Make a point of doing là gì

make a point of (doing something)

To consciously and deliberately make an effort to do something. I can't believe I forgot to pick up milk. I even made a point of stopping at the store to get it, but then bought everything else but that. I always make a point to stop by that market when strawberries are in season.

See also: make, of, point

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

make a point of doing something

 and make a point of something

Fig. to make an effort to do something. Please make a point of mailing this letter. It's very important. The hostess made a point of thanking me for bringing flowers.

See also: make, of, point

McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

See also:
  • make a point of
  • make a point of (doing something)
  • make a point of doing something
  • clip (something) out of (something)
  • clip out of
  • end in
  • end in (something)
  • be in luck
  • get into (someone or something)
  • get into something

Khi muốn diễn đạt làm việc gì đó quan trọng hoặc nêu rõ quan điểm, ý kiến về vấn đề nào đó ta sử dụng cụm từMake a point

Ví dụ:

Make a different có nghĩa là gì?

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Khi muốn diễn đạt làm việc gì đó quan trọng hoặc nêu rõ quan điểm, ý kiến về vấn đề nào đó ta sử dụng cụm từ Make a point Ví dụ: I always make a point of helping for children .

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(Tôi luôn cho rằng giúp đỡ trẻ em là một việc quan trọng). Tom makes a point of keeping all gift from his ... Toán học Ngữ văn Vật lý Hóa học Sinh học Địa lý Lịch sử Ngoại ngữ Công nghệ Giáo dục công dân Tin học Máy tính laptop Điện thoại Ẩm thực Sức khỏe Hỏi đáp Học tập Triết học Lịch sử Đảng Tư tưởng Hồ Chí Minh Kinh tế Pháp luật Học Excel Seo Kế toán Tuyển sinh đại học 2018 Điểm chuẩn đại học Đáp án đề thi Tuyển sinh lớp 10 năm 2018 Truyện cổ tích Truyện cười Tin tức Cho thuê phòng trọ hà nội | Cho thuê phòng trọ bình thạnh | Cho thuê phòng trọ | Cho thuê nhà trọ chọn dòng tế bào xôma biến dị vai trò của công nghệ tế bào vi du ve cong nghe te bao một số thành tựu về công nghệ tế bào trắc nghiệm công nghệ tế bào bằng công nghệ tế bào thực vật trắc nghiệm tạo giống bằng công nghệ tế bào tạo giống bằng công nghệ tế bào powerpoint sự hình thành trật tự thế giới mới sau chiến tranh thế giới thứ 1 lịch sử 12 bài 1 trắc nghiệm mọi người giải hộ mình với công thức để tính cột khuyến mãi Bạn nào có nhu cầu cùng học ngoiaj ngữ với mình thì liên hệ mình nhé - TK học topica vip trình độ inter 100 Cách làm "Chả ốc dai dòn chấm kèm mắm gừng" độc lạ cực ngon do Biên tập Phamyeo tại Thèm Quá Food chia sẻ Giải pháp bảo vệ con khỏi những nguy cơ trên Youtube Chuyên mục: ĐÀO TẠO

on the point of doing something She was about to leave when the phone or rescue The government has decided to bail out the troubled out of patience (with someonetry very hard If I can, I will bend over backwards to help you get a promotion in the at something I tried hard but I am sure that I blew the final math exam last week.make someone fully realize something He was unable to bring home the importance of arriving early for the meeting.cause to develop rapidly I donreview something one has already learned I" can't understand something at all;"determined not to do something They are dead set against their son going to Europe for a year.take drastic action (usually without thinking) She is extremely angry so I hope that she doesnturn to for help when something else has failed She had to fall back on her fatherfeel able (healthy enough or rested enough) to do something I donwrite words needed in blanks Please fill in this form and give it to the receptionist.receive a reading of a distant object by electronic means We were able to get a fix on the island and got the boat safely to the harbor.find something something one shouldnget possession of When you get hold of a dictionary could you please let me see it for a few minutes.overcome a difficulty, recover from an illness or shock She has been having a lot of trouble getting over her fathergive or throw something away, sell or destroy something, make a cold or fever disappear I bought a new television set so I had to get rid of the old one.learn from, benefit from We always get something out of her class. We learn something.finish, end He wants to get his exams over with so that he can begin to relax again.learn about something kept secret He finally got wise to the fact that they were stealing his money.a great enthusiast for something My friend is a great one for staying up all night and watching horror movies.try very hard to get (prize or promotion etc.) He has been gunning for the new sales job for a long time.give a person something that has not been earned He was handed a great job on a silver platter and never had to make any effort at all.treat something/someone roughly His son is very hard on shoes.canunwelcome interest in something, impolite curiosity My boss always has his nose in other peoples' business so he is not very well-liked.have ability, talent or good looks She has a lot going for her and I am sure that she will get the new job.have information or proof that someone did sometning wrong I think that the police have something on him and that is why he wants to quit his smart, clever, skilled She really has a lot on the ball. She should do well in whatever she chooses to do.something kept secretly ready for the right time Irefuse to give up, keep resisting The famous basketball star is holding out for a large salary increase.keep information or something to or for oneself He is holding back the information about the new computer system.undecided My niece is in two minds about whether or not she will come and visit me this (as in take care of something) Will you keep an eye on the baby while I go to the store.continue She is careless and keeps on making the same mistakes over and over.keep something secret I plan to keep my plans to apply for a new job under my hat.get hold of or find something If I can lay my hands on a slide projector I will show you the pictures of my trip no attention to, neglect She seems to be letting her appearance go since she lost her job.continue without changing a situation We should forget about his recent problems at work and just let the whole matter ride.anticipate with pleasure Heinspect, survey or examine Please take some time to look over these documents before you sign for something in a dictionary or other book Ihurry directly somewhere When he enters the cafeteria he always makes a beeline for the dessert section.substitute one thing for another If there is no cream for the coffee, wefind meaning in , understand I was unable to make head nor tail of our company's plans to restructure our department.make no secret, not keep from talking about something He has made no bones about the fact that he is not interested in applying for the supervisorinterpret, think of What do you make of the new manager in accounting.

To be accessible or about to do something. I'm apologetic I'm active late—I was on the point of accepting in the battery back the doorbell rang.Learn more: of, on, point
be about to do something: I was on the point of announcement the letter back I saw it didn’t accept a brand on it.Learn more: of, on, point, something
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From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishbe on the point of (doing) somethingbe on the point of (doing) somethingSOONto be going to do something very soon  I was on the point of giving up the search when something caught my eye in the bushes.  The country’s economy is on the point of collapse. pointExamples from the Corpusbe on the point of (doing) somethingHe was on the point of saying so when he despaired.This was important, for Bonar Law's health was on the point of finally breaking up.And I was on the point of telling you about Gwendoline.He thought she might be on the point of offering him a nip of whisky but she did not go that far.Now Propane is on the point of pulling out because of insufficient interest.She was on the point of saying something but changed her mind.