Liền kề ma trận python

On Thu, Dec 9, 2010 at 10:03 PM, Rob Beezer wrote:
> Có bất kỳ sự phản đối nào đối với việc phản đối hiện tại. chức năng liên kết ()
> (trả về một ma trận các đồng sáng lập) và đổi tên nó thành
> "phân xử"?
> phản đối. Điều đó sẽ bắt đầu quá trình giải phóng "liên kết" cho
> cái gì khác (lý tưởng là chuyển vị liên hợp)


    Tôi đã không thể trả lời về vấn đề này trước đây và hôm nay sau khi nhận được
    bình luận về vé #10501 Tôi đã bình luận ngay tại đó, đó có thể là một
    hơi thiếu lịch sự vì đã hết thời gian và tôi đã không đăng bài đó
    bình luận cho chủ đề này (nếu vậy tôi xin lỗi)

    Dù sao, đây là một bản sao của bài viết của tôi, trong trường hợp nó hữu ích

    Tôi đã nêu một số phản đối, nhưng tôi sẽ nhắc lại

    Về việc không dùng "adjoint" có nghĩa là "ma trận của các đồng sáng lập"
    1. đó là thuật ngữ tiêu chuẩn và đã có ý nghĩa này trong hiền triết từ lâu
    2. "adjugate" là thuật ngữ mới hơn và (IMO) ít tiêu chuẩn hơn - trong
    đặc biệt nó không có bản dịch rõ ràng

    Khi sử dụng "adjoin" có nghĩa là "chuyển vị liên hợp"
    3. "chuyển vị liên hợp" rất dễ nói, và đó thực sự là ý nghĩa của nó
    4. "toán tử phụ" cho một ma trận có vẻ không được xác định rõ ràng, bởi vì một
    ma trận không phải là toán tử mà chỉ là biểu diễn của toán tử trong
    một số cơ sở

    Hơn nữa, nếu có hai cách sử dụng xung đột của tên "adjoint", tôi
    sẽ thấy hợp lý hơn nếu giữ cách sử dụng đã có
    truyền thống trong Sage

    Việc sử dụng "liên kết" là phổ biến liên quan đến các dạng bậc hai
    afaict (và, như John Cremona đã chỉ ra, là nơi thuật ngữ này bắt nguồn
    với Gauss ở dạng bậc hai bậc ba)

    Tôi cũng đã chỉ ra một tham chiếu đến Bourbaki mà tôi đã đăng
    bên trên. Tôi vẫn chưa tìm thấy tài liệu tham khảo cho "adjugate" mà
    thỏa mãn tôi (ý tôi là, nó bắt nguồn từ đâu?) hoặc một tài liệu tham khảo tốt
    để biết cách sử dụng "liên kết của ma trận" theo nghĩa "chuyển vị liên hợp"
    liên quan đến các toán tử liên kết mà cuối cùng không gây ra một số đau đớn
    khi sử dụng nó trong thế giới thực, nơi không phải tất cả các cơ sở đều trực giao
    (thậm chí không phải mọi không gian vectơ đều có tích bên trong)

    OTOH, tôi chắc chắn đánh giá cao chuyển vị và chuyển vị liên hợp đó
    được sử dụng khá nhiều, và do đó tôi nghĩ rằng nó thực sự xứng đáng với tất cả
    các phím tắt được đề xuất (T, H, sao, v.v.)


    Ma trận liên hợp (hoặc Adjugate) của một ma trận là ma trận thu được bằng cách chuyển vị ma trận cofactor của một ma trận vuông đã cho được gọi là ma trận Adjoint hoặc Adjugate của nó. Adjoint của bất kỳ ma trận vuông 'A' (giả sử) được biểu diễn dưới dạng Adj(A).  

    Thí dụ.  

    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    thuộc tính quan trọng.  

