illuminatis là gì - Nghĩa của từ illuminatis

illuminatis có nghĩa là

the Illuminati is a secret orginazation of the most powerful and influential elite in the world.They go back for centuries and maintain the same bloodlines.They set up the council on forign relations,the bilderberg group and the tri-laterial commission.those 3 groups all meet to plan the fate of the world.They consists of international bankers,top government officials,leaders in the energy cartel and media monopoly owners and have control over the U.N. and unesco.their subdivisions reach into everyones daily life without most sheeple even being aware of it. They also have ties to the freemasons,skull and bones, and the knights templar.their ultimate goal is for a one world government which they will control,also a one world currency,and they want control and ownership of all land,property,resources and people.Also they manipulate political parties,and the legal and illigal drug trade and federal agencies related to all matters listed above.


rockefeller foundation,ford foundation, carlysle group,J.P.Morgan,oppenhiemer,kuhn leub,federal reserve system and many others involved. check out bloodlines of the illuminati and new world order

illuminatis có nghĩa là

The Bastards who killed Michael Jackson to prevent him from Revealing the truth about the New World Order on July 8th,2009 during his concerts.


The Illuminati has also killed Tupac, Bob Marley, and John Lennon.

illuminatis có nghĩa là

Elite masters of deception who want to control your mind, soul, and your body, and rule the entire world.


"Illuminati want my mind, soul, and my body. Secret society, tryin to keep they eye on me." - LL Cool J

illuminatis có nghĩa là

a product of human fear based dellusion.
A theory for those that need somthing to blame for the state of the world rather than admit it be the simple result of centuries of human stupidity.


"oh no, it cant can't possibly be that human habits force us to blame anyone but ourselves for everything that is bad in the world,.. there must be a big, bad, mean organisation conspiring to fuck things up for us. Lets call it 'the illuminati'"

illuminatis có nghĩa là

Something everyone screams when theres a triangle.


*sees triangle in geometry class*

illuminatis có nghĩa là

An ancient secret brotherhood dedicated to fucking up the lives of paranoid people around the world


My psychiatrist prescribed Risperidone, but I suspect that this is just some sneaky Illuminati-plot to get rid of me, since I am heir to the throne of Denmark

illuminatis có nghĩa là

An ancient, disbanded organization that people claim to be behind an ongoing conspiracy. What people claim that they are behind today is something that they were actually against back when they existed. Many people believe that the Illuminati is represented by a triangle with an eye in the center, known as the all-seeing eye. Conspiracy theories are sometimes tied to this eye, but their real symbol is actually an owl.


PlayStation 4? Xbox 1? 4-1=3? A triangle is 3 sides. What do the owners of both the companies have? Eyes. Triangle? Eyes? SONY AND MICROSOFT ARE ILLUMINATI!!!!!

illuminatis có nghĩa là

People usually mix up the Illuminati with Freemasons, and Satanic worshipers, although they are completely different. The Illuminati was a society that dates back to the 16th century that believed in science. The Illuminati rejected many of the claims that the Roman Catholic Church preached between themselves and believed in scientific evidence. Galileo, Copernicus, and many other notable scientists were part of the Illuminati and major leaders.
So Basically they are people who believed in science more than religion and they are NOT satanic. There are some conspiracy theories about their association with Masons and the US government, but these are merely CONSPIRACY THEORIES and not proven facts so don't go around saying that they killed Michael Jackson or that they are singers that sold their soul to Satan. They are simply people who believe in science; the common day belief that is spread around (especially between teenagers) is completely absurd and has no facts behind it. For more information about the Illuminati research using reliable resources or if you are too lazy just read Dan Brown's "Angels and Demons."


The Illuminati believe in Big Bang Theory.

illuminatis có nghĩa là

Historically known as the Bavarian Illuminati. An enlightenment era secret society that started on May the 1st 1776 in Ingolstadt at The Electorate of Bavaria holy roman empire by a law professor named Johann Adam Weishaupt. They were a political secret society not a group of scientists as Dan Brown fangirls claim since they don't do their actual research.


Fangirl of Dan Brown: I'm educated on the Illuminati conspiracy because I've read a book written by my favourite author Danny boy the pide piper.
Historical Skeptic: uhhhh no the Illuminati are a Bavarian secret society founded by a law Professor named Johann Adam Weishaupt on May Day 1776 at the University of Ingolstadt.

illuminatis có nghĩa là

Illuminat is a secret orginization said to be controlling most of media such as music gaming and news.


When your fucking paranoid friend tells you about another Gay-z rumor about him doing the illuminati hands and some bs and some stupid triangle in a musicvideo what do you do. 1. kill your friend befor he spreads the truth. 2. take him to therapy. 3. or sacrifice him for fame and peenuts