What is the sheet name of the active worksheet?

In VBA, to name a worksheet does not need any special skills. However, we need to reference which sheet name we are changing by entering the current sheet name. For example, if we want to change the “Sales” sheet, we need to call the sheet by its name using the Worksheet object.


After mentioning the sheet name, we need to select the “Name” property to change the worksheet name.


Now, we need to set the name property to the name as per our wish. For example, assume you want to change the “Sales” to “Sales Sheet,” then put an equal sign after the “NAME” property and enter the new name in double quotes.

Worksheets(“Sales”).Name = “Sales Sheet”

Like this, we can change the worksheet name using the Name property.

Examples to Name Worksheet using VBA

Example #1

Change or Rename Sheet using Variables.

Look at the below sample code.


Sub Name_Example1()

 Dim Ws As Worksheet

 Set Ws = Worksheets("Sales")

 Ws.Name = "Sales Sheet"

End Sub
What is the sheet name of the active worksheet?

First, we have declared the variable as “Worksheet.”

Dim Ws As Worksheet

Next, we have set the reference to the variable as “Sales” using the worksheet object.

Set Ws = Worksheets("Sales")

Now, the variable “Ws” holds the reference of the worksheet “Sales.”

Now, using the “Ws” variable, we have renamed the worksheet “Sales Sheet.”

This code will change the “Sales” name to “Sales Sheet.”

What is the sheet name of the active worksheet?

Important Note to Remember

We just have seen how to change the name of the Excel worksheet from one name to another. However, if we run the code again, we will get a Subscript Out of Range errorSubscript out of range is an error in VBA that occurs when we attempt to reference something or a variable that does not exist in the code. For example, if we do not have a variable named x but use the msgbox function on x, we will receive a subscript out of range error.read more.

What is the sheet name of the active worksheet?

One of the keys to getting an expert in VBA MacrosVBA Macros are the lines of code that instruct the excel to do specific tasks, i.e., once the code is written in Visual Basic Editor (VBE), the user can quickly execute the same task at any time in the workbook. It thus eliminates the repetitive, monotonous tasks and automates the process.read more is to handle errors. However, before handling errors, we need to know why we are getting this error.

We get this error because, in the previous step itself, we have already changed the worksheet named “Sales” to “Sales Sheet.”

We do not have any ” Sales ” sheet; we will get this subscript out of range error.

Example #2

Get all the worksheet names in a single sheet.

Assume you have plenty of worksheets in your workbook. You want to get the name of all these worksheets in any single worksheet. We can do this by using VBA codingVBA code refers to a set of instructions written by the user in the Visual Basic Applications programming language on a Visual Basic Editor (VBE) to perform a specific task.read more.

For example, look at the below image.

What is the sheet name of the active worksheet?

We have so many sheets here.

Of all these sheets, we need the name of each sheet in the sheet called “Index Sheet.” Therefore, we have written the below code for you.


Sub All_Sheet_Names()

Dim Ws As Worksheet
Dim LR As Long

For Each Ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
LR = Worksheets("Index Sheet").Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row + 1
'This LR varaible to find the last used row
Cells(LR, 1).Select
ActiveCell.Value = Ws.Name
Next Ws

End Sub

Now, copy this code to your module.

What is the sheet name of the active worksheet?

Now, run the code by naming any worksheets “Index Sheet.” This code will give all the worksheet names in the “Index Sheet.”

What is the sheet name of the active worksheet?

Like this, using the “NAME” property of the worksheet in VBAExcel is a workbook, and worksheets or sheets are included within that workbook. Sheets are what we call them in a regular Excel file, but they're called "Worksheets" in VBA. The term "Worksheets" refers to all of a worksheet's collections.read more, we can play around with the name of the worksheets. For example, we can rename, extract, and choose the specific worksheet and do many other things that we can do by using the “Name” property.

Things to Remember

  • The NAME in VBA is property.
  • Using this name, we can rename the worksheet, and also we can extract sheet names.
  • We can change any worksheet name in the specified workbook if you refer to other workbooks than the code-written workbook.
  • If the worksheet name does not match, we will get “Subscript out of range.”

This article is a guide to the VBA Name Worksheet. Here, we discuss naming worksheets using VBA coding, practical examples, and a downloadable Excel template. Below you can find some useful Excel VBA articles: –

  • Create a Reference Object using CreateObject
  • Activate Sheet in VBA
  • Rename Sheet in VBA
  • Editor in VBA

What is the name of active worksheet?

What is Active Sheet in Excel VBA? Worksheet which is currently activated in the Active Workbook and Active Window is referred as Active Sheet. You can make any Worksheet as Active Worksheet by Activating a Worksheet. You can use Activate Method of Worksheet to activate a sheet using Excel VBA.

What is the active sheet in Excel?

The ActiveSheet is the worksheet tab that is currently selected before running the macro. If multiple sheets are selected, the ActiveSheet is the sheet that is currently being viewed.

Where is active sheet in Excel?

By keyboard: First, press F6 to activate the sheet tabs. Next, use the left or right arrow keys to select the sheet you want, then you can use Ctrl+Space to select that sheet.

What is worksheet activate?

VBA Activate Worksheet method is used to makes the current sheet as active sheet. Here we are the examples using Activate method of worksheet object in VBA. It is very frequently used method while writing VBA macros. We also see the VBA ActiveSheet object with examples.