    Tích của ma trận vuông A với ma trận kề của nó tạo ra một ma trận đường chéo, trong đó mỗi mục nhập đường chéo bằng định thức của A.  
    i. e.  

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 

    Một ma trận vuông khác 0 'A' cấp n được gọi là khả nghịch nếu tồn tại một ma trận vuông duy nhất 'B' cấp n sao cho,

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    • tính từ (AB) = (tính từ B). (tính từ A)
    • adj(k A) = kn-1 adj(A)
    • A-1 = (tính từ A) /. A
    • (A-1)-1 = A
    • (AB)-1 = B-1A-1

    Làm thế nào để tìm Adjoin?

    Chúng tôi làm theo định nghĩa được đưa ra ở trên.  

    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]

    Làm thế nào để tìm nghịch đảo?

    Nghịch đảo của ma trận chỉ tồn tại nếu ma trận không phải là số ít i. e. , định thức không được bằng 0.  
    Sử dụng định thức và điều chỉnh, chúng ta có thể dễ dàng tìm thấy nghịch đảo của ma trận vuông bằng cách sử dụng công thức dưới đây,

      If det(A) != 0
        A-1 = adj(A)/det(A)
        "Inverse doesn't exist"  

    Nghịch đảo được sử dụng để tìm giải pháp cho một hệ phương trình tuyến tính

    Dưới đây là các triển khai để tìm phép đối và nghịch đảo của ma trận.   


    // C++ program to find adjoint and inverse of a matrix



    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 


    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1


    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]

    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]

    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]

    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]

    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]
      If det(A) != 0
        A-1 = adj(A)/det(A)
        "Inverse doesn't exist"  

      If det(A) != 0
        A-1 = adj(A)/det(A)
        "Inverse doesn't exist"  


      If det(A) != 0
        A-1 = adj(A)/det(A)
        "Inverse doesn't exist"  

      If det(A) != 0
        A-1 = adj(A)/det(A)
        "Inverse doesn't exist"  

      If det(A) != 0
        A-1 = adj(A)/det(A)
        "Inverse doesn't exist"  
      If det(A) != 0
        A-1 = adj(A)/det(A)
        "Inverse doesn't exist"  
    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364

    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364

    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364

      If det(A) != 0
        A-1 = adj(A)/det(A)
        "Inverse doesn't exist"  

    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364

    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364


    // C++ program to find adjoint and inverse of a matrix5

    // C++ program to find adjoint and inverse of a matrix6// C++ program to find adjoint and inverse of a matrix7

    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    7 // C++ program to find adjoint and inverse of a matrix9
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    7 #include 7#include 8


    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
      If det(A) != 0
        A-1 = adj(A)/det(A)
        "Inverse doesn't exist"  
    1 using3

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    9using5 using6


    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    7 using9
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 


    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 


    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 


       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364


    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364


    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
      If det(A) != 0
        A-1 = adj(A)/det(A)
        "Inverse doesn't exist"  
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364


    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 


    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]

    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]


    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]

    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]

    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]


    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]

    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]

    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364

    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364


    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
      If det(A) != 0
        A-1 = adj(A)/det(A)
        "Inverse doesn't exist"  
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364


    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 


    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 

    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 


    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364


    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 

    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364

    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364


    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 

    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 

    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 

    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 

    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 


    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 


    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 


    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 


    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1


    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
      If det(A) != 0
        A-1 = adj(A)/det(A)
        "Inverse doesn't exist"  
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1


    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1

    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364


       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 


       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 


    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 

    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]

    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]

    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1

    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]

      If det(A) != 0
        A-1 = adj(A)/det(A)
        "Inverse doesn't exist"  


      If det(A) != 0
        A-1 = adj(A)/det(A)
        "Inverse doesn't exist"  

      If det(A) != 0
        A-1 = adj(A)/det(A)
        "Inverse doesn't exist"  

      If det(A) != 0
        A-1 = adj(A)/det(A)
        "Inverse doesn't exist"  
      If det(A) != 0
        A-1 = adj(A)/det(A)
        "Inverse doesn't exist"  
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1

