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Unlockable Characters XBOX

To unlock the following characters, complete the following:

UnlockableHow to UnlockBaby ChrisBeat Baby Chris at 7th Heaven in story modeBlessBeat Bless at Syn Energy Powerplant in story modeBoBeat Bo at The Foundation in story modeBone CrusherBeat Bone Crusher at 7th Heaven in story modeBubba SparxxxBeat Bubba Sparxxx at The Pit in story modeCaponeBeat Capone at 'The Foundation' in story mode.Carmen ElectraChoose Carmen as your girlfriend and lose to your old girlfriend at The Babylon Club in story modeCarmen ElectraChoose Carmen as your girlfriend and beat your old girlfriend at The Babylon Club in story modeCarmen ElectraBeat her using your girlfriend at The Babylon Club in story modeChiangBeat Chiang at The Dragon House in story modeCindy JChoose Cindy J as your girlfriend, then beat Nyne at The Babylon Club in story modeCompBeat Comp at Syn Energy Powerplant in story modeCrazy LegsBeat Crazy Legs at The Terrordome in story modeD-MobBuy him for 100 reward points in the 'Unlock Rewards' modeD-Mob: Costume 2Buy him for 100 reward points in the 'Unlock Rewards' modeD-Mob: Costume 3Buy him for 100 reward points in the 'Unlock Rewards' modeDan GBeat Dan G at 'The Terrordome' in story mode.Danny TrejoBeat Trejo at The Limit in story modeElephant ManBeat Elephant Man at The Babylon Club in story modeErick SermonBeat Erick Sermon at The Pit in story modeFam LayBeat Fam Lay at 7th Heaven in story modeFat Joe as CrackBeat Crack at Club Murder in story modeFlava FlavBeat Flava Flav at The Terrordome in story modeFreewayBeat Freeway at Syn Energy Powerplant in story modeIce TBeat Ice T at Club 357 in story modeJacob The JewelerBuy him for 50 reward points in the 'Unlock Rewards' modeJoe BuddenBeat Joe Budden at The Babylon Club in story modeKimoraChoose Kimora as your girlfriend, then beat Nyne at The Babylon Club in story modeLaurenBuy her for 50 reward points in the 'Unlock Rewards' modeLil FlipBeat Lil Flip at The Gauntlet in story modeLil KimChoose Lil Kim as your girlfriend, then beat Nyne at The Babylon Club in story modeLudacrisBeat Ludacris at 7th Heaven: Club DTP in story modeMack 10Beat Mack 10 at The Chopshop in story modeMasaBeat Masa at The Dragon House in story modeMemphis BleekBeat Memphis Bleek at The Limit in story modeMethod Man as Blaze: Costume 2Beat story modeMethod Man as Blaze: Costume 3Beat story modeN.O.R.EBeat N.O.R.E at The Heights in story modeOfficier JervisBuy him for 50 reward points in the 'Unlock Rewards' modeOfficier StarksBuy him for 50 reward points in the 'Unlock Rewards' modeOmar Epps as O.E.Beat O.E. at The Foundation in story modePocketsBeat Pockets at The Babylon Club in story modeProdigyBeat Prodigy at The Heights in story modeRomeBeat Rome at Syn Energy Powerplant in story modeScarfaceBeat Scarface in The Babylon Club in story modeSean PaulBeat Sean Paul at the Babylon Club in story modeShaniquaChoose any girlfriend, then lose to Nyne at the Babylon Club in story modeShawnnaChoose Shawnna as your girlfriend, then beat Nyne at The Babylon Club in story modeSlick RickBeat Slick Rick at Syn Energy Powerplant in story modeSnoop Dogg as CrowBeat Crow at Crow's Office in story modeSnowmanBuy him for 25 reward points in the 'Unlock Rewards' modeSoloBeat Solo at the Babylon Club in story modeSticky FingazBeat Sticky Fingaz at Red Hook Tire Co. in story modeSticky Fingaz: Costume 2Beat story modeTeckBeat Teck at Hunt's Point Scrapyard in story modeWarren GBeat Warren G at The Chopshop in story modeWCBeat WC at The Chopshop in story mode

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There's more to the combat of Def Jam FIGHT for NY than meets the eye. Behind the bone-crushing animation and the in-your-face attitude lies a fighting engine filled with nuance. Even if you already have a mastery of the controls, it'll take yet more knowledge of the game's inner workings before you can take on the best. Here, before your very eyes, is that elusive knowledge.



