What is a one pager in slide presentation?

Presentation on theme: "HOW TO CREATE ONE-PAGERS"— Presentation transcript:


2 One-Pagers A single page response to your reading
A way of making your own pattern of your unique understanding A way to be creative and experimental A way to respond imaginatively and honestly A valuable way to own what you are reading We learn best when we can create our own patterns

3 Directions for Creating One-Pagers
Use unlined white paper Pull out a quotation or two and write them on the paper. -use these quotations as a springboard to explore your own ideas. Use a visual image or images, either drawn, found online, or cut out from magazines, to create a central focus for your page Cluster around this image your impressions, feelings, or thoughts about what you read

4 Directions for Creating One-Pagers Continued…
Make a personal statement about what you read Ask a question or two and answer them Create a one-pager in such a way that your audience will understand your thoughts and impressions about what you have read. Use colored pens, pencils, crayons, markers, etc… -The more visually appealing, the more your pers can learn from your pattern




Are you thinking about presenting your business or project in a way that's concise yet engaging and detailed?

What you need is a business one pager. This is a one-page document that allows businesses to say all the essential things about themselves without saying too much. Imagine being able to tell your customers and partners what your business is all about in just a few lines!

We will cover all you need to know about a business one pager in this article. The articles will cover its importance, how it's written, helpful tips, and examples.

What Is a One-Pager?

A one-pager is a written document that summarizes essential details about a business, project, or product on a single page. It is used by business executives, project managers, sales and marketing teams, and other members of the corporate space.

When using a business one-pager, your goal should be to deliver vital information in some lines of text and make it direct and visually appealing. It has to grab the attention of your target audience.

One-pagers are used for several purposes, including financial reports, marketing, project reviews, forecasts, etc. You can also use them for Microsoft PowerPoint presentations.

The Importance of Business One-Pagers

Your business will benefit from using a one-pager in various ways. Before we show you how to create a one-pager, we want you to have a clear of why your business needs it.

What is a one pager in slide presentation?

The World's Attention Span keeps Reducing

Business experts around the world are increasingly advocating for shorter content. As people's attention span keeps reducing, concise content becomes more vital.

Your lengthy documents may have all the information, but what's the use when no one reads them? A one-pager document is vital for formal communication because it summarizes lengthy documents such as your manuals, reports, business plans, and forecasts.


Quality information shouldn't be hard to read. Whatever the information you are trying to pass may be, you can make it more readable by creating a one-pager.

When you see a banner or flyer, don't you easily understand its contents? That's what a one-pager can do for you!


Before you sell a product or service to anyone, you have to grab their attention. What is the easiest way to get the attention of prospects and have them engage with your brand? One-pagers are the simple answer.

People, millennials especially, don't want to read long blocks of text before knowing what your product or service is all about. The best marketing and sales teams have mastered how to create high-impact ads with little information.

A one-pager can also be a great alternative to audio and video ads. Good examples include banners, flyers, billboards, etc.

Great Intro

There's no better way to introduce your business than to use a one-pager. It will tell your target audience who you are, what you do, and your company's values without taking their time. A good one-pager focuses only on the essential points.

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Creating Your Business One-Pager

Your one-page document should only contain the essential information. Though each one-page document has unique requirements, some elements are the standard for formal communication.

Here is a list of elements you should include in your one-pager:

Your company has a name and logo. Start your one-pager with these pieces of information to let the readers know who you are. However, remember that you have only one page. Limit the space taken by your company name and logo.

Pain Points

After introducing yourself, you can proceed to tell your audience the problem you plan to solve. This is going to be the headline of your document, so you have to think about it carefully.

It is okay to make several trials until you have something satisfactory. Think about something that will provoke the thoughts of your audience.

"The Best Tree Cutting Service" - No, you need something extra.

"Do You Want a Tree Cutting Service That You Can Rely on 24/7?" - Now, that's more like it.