      If det(A) != 0
        A-1 = adj(A)/det(A)
        "Inverse doesn't exist"  
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 

    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364

      If det(A) != 0
        A-1 = adj(A)/det(A)
        "Inverse doesn't exist"  

    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364

    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364


    // C++ program to find adjoint and inverse of a matrix5

    // C++ program to find adjoint and inverse of a matrix7

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    7 // C++ program to find adjoint and inverse of a matrix9
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    46_______0_______43#include 8


    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
      If det(A) != 0
        A-1 = adj(A)/det(A)
        "Inverse doesn't exist"  
    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]


    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 


    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 


    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]


       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364


    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364


    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
      If det(A) != 0
        A-1 = adj(A)/det(A)
        "Inverse doesn't exist"  
    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
      If det(A) != 0
        A-1 = adj(A)/det(A)
        "Inverse doesn't exist"  
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
      If det(A) != 0
        A-1 = adj(A)/det(A)
        "Inverse doesn't exist"  
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364


    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]


    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
      If det(A) != 0
        A-1 = adj(A)/det(A)
        "Inverse doesn't exist"  

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
      If det(A) != 0
        A-1 = adj(A)/det(A)
        "Inverse doesn't exist"  

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 

    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]

    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]


    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]

    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]

    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]
      If det(A) != 0
        A-1 = adj(A)/det(A)
        "Inverse doesn't exist"  
      If det(A) != 0
        A-1 = adj(A)/det(A)
        "Inverse doesn't exist"  
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
      If det(A) != 0
        A-1 = adj(A)/det(A)
        "Inverse doesn't exist"  
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
      If det(A) != 0
        A-1 = adj(A)/det(A)
        "Inverse doesn't exist"  
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 


    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]

    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]

    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
      If det(A) != 0
        A-1 = adj(A)/det(A)
        "Inverse doesn't exist"  

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364

    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364


    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
      If det(A) != 0
        A-1 = adj(A)/det(A)
        "Inverse doesn't exist"  
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
      If det(A) != 0
        A-1 = adj(A)/det(A)
        "Inverse doesn't exist"  

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
      If det(A) != 0
        A-1 = adj(A)/det(A)
        "Inverse doesn't exist"  
      If det(A) != 0
        A-1 = adj(A)/det(A)
        "Inverse doesn't exist"  
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
      If det(A) != 0
        A-1 = adj(A)/det(A)
        "Inverse doesn't exist"  
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364


    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 


    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
      If det(A) != 0
        A-1 = adj(A)/det(A)
        "Inverse doesn't exist"  

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
      If det(A) != 0
        A-1 = adj(A)/det(A)
        "Inverse doesn't exist"  

    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364


    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364


    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364

    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364

    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364


       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
      If det(A) != 0
        A-1 = adj(A)/det(A)
        "Inverse doesn't exist"  

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
      If det(A) != 0
        A-1 = adj(A)/det(A)
        "Inverse doesn't exist"  

    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364

    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
      If det(A) != 0
        A-1 = adj(A)/det(A)
        "Inverse doesn't exist"  

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
      If det(A) != 0
        A-1 = adj(A)/det(A)
        "Inverse doesn't exist"  

    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]
    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364
    99// C++ program to find adjoint and inverse of a matrix00

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364

    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364


    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 

    // C++ program to find adjoint and inverse of a matrix07

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    5 // C++ program to find adjoint and inverse of a matrix10

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    7 // C++ program to find adjoint and inverse of a matrix14// C++ program to find adjoint and inverse of a matrix15// C++ program to find adjoint and inverse of a matrix16
      If det(A) != 0
        A-1 = adj(A)/det(A)
        "Inverse doesn't exist"  
    53// C++ program to find adjoint and inverse of a matrix18
      If det(A) != 0
        A-1 = adj(A)/det(A)
        "Inverse doesn't exist"  
    53// C++ program to find adjoint and inverse of a matrix18// C++ program to find adjoint and inverse of a matrix21// C++ program to find adjoint and inverse of a matrix22

