What is randint library in python?

randint() is an inbuilt function of the random module in Python3. The random module gives access to various useful functions and one of them being able to generate random numbers, which is randint(). 
Syntax : 

randint(start, end)

Parameters : 

(start, end) : Both of them must be integer type values.

Returns : 

A random integer in range [start, end] including the end points.

Errors and Exceptions :

ValueError : Returns a ValueError when floating
             point values are passed as parameters.

TypeError : Returns a TypeError when anything other than 
            numeric values are passed as parameters.

  Code #1 : 


import random

r1 = random.randint(0, 10)

print("Random number between 0 and 10 is % s" % (r1))

r2 = random.randint(-10, -1)

print("Random number between -10 and -1 is % d" % (r2))

r3 = random.randint(-5, 5)

print("Random number between -5 and 5 is % d" % (r3))

Output :

Random number between 0 and 10 is 5
Random number between -10 and -1 is -7
Random number between -5 and 5 is 2

  Code #2 : Program demonstrating the ValueError. 


import random

r1 = random.randint(1.23, 9.34)


Output :

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/f813370b9ea61dd5d55d7dadc8ed5171.py", line 6, in 
    r1=random.randint(1.23, 9.34)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/random.py", line 218, in randint
    return self.randrange(a, b+1)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/random.py", line 182, in randrange
    raise ValueError("non-integer arg 1 for randrange()")
ValueError: non-integer arg 1 for randrange()

  Code #3 : Program demonstrating the TypeError. 


import random

r2 = random.randint('a', 'z')


Output : 

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/fb805b21fea0e29c6a65f62b99998953.py", line 5, in 
    r2=random.randint('a', 'z')
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/random.py", line 218, in randint
    return self.randrange(a, b+1)
TypeError: Can't convert 'int' object to str implicitly

  Applications : The randint() function can be used to simulate a lucky draw situation. Let’s say User has participated in a lucky draw competition. The user gets three chances to guess the number between 1 and 10. If guess is correct user wins, else loses the competition. 


from random import randint

def generator():

    return randint(1, 10)

def rand_guess():

    random_number = generator()

    guess_left = 3

    flag = 0

    while guess_left > 0:

        guess = int(input("Pick your number to "

                      "enter the lucky draw\n"))

        if guess == random_number:

            flag = 1



            print("Wrong Guess!!")

        guess_left -= 1

    if flag is 1:

        return True


        return False

if __name__ == '__main__':

    if rand_guess() is True:

        print("Congrats!! You Win.")

    else :

        print("Sorry, You Lost!")

Output : 

Pick your number to enter the lucky draw
Wrong Guess!!
Pick your number to enter the lucky draw
Wrong Guess!!
Pick your number to enter the lucky draw
Congrats!! You Win.

What is a Randint function?

randint() is an inbuilt function of the random module in Python3. The random module gives access to various useful functions and one of them being able to generate random numbers, which is randint(). Syntax : randint(start, end)

How do I get Randint in Python?

Use randint() Generate random integer Use a random. randint() function to get a random integer number from the inclusive range. For example, random. randint(0, 10) will return a random number from [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ,9, 10].

How do you use a Randint module?

randint() method is used to generate random integers between the given range..
random() method is used to generate random floats between 0.0 to 1..
choice() function is used to return a random item from a list, tuple, or string..
shuffle() method is used to shuffle a sequence (list)..

What is random library in Python?

The random module is a built-in module to generate the pseudo-random variables. It can be used perform some action randomly such as to get a random number, selecting a random elements from a list, shuffle elements randomly, etc.