punks là gì - Nghĩa của từ punks

punks có nghĩa là

Punk is not about a certain hair colour, style, or music, although music does take a large part in most punks lives.
Punk is about liking what you like, being yourself, saying what you think and FUCK ALL THE REST.
You don't need a two foot high red mohawk to be a punk, although that is wicked cool.
You don't need sleeves, a backpiece, or any tattoos at all to be punk.
You don't need a Misfits, Casualties, Sex Pistols or any band like that jacket to be punk.
You don't need anything to be punk except for awareness, self respect, respect for others and an open mind.



I don't care if you wear drainpipes or not, you're a punk cos you're not some dumbass prat who's a fucking loser poser who needs to get his shit straight!

punks có nghĩa là

Plural of punk.


punks có nghĩa là

Male or female who has an interest in a certain type of music which is usually very politically aware. Such bands consist of Leftover Crack, Choking Victim, F-minus, Anti-Flag, Morning Glory, The Distillers, Stiff Little Fingers, US Bombs, The Sex Pistols, The Clash, The Ramones etc.
Also punks usually dress in ripped clothing and many patterned materials are symbolic of the punk revolution suchas; tartan, leopard print, zebra print and also checks.
Many people believe that punks are viscious people, but this belief is usually wrong.
Mohawks are often associated with punk music too, although not always.


"Fuck me punk music is loud and political!"
"Look at her tartan trousers"
"Thats a 2 foot mohawk, how the hell does she do that?"

punks có nghĩa là

a subculture started in the 70's, originating from either the United States or the United Kingdom. similar in some aspects to the hippy movement of the 60's and early 70's. commonly confused with emo, metal heads, skins, and goths. punk has developed it's own genre of music known as punk rock. this genre is commonly confused with emo music, gothic rock, pop rock, metal, other headbanging music, and music by groups or individual artists claiming to be punks. another misconception is that punk is based on fashion. while the punks have developed an image similar to what is generally referred to as punk fashion, the movement is rather based on ideas and messages suck as liberalism and anarchy. the movement has recently been in decline, as more corporations such as hot topic, and various goods distributors seem to be in a sense buying the bands and icons in order to increase the sale of their products


the mohawk and spikes don't make the punk. the punk makes the mohawk and spikes

i saw a shitload of punks down at zebra and the gilman

punks có nghĩa là

"Punks are either male or female people, who wear mostly black, red or white. They often listen to punk/emo/heavy metal/ < amy thing 'head bashing'. They dont care what other people think of them. And normally they are the people who do stupid thinkgs (for example people on Jackass) Punks are hot!"

Shut the fuck up you stupid fashion uppsesed fuck, No Punks don;t listen to heavy metal and emo , they just listen to punk, including any sub genre of punk which are street punk, hardcore punk, anarcho, original punk, Punk pop(am not talking about the faggotisim on MTv am talking about ramones ,queers,screaching weasels,etc) and even emo(emotive hardcore punk not the faggotisim on mtv but real emo bands like fugazi and rites of spring.)And they in no way care if they look hot........Its because o fucking shallow bitches like you that music is fucked up now in days you fucking bitches get your fuckin panties wet over any fag that has the punk look, DO US ALL A FAVOR AND DIE!!!!!


look at those "punks" they call us posers but we know its not true because we listen to simple plan and sum 41.Dude were soo homo.

True punk - Screaching weasels, new york dolls, ramones, dropkick murphy, dead kennedies, sex pistols, blitz, the clash, the unseen, the exploited.

punks có nghĩa là

"Its because o fucking shallow bitches like you that music is fucked up now in days you fucking bitches get your fuckin panties wet over any fag that has the punk look, DO US ALL A FAVOR AND DIE!!!!!"
Yeah metal is the same fucking way too.The bulk of the fags who listen to it get their panties wet for anything with pointy logos or the metal "look" about it and they're fucking up music and turning the whole world into a bunch of gay ass fashionista fucktard trendwhores who can't think for themselves.


Kill all poser punks such as the common metal twat!

punks có nghĩa là

the shitclogs in the toilet of society


punks stop the world from running down the drain

punks có nghĩa là

Punks are either male or female people, who wear mostly black, red or white. They often listen to punk/emo/heavy metal/ < amy thing 'head bashing'. They dont care what other people think of them. And normally they are the people who do stupid thinkgs (for example people on Jackass) Punks are hot!


dont know....they are hot!

punks có nghĩa là

A punk rocker whose punkness puts them above and beyond the standard for being punk. Gratuitous spikes, studs, multiple buttflaps/front flaps (aprons). Permanently charged mohawk. Well practiced sneer.


I went to that show, but just got beat up in the pit by a bunch of punk punks.

punks có nghĩa là

...a complete group of people who think they are better then preps and think their shit dont stink... guys like girl punks becuase they are complete whores and like to wear black fish nets and skirts way up their ass...most of them dont care what people think of them. most of the girls are frumps and think they can get any guy becuase they think they are sexy even though they are gross and guys just like them becuase they are easy. they think they have a good sense of style...but they just look stupid and people make fun of them..but unless of course you are a punk then they think they are the shit...the guys carry around pocket knives...and like to cut themselves...they listen to satanic music and go around hurting peoples feelings but when you turn around and hurt theirs they cry their little black eyeliner eyes out and turn emo...look up emo....but of course if you are a cool punk and listen to sweet music and dont do that kinda of stuff then you are sweet...

but of course there are SOME exceptions


ali and her friends...