montgomerie là gì - Nghĩa của từ montgomerie

montgomerie có nghĩa là

One of the most amazing people you will ever meet. Sweetest guy with a great personality. "A lady's man" is what be is known for. Often falls for girls with blonde or brown hair and hazel-green eyes. Loves sports, family and friends, and being loud. He is crazy, plain crazy. Once he sets his mind to somthing he never gives up. The best man a girl could ever get.


Montgomery is one of the most amazing friends I've ever had! I don't know what I would do without him.

montgomerie có nghĩa là

impaitent nerd thats extremely sweet and attractive and never boring and has a great personality and does amazing things in bed. hes definately got the magic touch (or wand) ;) a very loving and caring person that ilove with all my heart *kisses*


my bby alex montgomery

montgomerie có nghĩa là

Montgomery township, NJ is an upper middle class town, located in the wealth belt of NJ. It borders Princeton and some people who live in the portion of town that borders Princeton will often pose and tell everyone they live in "Princeton". This town is rural and posh with several hamlet villages scattered around. The schools here are stellar and rank national as the best around, although many of these wannabee "nuveau riche" still send their kids to private schools in Princeton. There has been a huge influx of Asians into town, due to the reputation of the school district as well as a fairly large jewish presence. The town is currently 62% white, but with the continued surge of Asians storming in, Montgomery will look like Plainsboro within 10 years. Considering they say Asians are the "model minority", it sure doesn't seem like white people like them entering their communities en masse. Who know's? Otherwise an ideal rural suburb of New York city.


Our newly arrived to Montgomery Indian neighbor invited us over for dinner and when we brought pot roast he said we had to eat it in the garage, cold. Apparantly if he warmed it up in the oven, he would have to throw his oven out. He then looked at our daughter like she was a slut because she was wearing knee length shorts.

montgomerie có nghĩa là

An extended period of time.


Nice car! Is that new?" "No, man. I got this a montgomery ago!

montgomerie có nghĩa là

A southern black female language arts teacher who cannot fucking teach for her goddamn life. She spends most of the class talking about civil rights even though there is only one black kid in the class of 30. She is also a feminist who says all men want to rape every woman on the planet. Constantly claims White Males are the devil among us. She will always turn any argument into a matter of race and gender. Also has very bad pronunciation. She is unable to make furry, fury, and fiery sound different. She got her Master’s Degree from an internet printout. Doesn't know what irony is, or any literary term for that matter. She is a teacher only because she is black. She takes an entire semester to read half of a 5th grade level book, then makes you start over. Makes you do 3 biographies a month about a dead white guy, a black activist (so she claims), and a feminist who got raped as a child and blames everything bad in her life on men. She makes you do a bunch of useless work you could do in 6th grade but she insists it’s important. She is the kind of person who makes you stab yourself while in her class. She is that one teacher who you will remember when you’re about to die as the teacher who made that one period of school a complete living hell.


Man my teachers suck, at least they aren't as bad as Montgomery.

montgomerie có nghĩa là

The nosiest person in the work environment. If you know it then he wants to know it even if it does not pertain to him. Always goes through everyone's boxes and wants to put his man chowder on every girl's face. He has a famous sex move called "The Chief" Often refers to ones self as "The Kid".


Jane Doe: Hey John I was wondering if...... Terry Montgomery: Know what? I may already know! John Doe: Damn Chief mind your business....

montgomerie có nghĩa là

A sexy boy with lots of beautiful hair and lots of money also very fit as he goes to an expensive gym


Oh my god a super sexy Montgomery walked past me the other day but he didn't give a crap

montgomerie có nghĩa là

Being Montgomeried refers to being tricked into watching Montgomery, who is very persuasive in his cheesy, yet catchy rap advertising his flea market.

"It's just like a mini-mall!"

The video can be found on YouTube by searching Montgomeried.

This is in close relation to being Rick Roll'd.


You've been Montgomeried. Haha!

montgomerie có nghĩa là

A kid with unusually large ears aswell as a hardcore Minecraft player.


Dang, that Montgomery over there sure has big ears.

montgomerie có nghĩa là

Medical procedure pioneered for the purpose of placing an indwelling Foley catheter in a person with such a large body habitus that his penis is embedded in a cavity of adipose tissue as such rendering the person to having a mangina. A vaginal speculum with light is placed into the mangina and opened allowing the penis to be extended just enough for a Foley to be placed.


I had this guy in room 9 last night whose mangina was so big I had do The Montgomery just to get a catheter in for a urine sample.