    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    46// C++ program to find adjoint and inverse of a matrix18
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    46_______1678_______18// C++ program to find adjoint and inverse of a matrix31// C++ program to find adjoint and inverse of a matrix22

    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364
    2// C++ program to find adjoint and inverse of a matrix34// C++ program to find adjoint and inverse of a matrix31// C++ program to find adjoint and inverse of a matrix18
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    88// C++ program to find adjoint and inverse of a matrix18// C++ program to find adjoint and inverse of a matrix15// C++ program to find adjoint and inverse of a matrix18
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    46// C++ program to find adjoint and inverse of a matrix22

    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    8// C++ program to find adjoint and inverse of a matrix31// C++ program to find adjoint and inverse of a matrix16
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    88// C++ program to find adjoint and inverse of a matrix16// C++ program to find adjoint and inverse of a matrix49// C++ program to find adjoint and inverse of a matrix18
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    25// C++ program to find adjoint and inverse of a matrix52


    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 


    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    88 // C++ program to find adjoint and inverse of a matrix62
    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 


    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
      If det(A) != 0
        A-1 = adj(A)/det(A)
        "Inverse doesn't exist"  
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 


    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
      If det(A) != 0
        A-1 = adj(A)/det(A)
        "Inverse doesn't exist"  
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1


    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
      If det(A) != 0
        A-1 = adj(A)/det(A)
        "Inverse doesn't exist"  
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
      If det(A) != 0
        A-1 = adj(A)/det(A)
        "Inverse doesn't exist"  
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1


    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364

    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364


    // C++ program to find adjoint and inverse of a matrix92


    // C++ program to find adjoint and inverse of a matrix93

    // C++ program to find adjoint and inverse of a matrix94

    // C++ program to find adjoint and inverse of a matrix95_______1678_______96

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1


    // C++ program to find adjoint and inverse of a matrix98

    // C++ program to find adjoint and inverse of a matrix99

    #include 00

    #include 01 #include 02


    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    9#include 04// C++ program to find adjoint and inverse of a matrix96
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    9#include 08// C++ program to find adjoint and inverse of a matrix96
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1


    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    9#include 12

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    5 #include 15#include 16 #include 17#include 18


       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    5 #include 21#include 16 #include 17#include 18


    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]

    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]

    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]
    4_______4_______1 #include 31_______1678_______96 #include 33#include 34 #include 35// C++ program to find adjoint and inverse of a matrix96 #include 37


      If det(A) != 0
        A-1 = adj(A)/det(A)
        "Inverse doesn't exist"  
    3#include 39// C++ program to find adjoint and inverse of a matrix96 #include 41

      If det(A) != 0
        A-1 = adj(A)/det(A)
        "Inverse doesn't exist"  
    3#include 08#include 44// C++ program to find adjoint and inverse of a matrix96
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1


      If det(A) != 0
        A-1 = adj(A)/det(A)
        "Inverse doesn't exist"  
    3#include 48

      If det(A) != 0
        A-1 = adj(A)/det(A)
        "Inverse doesn't exist"  
    3#include 50

      If det(A) != 0
        A-1 = adj(A)/det(A)
        "Inverse doesn't exist"  
      If det(A) != 0
        A-1 = adj(A)/det(A)
        "Inverse doesn't exist"  
    1 #include 53_______1678_______96// C++ program to find adjoint and inverse of a matrix96 #include 56#include 57
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    88#include 59

    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364
    2#include 08// C++ program to find adjoint and inverse of a matrix96
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1

    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364
    2#include 04____1679_______44_______1678_______96
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1



    #include 69

    #include 70

    #include 01 #include 72


    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    9#include 74// C++ program to find adjoint and inverse of a matrix96
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    46   #include 77


