What type of policy defines the methods involved when a user logs on to the network?

Network security is defined as the process of creating a strategic defensive approach that secures a company’s data and resources across its network. This article gives a detailed understanding of network security, its types, and best practices for 2021.

Table of Contents

    • What Is Network Security?
    • Types of Network Security With Examples
    • Network Security Policy Best Practices for 2021

What Is Network Security?

Network security is defined as the process of creating a strategic defensive approach that secures a company’s data and its resources across its network. It protects the organization against any form of a potential threat or unauthorized access. Irrespective of the organization’s size, industry, or infrastructure, network security solutions protect it against the ever-evolving threat of cyberattacks. 

Network security comprises a wide range of technologies, devices, and processes. It refers to a body of rules and configurations uniquely designed to protect computer networks and their data. The integrity, confidentiality, and accessibility of these computers are maintained with network security and software and hardware technologies. 

A network is considered secure only when it comprises three key components — confidentiality, integrity, and availability. This combination, called the CIA triad, is a well-known standard used while creating network security policies for any organization.

In a world where the internet of things (IoT) is the new normal, network architecture is increasingly complex. This system is constantly under threat from hackers who are evolving and continuously finding ways to spot vulnerabilities and exploit them. Vulnerabilities exist in several areas such as devices, data, applications, users, and locations, among others. With even the shortest period of downtime, losses can be immense. 

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Type of network security vulnerabilities

Before examining different kinds of security attacks and how network security helps avoid them, understanding where the network’s vulnerability lies is key. Any vulnerability gives hackers the ability to access infrastructure, install malware, and even steal and modify data, if not destroy or erase it. These vulnerabilities include: 

  • Missing data encryption: Sometimes, a software does not encrypt or secure sensitive data before transmitting or saving it. 
  • Operating system command injection: Through an operating system command injection, a hacker can execute a random OS, corrupting the server running an application and compromising its functioning completely. 
  • SQL injection: A hacker uses an SQL injection to intercept queries that an application makes to its server. 
  • Missing authentication: Sometimes, a software does not conduct any authentication of user identity or the resources being utilized. 
  • Unrestricted upload of dangerous file types: Another common type of network security vulnerability is the unrestricted upload of dangerous file types where a software permits a hacker to upload dangerous files and run them on the software’s environment. 
  • Other vulnerabilities include weak passwords, buffer overflow, missing authorization, cross-site scripting and forgery, download of codes without integrity checks, use of broken algorithms, URL redirection to untrusted sites, path traversal, and bugs.

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Common forms of networking attacks

Vulnerabilities in the network will leave your organization open to a wide range of attacks such as:

  1. Virus: A virus cannot execute itself and requires some form of user interaction — the simplest is an email with a malicious link or attachment. Opening either link or the attachment activates a rogue code, which then goes past system security measures and renders them all inoperable. In this case, the user unwittingly ends up corrupting a device. 
  2. Malware: Malware is one of the fastest ways of spreading malicious attacks. It is created specifically to destroy the target and gain unauthorized access to a system. Malware mostly replicates itself, and since it travels on the Internet, it gains access to all networked computers. External devices connected to the network can also be targeted. 
  3. Worm: A vulnerable network application can be attacked without the user being involved through a worm. An attacker simply has to use the same internet connection as the user, send malware to the application, and execute it. This creates a worm that attacks the network. 
  4. Phishing: Phishing is frequently associated with network attacks. In phishing attacks, a user receives emails that come disguised as being from a known and trusted source. Any malicious link or attachment, if interacted with, renders the network vulnerable and can result in the loss of confidential data. 
  5. Botnet: Here, a networked set of private computers are at the receiving end of malicious software. The computers are turned into what are known as zombies and are in complete control of the attacker. This can be done without the owner’s knowledge. The attacker then uses this control to infect more devices or inflict damage. 
  6. Denial of service (DoS) and distributed denial of service (DDoS): In denial of service (DoS), a single network or even an entire infrastructure can be destroyed, partially or entirely by a DoS, which does not allow any verified user access. Distributed denial of service (DDoS) is an advanced version of DoS that can be very difficult to detect and tackle. Here, several compromised systems are leveraged to attack the targeted victim of the attack. This form of attack also leverages botnets.
  7. Man-in-the-middle: In this form of attack, a person intercepts and listens to conversations between two people on a network. This allows the middle man to capture, monitor, or even control the information to a certain extent. 
  8. Packet sniffer: Passive receivers, if located in the area of a wireless transmitter, create copies of every packet transmitted. Each of these packets has confidential information, as well as sensitive data. Packet receivers go on to become packet sniffers, siphoning out all transmitted packets in their range. 
  9. DNS and IP spoofing: In domain name system (DNS) spoofing, hackers corrupt the DNS data and insert the attacker’s cache. As a result, the name server turns in the wrong IP address during a search. IP spoofing, on the other hand, is a way to disguise as another user by injecting packets with false addresses over the internet. 
  10. Compromised key: An attacker can access secure communication with the help of a compromised key. This key is usually the secret code or a number that is used to access secure information. 