If one were so inclined to try, it is quite possible to smash on the punch and kick buttons for hours without ever knocking out an opponent. As important as it is to keep your character healthy during a fight, fact is that having a low life bar is not the end of the world in Def Jam FIGHT for NY. The health guage doesn't operate in the same fashion of your typical fighting game—just because your health bar is at zero doesn't mean you're down for the count.

The way the health bar works in FIGHT for NY is quite a bit different. Basically, you want to get your opponent's health into the "danger" zone, turning it red—when and only when you get them into the danger zone, you can prepare for a KO attack. There are a number of KO attacks at your disposal, depending on your character's fighting styles.

  • WEAPON STRIKE Nail an opponent with any weapon attack—from a pool stick to an empty beer bottle—while they are in the danger zone and they'll get knocked out.
  • BLAZE MOVE Attack an opponent with your blaze attack while they're in the red and they'll eat a KO. To execute a blaze attack, wait for your momentum meter to fill (under your health bar). Then, activate blaze by tapping any direction on the right thumbstick. Press grapple near an enemy and then tap any direction on the right thumbstick again to execute the attack.
  • ENVIRONMENTAL ATTACK Use a grapple toss to stun an opponent against a wall or other environmental object, and press grapple again to perform an environmental attack that will knock him out (if he's in the danger zone). Another form of environmental attack that will KO red-bar opponents is jumping from the top of objects, such as the corners of the Stapleton Center. To get on top of the object, press the run button near it. Then, press either punch or kick from atop the object to leap off and deal a devastating blow. If your opponent is in the red the moment you land with your jumping attack, they'll take a hard KO.


The five core styles of fighting in Def Jam FIGHT for NY are more than just for looks. Each style has its own feature method of scoring KOs on opponents in the danger zone.

  • WRESLTERS Wrestlers can get KOs by using power grapple moves. Hold the power modifier and press the grapple button to initiate the power grapple. From there, press either punch or kick to execute a power grapple that will KO opponents in the red. You can perform variations of the power grapples by pressing any direction on the left thumbstick and punch or kick.
  • KICKBOXERS Kickboxers get KOs through their own brand of power grapples. Hold the power modifier and press the grapple button to initiate the attack. Then, attack with varying knee strikes by pressing the kick button and any direction on the left thumbstick. It takes about six or seven knee strikes to initiate the final attack which is strong enough to KO your opponent—to get to that last attack, your opponent must already be relatively low on health (1/3rd of a life bar or less). If you try the move before the opponent is low on health, you'll only get in a few knee strikes before your opponent shrugs you off. What's good about the move, however, is that the opponent doesn't have to be in the danger zone when you start it. As long as one of the first six knee strikes puts your opponent into the red, the final devastating attack will count as a KO.
  • STREET FIGHTERS Street fighters get KOs very simply: they use a super powerful punch. To execute the attack, hold the power modifier and press punch. If you nail an opponent who's in the red with a power punch, they'll instantly KO. Be careful not to get too predictable with this attack, as it's pretty easy to counter of your opponent sees it coming. The best way to land the attack is to wait for your opponent to go on the offensive—pull out a haymaker when they drop their guard and go for their own attack.
  • MARTIAL ARTISTS Scoring KOs with a martial artist's unique move is one of the hardest techniques in the game, which is why martial arts is the worst fighting style in the game. To execute their unique move, press the run button and rush towards a wall or environmental object. When you're near the object, press either punch or kick and your character will fly off the wall, coming at your opponent with a powerful attack. If this attack lands on an opponent who is in the danger zone, they will instantly KO. Unfortunately, it is insanely difficult to pull of this move in an actual match, since the attack doesn't have very good range. Also, running depletes your momentum meter (the meter under your health), which means that you only have two or three shots at executing the move before you have to regain your stamina.
  • SUBMISSION ARTISTS Submission artists have a very unique method of winning fights. Instead of waiting for an opponent to get into the red to deal a knockout blow, submission artists can win fights by forcing their opponents to give up by completely damaging either their arms, legs, or head. Regular punches and grabs won't help you in forcing a submission, though—you have to rely on specific grappling techniques to achieve their unique win strategy. Hold the power modifier while pressing the grapple button and hit either punch or kick and any direction on the left thumbstick to execute one of many submission holds. The hold will deplete a certain amount of health from the specific limb that you attack, and each limb has its own health bar. For an opponent to submit, you must deplete an entire limb health bar. Each limb health bar is completely independent from the other, and they'll deplete at varying speeds. Certain opponents have arms that are weaker than their legs, or heads that are weaker than both. Find which of your opponent's limbs is the weakest, and focus on that for the quickest win. One thing that makes submission holds so powerful is that, unlike the normal health bar, the health bar of each limb doesn't rebuild itself, letting you take your time with forcing the submission.