    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    9#include 79

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
      If det(A) != 0
        A-1 = adj(A)/det(A)
        "Inverse doesn't exist"  
    1 #include 82// C++ program to find adjoint and inverse of a matrix96// C++ program to find adjoint and inverse of a matrix96
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    88#include 59

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    46#include 93


    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    9#include 95// C++ program to find adjoint and inverse of a matrix96 #include 97#include 98

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    5 #include 04#include 16 #include 17using04

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    5 using09#include 16 #include 17_______1680_______12


    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    9using14// C++ program to find adjoint and inverse of a matrix96
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    88   using17


    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    5 using22#include 16 #include 17#include 18


       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    9#include 74#include 44// C++ program to find adjoint and inverse of a matrix96 using14using37
    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    46using40using37 using42#include 57
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1


       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    9using14// C++ program to find adjoint and inverse of a matrix96 #include 57using14


    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    9using5 #include 74




    #include 01 using58


    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
      If det(A) != 0
        A-1 = adj(A)/det(A)
        "Inverse doesn't exist"  
    1 using61// C++ program to find adjoint and inverse of a matrix96// C++ program to find adjoint and inverse of a matrix96
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    88#include 59

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
      If det(A) != 0
        A-1 = adj(A)/det(A)
        "Inverse doesn't exist"  
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    46#include 93// C++ program to find adjoint and inverse of a matrix96
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1


    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    9using14// C++ program to find adjoint and inverse of a matrix96
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    9#include 95// C++ program to find adjoint and inverse of a matrix96 #include 97#include 98

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    5 #include 04#include 16 #include 17using04

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    5 using09#include 16 #include 17_______1680_______12


    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    5 #include 04#include 16 #include 17using04

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    5 #include 08#include 16 #include 17using04

    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]

    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]


    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]

    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]

    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]
    4_______1680_______14// C++ program to find adjoint and inverse of a matrix96
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    88// C++ program to find adjoint and inverse of a matrix18#include 57
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    029#include 44
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
      If det(A) != 0
        A-1 = adj(A)/det(A)
        "Inverse doesn't exist"  
    53#include 93


    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]

    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]

    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]
    4_______0_______040// C++ program to find adjoint and inverse of a matrix96
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    044#include 57
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 



    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    #include 01

    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 


    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    055// C++ program to find adjoint and inverse of a matrix96
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
      If det(A) != 0
        A-1 = adj(A)/det(A)
        "Inverse doesn't exist"  
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    060// C++ program to find adjoint and inverse of a matrix96// C++ program to find adjoint and inverse of a matrix96
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    46#include 59

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 


    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    076// C++ program to find adjoint and inverse of a matrix96
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    5 #include 04#include 16 #include 17using04

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    5 using09#include 16 #include 17using12

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 


    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    5 #include 04#include 16 #include 17using04

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    5 #include 08#include 16 #include 17using04

    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]
    4_______0_______110// C++ program to find adjoint and inverse of a matrix96
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 


    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 



    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    #include 01

    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    5 #include 04#include 16 #include 17using04

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    5 #include 08#include 16 #include 17using04

    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    139// C++ program to find adjoint and inverse of a matrix96
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 



    #include 01

    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    5 #include 04#include 16 #include 17using04

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    5 #include 08#include 16 #include 17using04

    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    166// C++ program to find adjoint and inverse of a matrix96
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 



