Hướng dẫn base32 decode php

I have to pass username as an unique string to a webservice, and the API is asking for the following.

  1. Unique string has to be converted to BASE16
  2. It is the BASE16 value I have to pass.

I cannot find a way to convert the value to BASE16. PHP does not seem to have a BASE16_ENCODE like it does for BASE64.


$value = ;
$base16username = base16_encode('$value'); (< Since Base16_encode does not exist, this is my problem)

Google searches are leading me nowhere, nor is the PHP online manual so I suspect I might be overlooking something obvious. Any suggestions?


Hướng dẫn base32 decode php

Base32 string encoder based on RFC 4648.


Via Composer

$ composer require selective/base32


  • PHP 7.1.3+


use Selective\Base32\Base32;

$str = 'abc 1234';

// Encode
$base32 = new Base32();
$encoded = $base32->encode($str); // MFRGGIBRGIZTI====

// Decode
echo $base32->decode($encoded); // abc 1234

Without padding and only lowercase

$str = 'abc 1234';

// Encode
$encoded = $base32->encode($str, false);
$encoded = strtolower($enc); // mfrggibrgizti

// Decode
echo $base32->decode($encoded);



Please see CONTRIBUTING and CONDUCT for details.


  • Bryan Ruiz


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.


PHP base32 encoding/decoding class (RFC 4648 standard and extended hex, Crockford, z-base-32/Zooko)

This class provides static methods to encode and decode data to/from the following encodings:

  • base32 (RFC 4648)
  • base32 extended hex (RFC 4648)
  • base32 Crockford
  • base32 Zooko (z-base-32)

For each encoding, there are methods for encoding/decoding byte-strings and for encoding/decoding non-negative integers of arbitrary length. To handle integers of arbitrary length, PHP's BC Math extension is used whenever PHP's internal integer type is not sufficient to store/process the data.

All exceptions thrown by this class will have an exception code corresponding to one of the codes defined in the class constants at the beginning of the class.

This class is designed to be fast and memory efficient and is fully documented using PHPDoc-blocks.


By composer

composer require skleeschulte/base32


wget https://codeload.github.com/skleeschulte/php-base32/zip/master

If you find any bugs or have suggestions for improvements, you are welcome to create a new issue at https://github.com/skleeschulte/php-base32/issues .

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