Hướng dẫn a algorithm python implementation - triển khai thuật toán python

#! heuristic = 0): self.item = itemself . . . self, node): x, y = node.itemreturn0#-*-mã hóa: utf-8-*-# intert = 0, heuristic = 0): self.item = itemself.parent = pargeforelf.gscore = gscoreself.heuristic = heuristicdef__eq __ (tự, khác) .heuristicNode.gscore: left = bisect.b isect_left (hàng đợi, trùng lặp) phải = bisect.bisect_right (hàng đợi, trùng lặp) Queue.pop (Queue.index (trùng lặp, trái, phải)) nodeBisect.insort_left (hàng đợi, nút) returnPathClassd2 (astarpathfinding): def__init __ (self, ma trận, hàng, cols): self.matrix = matrixelf. .Itemx2, y2 = des.itemreturnabs (x1-x2) +abs (y1-y2) refgetchildren (self, node): x, y = node.itemreturn [self.node ((x +1, y) , gscore = node.gscore+1), self.node ((x-1, y), Parent = node, gscore = node.gscore+1), self.node ((x, y+1), Parent = node , gscore = node.gscore+1), self.node ((x, y-1), Parent = node, gscore = node.gscore+1),] defavailable (self, node): x, y = node.itemreturn0 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # import bisect class AStarPathfinding(object): class Node(object): # item must be hashable def __init__(self, item, parent=None, gscore=0, heuristic=0): self.item = item self.parent = parent self.gscore = gscore self.heuristic = heuristic def __eq__(self, other): return other.item == self.item def __lt__(self, other): return self.gscore + self.heuristic < other.gscore + other.heuristic def __hash__(self): return hash(self.item) def __repr__(self): return '<%s(%s)>' %(self.__class__.__name__, repr(self.item)) def heuristic(self, src, des): raise NotImplementedError def getchildren(self, node): raise NotImplementedError def available(self, node): return True def generate(self, node): path = list() while node: path.append(node.item) node = node.parent return path def findpath(self, start, end): path = list() openpath = dict() queue = list() closepath = set() found = False target = self.Node(end) node = self.Node(start) node.heuristic = self.heuristic(node, target) openpath[start] = node queue.append(node) while openpath and not found: current = queue.pop(0) openpath.pop(current.item) closepath.add(current) for node in self.getchildren(current): if not self.available(node): continue elif node in closepath: continue elif node == target: path = self.generate(node) found = True break else: duplicated = openpath.get(node.item) if not duplicated: node.heuristic = self.heuristic(node, target) openpath[node.item] = node bisect.insort_left(queue, node) elif duplicated.gscore > node.gscore: left = bisect.bisect_left(queue, duplicated) right = bisect.bisect_right(queue, duplicated) queue.pop(queue.index(duplicated, left, right)) node.heuristic = self.heuristic(node, target) openpath[node.item] = node bisect.insort_left(queue, node) return path class D2(AStarPathfinding): def __init__(self, matrix, rows, cols): self.matrix = matrix self.rows = rows self.cols = cols def heuristic(self, src, des): x1, y1 = src.item x2, y2 = des.item return abs(x1 - x2) + abs(y1 - y2) def getchildren(self, node): x, y = node.item return [ self.Node((x + 1, y), parent=node, gscore=node.gscore + 1), self.Node((x - 1, y), parent=node, gscore=node.gscore + 1), self.Node((x, y + 1), parent=node, gscore=node.gscore + 1), self.Node((x, y - 1), parent=node, gscore=node.gscore + 1), ] def available(self, node): x, y = node.item return 0 <= x < self.cols and 0 <= y < self.rows and self.matrix[y][x] == ' ' if __name__ == '__main__': def printmatrix(matrix, width, height): for i in range(height): msg = [] for j in range(width): msg.append(matrix[i][j]) print(str().join(msg)) def setpoint(matrix, point, char='X'): x, y = point matrix[y][x] = char def setline(matrix, p1, p2, char='X'): if p1 != p2: x1, y1 = p1 x2, y2 = p2 if x1 == x2: for y in range(min(y1, y2), max(y1, y2) + 1): matrix[y][x1] = char elif y1 == y2: for x in range(min(x1, x2), max(x1, x2) + 1): matrix[y1][x] = char rows = 22 cols = 78 matrix = [ [' ' for j in range(cols)] for i in range(rows) ] # - - setline(matrix, (10, 4), (34, 4)) setline(matrix, (44, 4), (68, 4)) # | | setline(matrix, (10, 4), (10, 11)) setline(matrix, (68, 4), (68, 11)) # -- setline(matrix, (10, 11), (68, 11)) # - - setline(matrix, (0, 14), (34, 14)) setline(matrix, (44, 14), (77, 14)) finder = D2(matrix, rows, cols) for point in finder.findpath((39, 8), (39, 18)): setpoint(matrix, point, '*') printmatrix(matrix, cols, rows) import timeit timer = timeit.Timer('finder.findpath((39, 8), (39, 18))', globals={'finder': finder}) print(timer.timeit(1000))