    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 


    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    174// C++ program to find adjoint and inverse of a matrix96
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    176// C++ program to find adjoint and inverse of a matrix15// C++ program to find adjoint and inverse of a matrix18#include 57
      If det(A) != 0
        A-1 = adj(A)/det(A)
        "Inverse doesn't exist"  
    53// C++ program to find adjoint and inverse of a matrix18
      If det(A) != 0
        A-1 = adj(A)/det(A)
        "Inverse doesn't exist"  
    53// C++ program to find adjoint and inverse of a matrix18// C++ program to find adjoint and inverse of a matrix21
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    88// C++ program to find adjoint and inverse of a matrix18
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    46// C++ program to find adjoint and inverse of a matrix18
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    46// C++ program to find adjoint and inverse of a matrix18// C++ program to find adjoint and inverse of a matrix31
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    185#include 57// C++ program to find adjoint and inverse of a matrix31// C++ program to find adjoint and inverse of a matrix18
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    88// C++ program to find adjoint and inverse of a matrix18// C++ program to find adjoint and inverse of a matrix15// C++ program to find adjoint and inverse of a matrix18
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    185// C++ program to find adjoint and inverse of a matrix31// C++ program to find adjoint and inverse of a matrix18#include 57
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    88// C++ program to find adjoint and inverse of a matrix18#include 57// C++ program to find adjoint and inverse of a matrix49// C++ program to find adjoint and inverse of a matrix18
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    076// C++ program to find adjoint and inverse of a matrix96
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    5 using09#include 16 #include 17
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    5 using09#include 16 #include 17
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 


       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    5 #include 04#include 16 #include 17using04

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    5 using09#include 16 #include 17
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    247// C++ program to find adjoint and inverse of a matrix96
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    5 using09#include 16 #include 17
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 



    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1

    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 


    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1

    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 


    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1

      If det(A) != 0
        A-1 = adj(A)/det(A)
        "Inverse doesn't exist"  
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 




    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 


    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 


    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 


    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 



    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1


    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 

    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]

    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]

    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1

    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]

      If det(A) != 0
        A-1 = adj(A)/det(A)
        "Inverse doesn't exist"  


      If det(A) != 0
        A-1 = adj(A)/det(A)
        "Inverse doesn't exist"  

      If det(A) != 0
        A-1 = adj(A)/det(A)
        "Inverse doesn't exist"  

      If det(A) != 0
        A-1 = adj(A)/det(A)
        "Inverse doesn't exist"  
      If det(A) != 0
        A-1 = adj(A)/det(A)
        "Inverse doesn't exist"  
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

      If det(A) != 0
        A-1 = adj(A)/det(A)
        "Inverse doesn't exist"  
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 

    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364

    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364

      If det(A) != 0
        A-1 = adj(A)/det(A)
        "Inverse doesn't exist"  

    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364

    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364


    // C++ program to find adjoint and inverse of a matrix5

    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    7 // C++ program to find adjoint and inverse of a matrix9
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    7 #include 7#include 8


    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
      If det(A) != 0
        A-1 = adj(A)/det(A)
        "Inverse doesn't exist"  
    1 using3

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 


    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 


    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 


    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 


       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364



       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
      If det(A) != 0
        A-1 = adj(A)/det(A)
        "Inverse doesn't exist"  
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364


    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 


    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 

    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]

    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]


    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]

    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]

    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]


    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]

    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]

    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364

    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364


    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
      If det(A) != 0
        A-1 = adj(A)/det(A)
        "Inverse doesn't exist"  
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364


    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 


    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 

    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364


    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364


    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364

    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364

    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 

    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364

    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 

    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364

    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364


    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 

    // C++ program to find adjoint and inverse of a matrix07

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364


    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 


    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 


    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 


    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1


    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
      If det(A) != 0
        A-1 = adj(A)/det(A)
        "Inverse doesn't exist"  
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1

    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364

    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364


    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 


    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 


    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 


    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1

    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 

    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]

    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]

    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1

    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]

      If det(A) != 0
        A-1 = adj(A)/det(A)
        "Inverse doesn't exist"  

    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

      If det(A) != 0
        A-1 = adj(A)/det(A)
        "Inverse doesn't exist"  

      If det(A) != 0
        A-1 = adj(A)/det(A)
        "Inverse doesn't exist"  

