What are the types of threads in python?

By Bernd Klein. Last modified: 01 Feb 2022.

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Definition of a Thread

A Thread or a Thread of Execution is defined in computer science as the smallest unit that can be scheduled in an operating system. Threads are normally created by a fork of a computer script or program in two or more parallel (which is implemented on a single processor by multitasking) tasks. Threads are usually contained in processes. More than one thread can exist within the same process. These threads share the memory and the state of the process. In other words: They share the code or instructions and the values of its variables.

There are two different kind of threads:

  • Kernel threads
  • User-space Threads or user threads

Kernel Threads are part of the operating system, while User-space threads are not implemented in the kernel.

In a certain way, user-space threads can be seen as an extension of the function concept of a programming language. So a thread user-space thread is similar to a function or procedure call. But there are differences to regular functions, especially the return behaviour.

What are the types of threads in python?

Every process has at least one thread, i.e. the process itself. A process can start multiple threads. The operating system executes these threads like parallel "processes". On a single processor machine, this parallelism is achieved by thread scheduling or timeslicing.

Advantages of Threading:

  • Multithreaded programs can run faster on computer systems with multiple CPUs, because theses threads can be executed truly concurrent.
  • A program can remain responsive to input. This is true both on single and on multiple CPU
  • Threads of a process can share the memory of global variables. If a global variable is changed in one thread, this change is valid for all threads. A thread can have local variables.

The handling of threads is simpler than the handling of processes for an operating system. That's why they are sometimes called light-weight process (LWP)

Threads in Python

What are the types of threads in python?

There are two modules which support the usage of threads in Python:

  • thread
  • threading

Please note: The thread module has been considered as "deprecated" for quite a long time. Users have been encouraged to use the threading module instead. So,in Python 3 the module "thread" is not available anymore. But that's not really true: It has been renamed to "_thread" for backwards incompatibilities in Python3.

The module "thread" treats a thread as a function, while the module "threading" is implemented in an object oriented way, i.e. every thread corresponds to an object.

The thread Module

It's possible to execute functions in a separate thread with the module Thread. To do this, we can use the function thread.start_new_thread:

thread.start_new_thread(function, args[, kwargs])

This method starts a new thread and return its identifier. The thread executes the function "function" (function is a reference to a function) with the argument list args (which must be a list or a tuple). The optional kwargs argument specifies a dictionary of keyword arguments. When the function returns, the thread silently exits. When the function terminates with an unhandled exception, a stack trace is printed and then the thread exits (but other threads continue to run).

Example for a Thread in Python:

from thread import start_new_thread

def heron(a):
    """Calculates the square root of a"""
    eps = 0.0000001
    old = 1
    new = 1
    while True:
        old,new = new, (new + a/new) / 2.0
        print old, new
        if abs(new - old) < eps:
    return new


c = raw_input("Type something to quit.")

The raw_input() in the previous example is necessary, because otherwise all the threads would be exited, if the main program finishes. raw_input() waits until something has been typed in.

We expand the previous example with counters for the threads.

from thread import start_new_thread

num_threads = 0
def heron(a):
    global num_threads
    num_threads += 1
    # code has been left out, see above
    num_threads -= 1
    return new


while num_threads > 0:

The script above doesn't work the way we might expect it to work. What is wrong?

The problem is that the final while loop will be reached even before one of the threads could have incremented the counter num_threads.

But there is another serious problem:

The problem arises by the assignments to num_thread

num_threads += 1


num_threads -= 1

These assignment statements are not atomic. Such an assignment consists of three actions:

  • Reading the value of num_thread
  • A new int instance will be incremented or decremented by 1
  • the new value has to be assigned to num_threads

Errors like this happen in the case of increment assignments:

The first thread reads the variable num_threads, which still has the value 0. After having read this value, the thread is put to sleep by the operating system. Now it is the second thread's turn: It also reads the value of the variable num_threads, which is still 0, because the first thread has been put to sleep too early, i.e. before it had been able to increment its value by 1. Now the second thread is put to sleep. Now it is the third thread's turn, which again reads a 0, but the counter should have been 2 by now. Each of these threads assigns now the value 1 to the counter. Similiar problems occur with the decrement operation.


Problems of this kind can be solved by defining critical sections with lock objects. These sections will be treated atomically, i.e. during the execution of such a section a thread will not be interrupted or put to sleep.

The method thread.allocate_lock is used to create a new lock object:

lock_object = thread.allocate_lock()

The beginning of a critical section is tagged with lock_object.acquire() and the end with lock_object.release().

The solution with locks looks like this:

from thread import start_new_thread, allocate_lock
num_threads = 0
thread_started = False
lock = allocate_lock()
def heron(a):
    global num_threads, thread_started
    num_threads += 1
    thread_started = True

    num_threads -= 1
    return new


while not thread_started:
while num_threads > 0:

threading Module

We want to introduce the threading module with an example. The Thread of the example doesn't do a lot, essentially it just sleeps for 5 seconds and then prints out a message:

import time
from threading import Thread

def sleeper(i):
    print "thread %d sleeps for 5 seconds" % i
    print "thread %d woke up" % i

for i in range(10):
    t = Thread(target=sleeper, args=(i,))

Method of operation of the threading.Thread class: The class threading.Thread has a method start(), which can start a Thread. It triggers off the method run(), which has to be overloaded. The join() method makes sure that the main program waits until all threads have terminated.

