Hướng dẫn encode decode url php - mã hóa giải mã url php

(Php 4, Php 5, Php 7, Php 8)

URLDECODE-Chuỗi được mã hóa URL được mã hóa — Decodes URL-encoded stringDecodes URL-encoded string

Sự mô tả

Urldecode (Chuỗi $string): Chuỗi(string $string): string(string $string): string

Thông số


Chuỗi được giải mã.

Trả về giá trị

Trả về chuỗi được giải mã.

Ví dụ

Ví dụ #1 urldecode () ví dụurldecode() exampleurldecode() example

$query "my=apples&are=green+and+red";

foreach (

explode('&'$query) as $chunk) {
$param explode("="$chunk);

    if (

$param) {
printf("Value for parameter \"%s\" is \"%s\"
urldecode($param[0]), urldecode($param[1]));

Ghi chú

Cảnh báo

Superglobals $ _Get và $ _Request đã được giải mã. Sử dụng urldecode () trên một phần tử trong $ _get hoặc $ _Request có thể có kết quả bất ngờ và nguy hiểm.urldecode() on an element in $_GET or $_REQUEST could have unexpected and dangerous results. urldecode() on an element in $_GET or $_REQUEST could have unexpected and dangerous results.

Xem thêm

  • urlencode () - Chuỗi mã hóa url
  • RAWURLENCODE () - Mã điện tử URL theo RFC 3986
  • RawUrldecode () - Chuỗi mã hóa URL giải mã
  • »& NBSP; RFC 3986

Alejandro tại Devenet Dot Net ¶

11 năm trước

When the client send Get data, utf-8 character encoding have a tiny problem with the urlencode.
Consider the "º" character.
Some clients can send (as example)
and another clients send
foo.php?myvar=%C2%BA (The "right" url encoding)

in this scenary, you assign the value into variable $x

$x = $_GET['myvar'];

$x store: in the first case "�" (bad) and in the second case "º" (good)

To fix that, you can use this function:








Trực quan ¶ ¶

16 năm trước


Jan Vratny ¶ ¶

14 năm trước




Tomas tại Penajaca dot com dot br ¶ ¶

19 năm trước

$query "my=apples&are=green+and+red";0

$query "my=apples&are=green+and+red";1

$query "my=apples&are=green+and+red";2

$query "my=apples&are=green+and+red";3

$query "my=apples&are=green+and+red";4


Matt Johnson ¶ ¶

17 năm trước

$query "my=apples&are=green+and+red";6

$query "my=apples&are=green+and+red";7

$query "my=apples&are=green+and+red";8

$query "my=apples&are=green+and+red";9

foreach (0

foreach (1

foreach (2

foreach (3


rosty dot kerei tại gmail dot com ¶ ¶

16 năm trước

foreach (5

foreach (6

foreach (7

foreach (8

foreach (9

foreach (1

foreach (2

foreach (30


Jan Vratny ¶ ¶

14 năm trước

foreach (1

foreach (2

foreach (32

foreach (1

foreach (2

foreach (33

explode('&'$query) as $chunk) {
$param explode("="$chunk);

    if (

$param) {
printf("Value for parameter \"%s\" is \"%s\"
urldecode($param[0]), urldecode($param[1]));

Tomas tại Penajaca dot com dot br ¶ ¶

14 năm trước

foreach (1

foreach (2

foreach (35

foreach (1

foreach (2

Tomas tại Penajaca dot com dot br ¶ ¶

foreach (1

foreach (2

19 năm trước) {
printf("Value for parameter \"%s\" is \"%s\"
urldecode($param[0]), urldecode($param[1]));
?> 7

foreach (1

foreach (2

foreach (38


Tomas tại Penajaca dot com dot br ¶ ¶

19 năm trước

When the client send Get data, utf-8 character encoding have a tiny problem with the urlencode.
Consider the "º" character.
Some clients can send (as example)
and another clients send
foo.php?myvar=%C2%BA (The "right" url encoding)

When the client send Get data, utf-8 character encoding have a tiny problem with the urlencode.
Consider the "º" character.
Some clients can send (as example)
and another clients send
foo.php?myvar=%C2%BA (The "right" url encoding)


Matt Johnson ¶ ¶

19 năm trước

When the client send Get data, utf-8 character encoding have a tiny problem with the urlencode.
Consider the "º" character.
Some clients can send (as example)
and another clients send
foo.php?myvar=%C2%BA (The "right" url encoding)

