use Python?

MATLAB® provides a flexible, two-way integration with many programming languages, including Python. This allows different teams to work together and use MATLAB algorithms within production software and IT systems.

How do you call Python code in MATLAB?

To call a Python method or function, type py. followed by the module name, function name, and arguments. In most cases, MATLAB automatically converts input arguments into Python types. An exception is calling a Python function with keyword arguments.

Is MATLAB library of Python?

The MATLAB Engine API for Python provides a package for Python to call MATLAB as a computational engine. ... Python Classes..