Hướng dẫn mod javascript function

For the operation n % d, n is called the dividend and d is called the divisor. The operation returns NaN if one of the operands is NaN, n is ±Infinity, or if d is ±0. Otherwise, if d is ±Infinity or if n is ±0, the dividend n is returned.

When both operands are non-zero and finite, the remainder r is calculated as r := n - d * q where q is the integer such that r has the same sign as the dividend n while being as close to 0 as possible.

Note that while in most languages, '%' is a remainder operator, in some (e.g. Python, Perl) it is a modulo operator. Modulo is defined as k := n - d * q where q is the integer such that k has the same sign as the divisor d while being as close to 0 as possible. For two values of the same sign, the two are equivalent, but when the operands are of different signs, the modulo result always has the same sign as the divisor, while the remainder has the same sign as the dividend, which can make them differ by one unit of d. To obtain a modulo in JavaScript, in place of n % d, use ((n % d) + d) % d. In JavaScript, the modulo operation (which doesn't have a dedicated operator) is used to normalize the second operand of bitwise shift operators (<<, >>, etc.), making the offset always a positive value.

Hướng dẫn mod javascript function

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Hướng dẫn mod javascript function