When the client send Get data, utf-8 character encoding have a tiny problem with the urlencode.
Consider the "º" character.
Some clients can send (as example)
and another clients send
foo.php?myvar=%C2%BA (The "right" url encoding)

When the client send Get data, utf-8 character encoding have a tiny problem with the urlencode.
Consider the "º" character.
Some clients can send (as example)
and another clients send
foo.php?myvar=%C2%BA (The "right" url encoding)


Matt Johnson ¶ ¶

17 năm trước

When the client send Get data, utf-8 character encoding have a tiny problem with the urlencode.
Consider the "º" character.
Some clients can send (as example)
and another clients send
foo.php?myvar=%C2%BA (The "right" url encoding)

rosty dot kerei tại gmail dot com ¶ ¶

14 năm trước

Tomas tại Penajaca dot com dot br ¶ ¶

When the client send Get data, utf-8 character encoding have a tiny problem with the urlencode.
Consider the "º" character.
Some clients can send (as example)
and another clients send
foo.php?myvar=%C2%BA (The "right" url encoding)

in this scenary, you assign the value into variable $x 0

in this scenary, you assign the value into variable $x 1


Tomas tại Penajaca dot com dot br ¶ ¶

17 năm trước

in this scenary, you assign the value into variable $x 3

in this scenary, you assign the value into variable $x 4

in this scenary, you assign the value into variable $x 5

in this scenary, you assign the value into variable $x 6

in this scenary, you assign the value into variable $x 7

in this scenary, you assign the value into variable $x 8

in this scenary, you assign the value into variable $x 9

$x = $_GET['myvar'];

$x store: in the first case "�" (bad) and in the second case "º" (good)


rosty dot kerei tại gmail dot com ¶ ¶

foreach (36

$x = $_GET['myvar'];

$x store: in the first case "�" (bad) and in the second case "º" (good)

$x = $_GET['myvar'];

$x store: in the first case "�" (bad) and in the second case "º" (good)

$x = $_GET['myvar'];

$x store: in the first case "�" (bad) and in the second case "º" (good)

$x = $_GET['myvar'];

$x store: in the first case "�" (bad) and in the second case "º" (good)

$x = $_GET['myvar'];

$x store: in the first case "�" (bad) and in the second case "º" (good)

$param) {        printf("Value for parameter \"%s\" is \"%s\"\n", urldecode($param[0]), urldecode($param[1]));    }}?> 7

When the client send Get data, utf-8 character encoding have a tiny problem with the urlencode.
Consider the "º" character.
Some clients can send (as example)
and another clients send
foo.php?myvar=%C2%BA (The "right" url encoding)

19 năm trước

$x = $_GET['myvar'];

$x store: in the first case "�" (bad) and in the second case "º" (good)

Matt Johnson ¶ ¶

17 năm trước

$x = $_GET['myvar'];

$x store: in the first case "�" (bad) and in the second case "º" (good)

To fix that, you can use this function: 0

To fix that, you can use this function: 1

To fix that, you can use this function: 2


rosty dot kerei tại gmail dot com ¶ ¶

19 năm trước

To fix that, you can use this function: 4

To fix that, you can use this function: 5

To fix that, you can use this function: 6

To fix that, you can use this function: 7

To fix that, you can use this function: 8

To fix that, you can use this function: 9




Matt Johnson ¶ ¶

19 năm trước




Matt Johnson ¶ ¶

19 năm trước





Matt Johnson ¶ ¶

17 năm trướcSimply enter your data then push the decode button. For encoded binaries (like images, documents, etc.) use the file upload form a little further down on this page. Source character set.

rosty dot kerei tại gmail dot com ¶ ¶

foreach (36 .

$param) {        printf("Value for parameter \"%s\" is \"%s\"\n", urldecode($param[0]), urldecode($param[1]));    }}?> 7

When the client send Get data, utf-8 character encoding have a tiny problem with the urlencode.
Consider the "º" character.
Some clients can send (as example)
and another clients send
foo.php?myvar=%C2%BA (The "right" url encoding)
8 urlencode() Function. The urlencode() function is an inbuilt function in PHP which is used to encode the url. This function returns a string which consist all non-alphanumeric characters except -_. and replace by the percent (%) sign followed by two hex digits and spaces encoded as plus (+) signs.

Ozlperez11 tại gmail dot com ¶

string5 used to convert general URL strings and characters into an arrangement that can be conveyed over the internet. In this tutorial, you will learn about two ways in which URL string can be encoded and decoded in PHP.