How to create a procedure in python


A procedure allows us to group a block of code under a name, known as a procedure name. We can call the block of code from anywhere in the program to execute the instructions it contains. We can also pass values to the procedure to change how it works.


Wherever possible you should try to use procedures or functions as they tend to make your code more readable.

Easy example¶

def showMenu():
    print('Main Menu')
    print('1. Play game')
    print('2. View high scores')
    print('3. Quit')


Main Menu
1. Play game
2. View high scores
3. Quit


showMenu() is an example of a procedure call. We can call the procedure as many times as we wish in the program.


A procedure needs to be defined earlier in the program than when it is called.


#define a procedure
def procedureName(arg1, arg2, ...):
    print('put instructions here')

#call the procedure


Example 2 - Use an argument¶

def storyStart(name):
    print('Once upon a time, ' + name + ' was imprisoned in a castle.')
    print('They were desperate to escape, but couldn\'t.')

userName = input('What is your name? ')


What is your name? Joe
Once upon a time, Joe was imprisoned in a castle.
They were desperate to escape, but couldn't.

Example 3 - Use two arguments¶

The following program first creates a procedure which takes a name and gender and then correctly creates the start of a story using the correct pronouns, he or she. This procedure is used later when it is called using the information which the user inputs.

def storyStart(name, gender):
    pronoun = ''
    if gender == 'm':
        pronoun = 'He'
    elif gender == 'f':
        pronoun = 'She'

    print('Once upon a time, ' + name + ' was imprisoned in a castle.')
    print(pronoun + ' was desperate to escape, but couldn\'t.')

userName = input('What is your name? ')
gender = input('Are you male or female (type m or f)? ')

storyStart(userName, gender)

What is your name? Joe
Are you male or female (type m or f)? m
Once upon a time, Joe was imprisoned in a castle.
He was desperate to escape, but couldn't.

Example 4 - Using a list as an argument¶

def displayListAndNumber(theList):
    for i in range(len(theList)):
        itemNumber = i + 1    #This adds one to the current loop number as Python lists start at zero, but we want the shopping list to start at one.
        print(str(itemNumber) + '. ' + theList[i])

shoppingList = ['eggs', 'milk', 'ham', 'fish', 'bread']
shoppingListHardware = ['saw', 'drill', 'wood']


1. eggs
2. milk
3. ham
4. fish
5. bread
1. saw
2. drill
3. wood

Example 5 - Using global variables¶

pi = 3.14

def showAreaOfCircle(radius):
    area = pi * radius * radius
    print('Area: ' + str(area))

def updatePi(newPi):
    global pi
    pi = newPi





We need to use the keyword global before we can change a global variable inside a procedure or function. In general you should avoid using global variables and instead pass values to procedures using arguments.

Key points¶


When you decompose a program into smaller parts, these will usually end up getting programmed in functions or procedures.


Procedures and functions are ways of abstracting your program. If you can think of parts of the program that are similar, then it is best to abstract them into their own procedure or function.


Procedures and functions are both types of subroutines in programming. Both use the def keyword in Python.

How do you create a procedure in Python?

The four steps to defining a function in Python are the following: Use the keyword def to declare the function and follow this up with the function name. Add parameters to the function: they should be within the parentheses of the function. End your line with a colon.

What is an example of a procedure in Python?

showMenu() is an example of a procedure call. We can call the procedure as many times as we wish in the program. A procedure needs to be defined earlier in the program than when it is called.

Does Python have procedure?

User-Defined Procedures A Function is a series of Python statements begins by a def , followed by the function name and enclosed in parenthesis. A Function may or may not return a value. A Function procedure can take arguments (constants, variables, or expressions that are passed by a calling procedure).

How do you call a procedure in Python?

To call a procedure in Python , simply use its name (include the brackets):.
at the end of a level..
when the player loses a life..
when the player beats the high score..
when the game is over..