This is where you assure your audience that you have what they are searching for. Give your audience an idea of what your company has to offer. Here is a good example:

"We have been the most reliable plumbing service in Orlando, Florida for over decades. Residents and businesses in the area have trusted us thanks to our emergency services. We will always be there for you, rain or shine."


Now is the time to list the features of your product or services. Tell your readers how you (or your product) work. Here is a one-pager example:

  • Tree cutting

  • Tree planting

  • Tree maintenance

  • Tree removal

  • Tree pruning

  • Landscaping


Tell your audience the benefits they will get from your product or service. Give some incentives to get them closer to becoming your customers.

For example, the benefits of hiring ABC Tree Cutting Service may include:

  • 24/7 emergency services

  • State-of-the-art technology

  • Affordable

  • Safe

  • Time-saving

Call to Action (CTA)

After convincing your audience that you have the solution to their problem, you can now urge them to act.

An example of a good CTA is "Contact us today to get a free quote!"

Contact Information

All that is left is to provide your contact information so that your potential customers can get in touch with you. Your contact information should include your company's address, phone number, email, social media handles, etc.

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What is a one pager in slide presentation?

Some Helpful Tips

Here are some tips that can help you create a great one-sheet document:

Make It Printable

You need to make your one-pager printable to get the best out of it. Though most businesses now communicate digitally, a printer-friendly document will help you enjoy the best of both worlds. People are also more likely to go through your one-page ad if you hand them a physical copy. PDF and MS word are good examples of file formats you can use.

A4 Format

Another thing you should remember when creating a one-pager is that the A4 format (or US letter size)is the best option. The A4 size is the go-to option for businesses when it comes to formal one-page communication.

However, you can save money by opting for a smaller size when your one-pager has minimal content. You can also get your one-pager on a banner or billboard. So, it comes down to the goals you want to achieve with your one-pager in the end.


Readability is one of the main ideas behind business one-pagers. You should ensure that your audience finds your document easy to read regardless of their level of education.

To improve the readability of your content, use easy words and short sentences. You should also space your paragraphs and structure your page with the right headers.

Stick to One Side

You should avoid printing on both sides as it will make your document difficult to read. Readers are also less likely to go through your entire content if there are texts on both sides of your document.

Carefully format your content to ensure it doesn't exceed a single page. You can also adjust your printer's settings.

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Final Thoughts

A marketing one-pager can be a game-changer for your marketing or sales team. You can download a one-pager template from Simple Slides to improve your one-pagers or use them for presentations in digital marketing.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is a one-pager?

A one-pager is a document that conveys important information on one page for brevity.

  1. What should a one-pager include?

A one-pager should include your company name, pain points, solutions, features, advantages, CTA, and contact information.

  1. Why should I use a one-pager?

A one-pager is a great tool for capturing the attention of your target audience and marketing your business to them in a few lines.

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What is a one

A one-pager, also known as a one-sheet or flier, is a one-page document that provides an overview of a service, company, product, or person. Effective one-pagers can quickly turn a reader into a customer or investor.

How do I make a one

Here's a list of things you can put on your own One Pager..
Map or description of your location. “Behind the Target on I-35.”.
Irresistible offer. “$1.15 dry cleaning for life!”.
Coupon for a discount. ... .
Picture of the service. ... .
Awards or accolades. ... .
Testimonials. ... .
Logos of famous customers. ... .
Explain why the product is needed..

Why is a one pager important?

An effective marketing one-pager quickly orients the reader to the value of your business, whether the reader is a customer, investor, potential partner, etc. Its overarching benefit is that it provides the clear, concise, benefits-driven communication that people desire when learning about a business.

What is a one pager assignment?

A one-pager is a single-page response to showcase the connection between your summer reading book and the overall themes, conflicts, and big ideas. The purpose of a one-pager is to show your audience, including those who did not read your book, the connections you made in both an analytical and visually creative way.