How send data from database to html?

Hello @Sign,

It is simple to create contact form to send email or any other information  and storing in mysql database.

Using INSERT INTO statement you can insert new data into a database table.

See the example below:


Step 1: Connection with Database

This is dbConn.php file which is used to connect the database.

This dbConn.php file will use everywhere, where you want to perform a task with the database.

Here it is connected with the local database and check database connected or not.


Step 2: Creating HTML form and inserting data

Here's a simple HTML form which is index.php file. It has two text input and a submit button.

The INSERT INTO statement is used to add new data into the database. This insert query will execute passing through to the PHP mysqli_query() function to insert new data.

And also created a simple HTML form which has two input text and a submit button which is used to take data from users.

In the index.php file the dbConn.php file includes for connecting with the database and insert new data. The form has two field fullname and age which are get data from users and store into the database.

In this example the PHP code and the HTML form coded in the single page. The PHP script embedded with the HTML page.


  Add Records in Database

Fill the Form

Full Name :
Age :

Write PHP code as a separate file

Step 1: Creating HTML Form

First of all creating HTML form which is index.php file. This form has two text boxes and a submit button for inserting data.

This form also has an action attribute which contains insert.php. This will perform when clicking on submit button.


  Add Records in Database

Full Name :
Age :

Step 2: Connection with Database

This is dbConn.php file which connects the database.


Step 3: Write PHP code for insert data

This is insert.php file. Here is written PHP code for inserting data when clicking on submit button.


Hope it helps!!
Thank you!

Moving information from an HTML form into a database is a two-step design process. First, create an entry HTML form capable of passing information to a secondary file. Next, create a Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) file to accept the data and insert it into the database.

HTML is only capable of instructing a browser on the method of presenting information. The transactions needed to store information in the database require Structured Query Language (SQL) commands placed inside a PHP script.


  1. Create a Form on the Appropriate Page

  2. Create a form on the appropriate page including the “action” and “method” attributes in the form definition tag as follows:

  3. The “action” attribute tells the form to send the data to a script named “info.php,” and “method” describes the type of action to be performed once the information is passed to the script.

  4. Define Input Fields

  5. Define the input fields along with the data types to be passed to the database. For example:

  6. Username: Email:

  7. Together, these tags pass two text strings named “username” and “email” to the PHP script.

  8. Create Submit Button

  9. Provide the user with a way to initiate the transaction with the tag:

  10. This displays a “submit” button at the bottom of the form that triggers the database transaction.


  1. Create a File

  2. Create a file named “info.php.” Any file name can be used as long as it matches the name specified by the form's “action” attribute and ends with the .php extension.

  3. Connect to Database

  4. Open the PHP script and connect to the database with the statements:

  5. $connect = mysql_connect(“server_name”, “admin_name”, “password”); if (!connect) { die('Connection Failed: ' . mysql_error()); { mysql_select_db(“database_name”, $connect);

  6. The first line assigns the value returned by the “mysql_connect” function, used to initialize and validate the database connection, to the “$connect” variable. The “if” statement terminates communication with the database if the connection is not accepted. The final line selects the database specified in “database_name” and signs in with the username and password specified in the first line.

  7. Insert Information into the Database

  8. Insert the information into the database with the commands:

  9. $user_info = “INSERT INTO table_name (username, email) VALUES ('$_POST[username]', '$_POST[email]')”; if (!mysql_query($user_info, $connect)) { die('Error: ' . mysql_error()); }

  10. echo “Your information was added to the database.”;

  11. mysql_close($connect); ?>

  12. In the first line, the SQL statement used to insert the information in the database table “table_name” is passed to the variable “$user_info.” The following “if” statement verifies the connection to the proper table, inserts the data contained in “$user_info into the table. If the transaction can't be completed, an error message is generated and the connection is closed. The “echo” statement appears only if the information is successfully saved. Finally, calling “mysql_close” closes the database connection.

  13. Tip

    You must create the database and tables before passing data to them. The table's field names must match the names of the variables passed by the “$_POST[xxxxx]” global variables.

Can I connect database to HTML?

Step 3: Create HTML form for connecting to database Now you have to create an HTML form. For this, you need to create a working folder first and then create a web page with the name “contact. html”. If you install xampp your working folder is in folder this “E:\xampp\htdocs”.

How show data from database in HTML?

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How fetch data from SQL to HTML?

Here is an easy way to fetch data from a MySQL database using PDO. Show activity on this post. mysql_connect("localhost","root",""); mysql_select_db("database"); $query=mysql_query("select * from studenti"); $x=@mysql_num_rows($query); echo "how to retrieve data from database in html form using PHP.
Retrieve data from database and display in php form. Contents. ... .
Create database connection: database.php. ... .
Retrieve Data from Database: For retrieve data from MySQL the SELECT Query statement is used. ... .
FORM HTML: ... .
Included CSS: ... .
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