Hướng dẫn bootstrap reddit


Posted by4 months ago

Hướng dẫn bootstrap reddit

Bootstrap là gì? Các tính năng và cách cài đặt Bootstrap thế nào? Đây là câu hỏi được rất nhiều người quan tâm. Bootstrap là một framework rất phổ biến và được sử dụng rộng rãi trong quá trình…
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Hướng dẫn bootstrap reddit


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As others have said, make all the hard stuff is CSS first, I just used Bootstrap for the first time and it’s saving me a ton of time.

Like you should know what CSS creates an hamburger drop down from scratch. You should understand how REM works. And especially learn how FlexBox works.

That said it’s more helpful to write your own classes and your own css first, but once you understand that it’ll help a lot.

It made me appreciate Bootstrap a lot more when I was asked to build mobile , tablet, and desktop responsiveness based on a Figma sketch. If I had handwrote the css from scratch it would have taken forever.

I have used bootstrap extensively on some projects, and on others not at all. It's really just one tool in the toolbox; sometimes it's useful and sometimes it isn't.

But if I take your second question a bit more literally, I would say yes, keep learning it. Here's why:

Since it's a widely used and tested library, with lots of contributors and reviewers, there are a lot of practical architecture/design choices that you can learn from if you take the time to read and understand the actual code (and even the issues that lead to them). In addition, it offers some very thorough and relatively clear documentation. It's also very extensible and at the same time granular- using a pre-processor you can compile just the modules and components you need.

If you're working with a team, especially one with varying levels of skill, all of these attributes are valuable and important to understand. Especially so if you're going to "roll your own framework". I can't tell you how many times I've had to work with in-house frameworks that have no forethought, granularity, or documentation. In nearly all of those cases, the resulting homemade framework ended up being virtually the same size as bootstrap, with essentially none of the positives.

In short, understand how bootstrap is designed, and you'll be in a much better position to decide when it is and isn't right for a given project. And you'll also understand better how to create an alternative when needed that is robust and usable.

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