What is it called when the participants are not revealed to anyone but the researcher?

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Asked on      2018-03-26 22:47:01 by Guest | Votes 28 | Views: 2130 | Tags: research aptitude     | teaching     | ugc net     | cbse net     | Add Bounty

What is it called when the participants are not revealed to anyone but researcher and staff?
1). Confidentiality
2). Anonymity
3). Ethics
4). Discretion

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Answered by Guest on 2018-03-26 22:47:19 | Votes 40 | #

option 1: Confidentiality

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Which of these participants is acting autonomously?

a) A participant in a documentary about human interaction on buses who does not know she is being filmed.
b) A participant whose social worker helps them answer a questionnaire and fills in a question on their behalf.
c) A deaf participant who uses a signer in an interview about disability awareness.
Correct. 'A' did not give consent and the social worker in 'b' was acting paternalistically. Only 'c' is acting autonomously. Incorrect. 'A' did not give consent and the social worker in 'b' was acting paternalistically. Only 'c' is acting autonomously. Your answer has been saved.
What is it called when the participants are not revealed to anyone but the researcher?


What is covert research?

a) The participant is unaware of their involvement in the study
b) The participant does not know which treatment they have been given
c) The participant is anonymous
d) The participant's personal details will not be published
Correct. Covert research is where the participant does not know they are being studied. Incorrect. The answer is: covert research is where the participant does not know they are being studied.Your answer has been saved.
What is it called when the participants are not revealed to anyone but the researcher?


Which of these needs to be considered to gain informed consent?

a) Obtaining both written and verbal consent
b) Giving detailed information to participants
c) Discussing the potential risks and benefits of the research
d) Clarifying and reviewing the information given
e) Respecting cultural diversity
f) All of the above
Correct. Informed consent involves all of these factors.Incorrect. The answer is: informed consent involves discussing the potential risks and benefits of the research.Your answer has been saved.
What is it called when the participants are not revealed to anyone but the researcher?


A research participant is allowed to withdraw from a study:

a) For any reason as long as it is explained to the researcher
b) For any reason as long as the researcher gives permission to withdraw
c) For any reason without any explanation.
Correct. Participants can withdraw at any point without the need for an explanation.Incorrect. Participants can withdraw at any point without the need for an explanation.Your answer has been saved.
What is it called when the participants are not revealed to anyone but the researcher?


On which of these occasions has confidentiality not been broken?

a) You made notes during an interview and ask a friend to spell-check them.
b) You store your research data and statistics on a public folder on the local library computer.
c) You forget to tell inform participants that another researcher will be using your work.
d) You ask participants to sign a consent form giving permission for their details to be entered into a prize draw.
Correct. 'a' has broken confidentiality by showing the data to others who are not involved in the study; 'b' did not store the research data securely and others could have access to it; 'c' should have informed participants that another researcher may see it. Only 'd' is confidential as participants can opt to give their details if they wish. Incorrect. 'a' has broken confidentiality by showing the data to others who are not involved in the study; 'b' did not store the research data securely and others could have access to it; 'c' should have informed participants that another researcher may see it. Only 'd' is confidential as participants can opt to give their details if they wish. Your answer has been saved.
What is it called when the participants are not revealed to anyone but the researcher?


Which of these studies could be potentially unethical?

a) A study of the response of elderly care-home patients to watching television at mealtimes where half watch at lunchtime, and half at dinnertime.
b) Research into treatment for AIDS where half of sufferers are given treatment and the other half, a placebo.
c) A study of the effects of sleep deprivation with sufferers of insomnia.
Correct. This research does not consider the welfare of the sufferers who are not given treatment.Incorrect. 'b' is correct: This research does not consider the welfare of the sufferers who are not given treatment.Your answer has been saved.
What is it called when the participants are not revealed to anyone but the researcher?

What is it called when the participants are not revealed to anyone but only to researcher and staff?

Anonymity is a condition in which the identity of individual subjects is not known to researchers. Because most human subjects research requires signed documentation of consent, subject anonymity is not as common in human subjects research.

What is meant by anonymity in research?

Anonymity: Providing anonymity of information collected from research participants means that either the project does not collect identifying information of individual persons (e.g., name, address, email address, etc.), or the project cannot link individual responses with participants' identities.

What is it called when only the researcher knows the identity of study participants?

In a confidential study, the participant is known by the researcher, a situation that commonly arises during an interview, for example. The interviewer knows the name of the participant and may know the address or other personal, identifying information.

What's the difference between anonymity and confidentiality?

Anonymity means you don't know who the participants are, while confidentiality means you know who they are but remove identifying information from your research report. Both are important ethical considerations.