The previous script returns the following output:

thread 0 sleeps for 5 seconds
thread 1 sleeps for 5 seconds
thread 2 sleeps for 5 seconds
thread 3 sleeps for 5 seconds
thread 4 sleeps for 5 seconds
thread 5 sleeps for 5 seconds
thread 6 sleeps for 5 seconds
thread 7 sleeps for 5 seconds
thread 8 sleeps for 5 seconds
thread 9 sleeps for 5 seconds
thread 1 woke up
thread 0 woke up
thread 3 woke up
thread 2 woke up
thread 5 woke up
thread 9 woke up
thread 8 woke up
thread 7 woke up
thread 6 woke up
thread 4 woke up

The next example shows a thread, which determines, if a number is prime or not. The Thread is defined with the threading module:

import threading 
class PrimeNumber(threading.Thread): 
  def __init__(self, number): 
    self.Number = number
  def run(self): 
    counter = 2 
    while counter*counter < self.Number: 
      if self.Number % counter == 0: 
        print "%d is no prime number, because %d = %d * %d" % ( self.Number, self.Number, counter, self.Number / counter) 
            counter += 1 
        print "%d is a prime number" % self.Number
threads = [] 
while True: 
    input = long(raw_input("number: ")) 
    if input < 1: 
    thread = PrimeNumber(input) 
    threads += [thread] 
for x in threads: 

With locks it should look like this:

class PrimeNumber(threading.Thread):
    prime_numbers = {} 
    lock = threading.Lock()
    def __init__(self, number): 
        self.Number = number
        PrimeNumber.prime_numbers[number] = "None" 
    def run(self): 
        counter = 2
        res = True
        while counter*counter < self.Number and res: 
            if self.Number % counter == 0: 
               res = False 
            counter += 1 
        PrimeNumber.prime_numbers[self.Number] = res 
threads = [] 
while True: 
    input = long(raw_input("number: ")) 
    if input < 1: 
    thread = PrimeNumber(input) 
    threads += [thread] 
for x in threads: 

Pinging with Threads

What are the types of threads in python?

The previous examples of this chapter are of purely didactical interest, and have no practical applicability. The following example shows an interesting application, which can be easily used. If you want to determine in a local network which addresses are active or which computers are active, this script can be used. But you have to be careful with the range, because it can jam the network, if too many pings are started at once. Manually we would do the following for a network 192.168.178.x: We would ping the addresses,, until in turn. Every time we would have to wait a few seconds for the return values. This can be programmed in Python with a for loop over the address range of the IP addresses and a os.popen("ping -q -c2 "+ip,"r").

A solution without threads is highly inefficient, because the script will have to wait for every ping.

Solution with threads:

import os, re

received_packages = re.compile(r"(\d) received")
status = ("no response","alive but losses","alive")

for suffix in range(20,30):
   ip = "192.168.178."+str(suffix)
   ping_out = os.popen("ping -q -c2 "+ip,"r")
   print "... pinging ",ip
   while True:
      line = ping_out.readline()
      if not line: break
      n_received = received_packages.findall(line)
      if n_received:
         print ip + ": " + status[int(n_received[0])]

To understand this script, we have to look at the results of a ping on a shell command line:

$ ping -q -c2
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.

--- ping statistics ---
2 packets transmitted, 2 received, 0% packet loss, time 999ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.022/0.032/0.042/0.010 ms

If a ping doesn't lead to success, we get the following output:

$ ping -q -c2
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.

--- ping statistics ---
2 packets transmitted, 0 received, +2 errors, 100% packet loss, time 1006ms

This is the fast solution with threads:

import os, re, threading

class ip_check(threading.Thread):
   def __init__ (self,ip):
      self.ip = ip
      self.__successful_pings = -1
   def run(self):
      ping_out = os.popen("ping -q -c2 "+self.ip,"r")
      while True:
        line = ping_out.readline()
        if not line: break
        n_received = re.findall(received_packages,line)
        if n_received:
           self.__successful_pings = int(n_received[0])
   def status(self):
      if self.__successful_pings == 0:
         return "no response"
      elif self.__successful_pings == 1:
         return "alive, but 50 % package loss"
      elif self.__successful_pings == 2:
         return "alive"
         return "shouldn't occur"
received_packages = re.compile(r"(\d) received")

check_results = []
for suffix in range(20,70):
   ip = "192.168.178."+str(suffix)
   current = ip_check(ip)

for el in check_results:
   print "Status from ", el.ip,"is",el.status()

How many threads does Python use?

Generally, Python only uses one thread to execute the set of written statements. This means that in python only one thread will be executed at a time.

What are the thread states in Python?

States of Thread.
New Thread. A new thread begins its life cycle in the new state. ... .
Runnable. As the newly born thread is started, the thread becomes runnable i.e. waiting to run. ... .
Running. ... .
Non-running/waiting. ... .
Dead. ... .
User Level Threads. ... .
Advantages of User level Threads. ... .
Disadvantages of User level Threads..

What is main thread in Python?

In normal conditions, the main thread is the thread from which the Python interpreter was started. New in version 3.4. Set a trace function for all threads started from the threading module.

What is the thread cycle in Python?

A Python thread may progress through three steps of its life-cycle: a new thread, a running thread, and a terminated thread. While running, the thread may be executing code or may be blocked, waiting on something such as another thread or an external resource.