      If det(A) != 0
        A-1 = adj(A)/det(A)
        "Inverse doesn't exist"  
      If det(A) != 0
        A-1 = adj(A)/det(A)
        "Inverse doesn't exist"  
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

      If det(A) != 0
        A-1 = adj(A)/det(A)
        "Inverse doesn't exist"  
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 

    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364

    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364

      If det(A) != 0
        A-1 = adj(A)/det(A)
        "Inverse doesn't exist"  

    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364

    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364


    // C++ program to find adjoint and inverse of a matrix5

    // C++ program to find adjoint and inverse of a matrix7

    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    720#include 8

    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
      If det(A) != 0
        A-1 = adj(A)/det(A)
        "Inverse doesn't exist"  
    1 using3

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    9using5 using6

    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364

    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364

    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364


    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
      If det(A) != 0
        A-1 = adj(A)/det(A)
        "Inverse doesn't exist"  
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364

    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364

    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 

    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]

    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]

    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]

    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]

    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]

    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]

    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]

    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364

    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364


    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
      If det(A) != 0
        A-1 = adj(A)/det(A)
        "Inverse doesn't exist"  
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364

    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 

    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]

    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364


    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364

    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364

    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364



    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]
    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364

    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364


    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 

    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364

    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 


       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 

    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364


    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 


    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 

       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1


    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 
    Let A[N][N] be input matrix.
    1) Create a matrix adj[N][N] store the adjoint matrix.
    2) For every entry A[i][j] in input matrix where 0 <= i < N
       and 0 <= j < N.
        a) Find cofactor of A[i][j]
        b) Find sign of entry.  Sign is + if (i+j) is even else
           sign is odd.
        c) Place the cofactor at adj[j][i]

      If det(A) != 0
        A-1 = adj(A)/det(A)
        "Inverse doesn't exist"  
       A.B = B.A = I
    The matrix 'B' is said to be inverse of 'A'.
    i.e.,  B = A-1

    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 
    Below example and explanation are taken from here.
    5  -2  2  7
    1   0  0  3
    -3  1  5  0
    3  -1 -9  4
    For instance, the cofactor of the top left corner '5' is
     + |0   0   3|
    ...|1   5   0| = 3(1 * -9 - (-1) * 5) = -12.
    ...|-1 -9   4|
    (The minor matrix is formed by deleting the row 
     and column of the given entry.)
    As another sample, the cofactor of the top row corner '-2' is
      -|1   0  3|
    ...|-3  5  0| = - [1 (20 - 0) - 0 + 3 (27 - 15)] = -56.
    ...|3  -9  4|
    Proceeding like this, we obtain the matrix
    [-12  -56   4   4]
    [76   208   4   4]
    [-60  -82  -2  20]
    [-36  -58  -10 12]
    Finally, to get the adjoint, just take the previous
    matrix's transpose:
    [-12   76 -60  -36]
    [-56  208 -82  -58]
    [4     4   -2  -10]
    [4     4   20   12] 




    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 


    A.adj(A) = det(A).I 
    I  => Identity matrix of same order as of A.
    det(A) => Determinant value of A 

    đầu ra

    The Adjoint is :
    -12 76 -60 -36 
    -56 208 -82 -58 
    4 4 -2 -10 
    4 4 20 12 
    The Inverse is :
    -0.136364 0.863636 -0.681818 -0.409091 
    -0.636364 2.36364 -0.931818 -0.659091 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 -0.0227273 -0.113636 
    0.0454545 0.0454545 0.227273 0.136364

    Vui lòng tham khảo https. //www. chuyên viên máy tính. org/determinant-of-a-matrix/ để biết chi tiết về getCofactor() và yếu tố quyết định()

    Bài viết này được đóng góp bởi Ashutosh Kumar. Vui lòng viết nhận xét nếu bạn thấy bất cứ điều gì không chính xác hoặc nếu bạn muốn chia sẻ thêm thông tin về chủ đề đã thảo luận ở trên.