The best opportunities to land attacks without having to worry about being countered is when you either stun or dizzy your opponent. There are multiple ways to lead your opponents into a stun or dizzy, and you'll need to know not only how to get them there but also know what to do with your opponent when you've got them in a defenseless state.

Stun A stun will leave your opponent on his feet, but will render him unable to block, counter, or reverse any attack you throw. When your opponent stumbles backwards wildly, they are vulnerable to your attack, though since the stun lasts such a short time you'll have to be super quick to attack before your opponent recovers.

Stun attacks can also send opponents slumped against a wall if they stumble back into one, or get them entangled in the crowd if they step back too far. When an opponent is stunned mid-arena, they will fall down after one attack, making combos impossible. Strike with one fast and powerful attack (or throw) to ensure you capitalize on the opportunity.

  • REVERSAL Successfully reverse one of your opponent's punches or kicks and he'll be left in a temporary stun. If your reversal didn't send the opponent too far back, you can quickly nail them with an attack. The best attacks to use are long-range and fast attacks, such as running kicks.
  • GRAPPLE REVERSAL Grapple reversals will stun opponents just like a regular reversal will, and give you the same opportunities for attack. Strike back instantly and fast with something long-range, or hope to push your opponent back into a wall or the crowd.
  • WAKE-UP ATTACK When you're knocked down on the ground, you can get up while attacking by pressing either punch or kick. If this attack lands on your opponent, they'll be stunned, though he'll almost always stumble back too far for a follow-up attack. Luckily, the attack will still send opponents slumped against walls, and knock them into the grasp of the crowd.
  • RUNNING ATTACK If you nail an opponent with a running attack (performed by pressing run and hitting either punch or kick near your opponent) they'll stumble backwards, stunned. You won't likely be able to follow up with another attack unless they get knocked into a wall or the crowd. If they do, the wall or crowd will hold them up, allowing you a free shot at your stunned opponent.
  • WEAPON STRIKE Nail an opponent with any weapon and they'll be temporarily stunned, letting you run in for a quick follow-up attack. Since the weapon strike usually leaves your opponent far away, it'll take a running attack to catch up with them...unless of course they bump into something as they stumble back.
  • GRAPPLE SHOVE When you grapple an opponent and shove them away (by pressing the grapple button and any direction on the left thumbstick) they will stumble away, temporarily stunned. It's hard to capitalize on the opportunity, though it is possible to immediately run and kick them in the back if you toss them behind you.


Dizzy A dizzy is completely different from a stun, but opens up similar possibilities. Opponents first show signs of a dizzy while on the ground, when their body temporarily convulses on the floor. The affect isn't long, so you'll have to be quick to press grapple and force the opponent to his feet. While standing, a dizzied opponent will sway in a circular, letting you do with them what you want. You'll have to be quick, though, as a dizzy is very temporary.

Unlike a stun, however, this temporarily drop in defenses makes them vulnerable to combos (whereas with a stun, the first hit will make the opponent fall). If an opponent is dizzied, you can quickly land a quick couple of punches before going into a grapple and tossing them into a wall or the crowd. Once they're slumped against a wall or crowd, you can then land a power attack, an environmental grapple attack, or any number of other strikes.


A dizzy occurs after a number of hard hits are dealt to your opponent, including combinations of power punches, power grapple attacks, and blaze attacks. If you nail your opponent with a couple of powerful attacks consecutively, check to see if they're dizzied—if they are, you'll have a good opportunity to lay out even more damage.