Translate text to html code

NOTE: If you're looking to convert a word doc into html code then you probably want to check out the Word to HTML tool instead.

This free online word converter tool will take plain text contents and convert the word text into HTML code.

Convert plain text from an email, a .txt file or any similar text source into html code that can be published on a web page.

If you've ever been asked to convert a plain text email to html then you're in the right place.

Please note, this is strictly a convert text to html tool for plain text.

This conversion tool takes blocks of regular text and wraps HTML paragraph tags around them so you can publish the text online. It works with plain text by converting text line breaks into HTML paragraph code.

Revised: this tool will now encode HTML characters with accents and similar if you want it to.

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Language Versions

Text to HTML is also available in German (Text zu HTML), French (Texte vers HTML) and Spanish (Texto a HTML).

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Word to HTML is the easy way for you to instantly convert your text or documents to clean HTML5 online. You can use our tool to clean up, transform and reduce the size of existing HTML, also as an HTML code generator, Word to HTML conversion tool, or web page editor.

 How to convert text to HTML? 

  1. Paste content from Microsoft Word or Excel or write your text in the Visual Editor.
  2. Your text will be instantly converted to clean HTML. You can keep or remove formatting.
  3. Your converted HTML will appear in the HTML Editor.

You can also create new content by typing directly into the Visual Editor box. It works just like any text editor. You have full control over fonts, font size, and font colors, as well as the ability to create lists, tables, and insert images.

 How to convert MS Word documents to HTML? 

  1. Click the blue Upload file button and select your document
  2. Your file will be instantly converted to clean HTML
  3. The text from your file will be shown in the Visual Editor
  4. Your converted HTML will appear in the HTML Editor

Word to HTML supports Word files (.DOCX and .DOC), PDF files, RTF (rich text format), Open Doc files (from Libre or Open Office) and .TXT plain text files. If your document contains images, tables, or other rich content this will also be converted to HTML for you.

When uploading a document you have three additional options:

  1. Embed images: This is a cool feature where the images are embedded directly into your HTML code. You do not need to have separate image files. We recommend you experiment with this option as it can work well for small images but you might have issues with a lot of large images. The size and complexity of your HTML files will also increase.

  2. Full page mode: Creating standalone HTML files? No problem, this option adds the and to HTML. You need this so the page displays correctly. If you are pasting into a web-based system like WordPress, Amazon, eBay, etc. you will not need this option.

  3. Fixed HTML: If you need your HTML to look exactly like your input document, then tick this fixed HTML option. But please be aware that a fixed layout may not look great on mobile devices. It's useful when used as a standalone HTML page or when shown in an