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The fundamentals of network security

When organizations look at ways to work on their network security, they usually opt for a multi-layered approach. Since attacks can occur at any layer of a network’s set-up, all network hardware, software, and policies related to network security must be created to address each layer. The fundamentals of network security include: 

  1. Access control: Access control is the system used to restrict access to data. 
  2. Identification: Utilizing usernames and identity numbers to confirm user identity, processes, or devices that may be requesting access to the network.
  3. Authentication: Verifying credentials during the process of logging into a network.
  4. Authorization: After verifying credentials, authorization is provided to those requesting access to specific data on the network.
  5. Accounting: Accounting tracks all actions carried out by a user on the network, which helps identify all authorized and unauthorized actions.
  6. Physical network security: Physical network security is used to prevent unauthorized individuals from gaining physical access to components such as routers or cabling cupboards. This is done with the help of locks, biometric authentication, and a range of other devices.
  7. Technical network security: Technical network security protects all the data stored on a network. This can be data coming into the network, going out, or even transiting through it. The need for this is two-fold — data is protected from unauthorized personnel and malicious activity by employees. 
  8. Administrative network security: Administrative security controls comprise security policies and processes used to control user behavior. This includes how the authentication of users is done, the extent of access provided to them, and how IT staff members execute the infrastructure changes.

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Types of Network Security With Examples

Let’s understand the different types of network security with the help of examples.

1. Application security: Application security involves steps that a developer undertakes to spot, repair, and prevent security vulnerabilities at any point in the application’s development. Applications are not immune to vulnerabilities that are easy for attackers to access. Application security comprises software, hardware, and processes to plug any other vulnerabilities. 

Example: Suppose the developers of an organization are encountering frequent coding errors. These errors could allow and accept unverified inputs and easily turn into SQL injection attacks without anyone noticing it. This can further lead to data leaks if a hacker finds them. In such a case, employing application security can help the organization.

2. Data loss prevention (DLP): Data loss prevention involves taking measures to prevent employees from sharing data outside a prescribed network. It ensures that all information is transmitted safely.

Example: If an organization collects and stores sensitive personal information and data that constitute intellectual property or trade secrets, the security level should be high. DLP helps to classify and tag data securely and flags unusual activity around it, adding an extra layer of security. 

3. Email security: Email gateways are weak links that are often the source of a security breach. When phishing attacks are refined with social engineering tactics, emails are the primary source of these attacks. With email security, such attacks can be minimized. A secure email gateway placed either on-premises or in the cloud can prevent such malicious emails from coming through. Email encryption solutions offer protection from regulatory violations or data loss.

Example: For example, suppose an organization regularly sends emails that include personally identifiable information like name, address, bank account details, or social security numbers. In that case, the company should encrypt its emails using an email security solution. 

Exchanging sensitive files or financial information by email is a potentially risky affair. This is because most emails are transmitted in plain text and are not well protected as it hops from one server to another. Hence, if organizations deploy email encryption software, the plain text would get encrypted, making it safer for transmission — since the contents of email, attachments, can be intercepted and read by an attacker.

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4. Firewalls: Firewalls are the barriers between an internal and external network, such as the internet. They use a prescribed set of protocols to regulate incoming and outgoing traffic on the network. Firewalls are the first line of defense. If a company receives data that is not in keeping with its established set of protocols, firewalls prevent them from getting through.

Example: Firewalls guard traffic at a computer’s entry point called ports, where information is exchanged with external devices. For example, a source address is allowed to reach destination over port 22. Here, only trusted packets with source addresses ( will be allowed to enter the destination address ( Besides this, firewalls also prevent unauthorized access to a system and can make your PC invisible when you’re online, preventing attempted intrusions in the first place.

5. Virtual private network (VPN): VPN creates a secure tunnel for information passage on the internet. The tunnel is encrypted from originating point to destination point, ensuring all data transmitted and received is protected. With telecommuting and work-from-home increasingly being the norm, employees often depend on insecure networks for the internet, leaving company data vulnerable to an attack. With VPNs, employees can be placed anywhere in the world yet have a safe network that does not leave the company data vulnerable. 

Example: For example, you are a company whose employees travel frequently. In that case, they may end up using public wi-fi networks. However, if a hacker is using the same network, your employees’ systems can get hacked in no time, putting the whole organization at risk. Using a VPN adds an extra layer of security by ensuring that all the communication is encrypted. 

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Other types of network security include:

  • Antivirus and anti-malware software: Antivirus software protects a network against multiple forms of malware, including spyware, ransomware, trojans, worms, and a host of viruses. Since malware can gain entry and remain dormant for a long time, the software can track access, eliminate it, fix any issues it has created, and regularly check for anomalies. 
  • Behavioral analytics: Behavioral analytics helps identify unusual activity patterns. This allows the security team to deal with any form of a potential compromise that can endanger the network. 
  • Intrusion prevention system (IPS): This is a form of network security that scans network traffic to pre-empt and block attacks. The rule sets can be regularly updated to manage the time cycles that they run in.
  • Mobile device security: Personal devices and apps are the easiest targets for cyberattacks. With an increasing number of corporates opting for apps to support their work on mobile devices, there is a need for mobile device security. This gives the organization complete control over access to their network and the ability to configure security to monitor traffic on the network. 
  • Network segmentation: With segmentation in place, network traffic can be classified into different categories, making enforcement of security policies much easier. Software-defined segmentation can be done based on endpoint identity, besides the commonly done IP addresses. This way, the right people get access, and all suspicious attempts at connecting are thwarted.
  • Wireless security: Wireless networks are more vulnerable to attacks, making wireless security a necessity. Without strong security measures in place, wireless LANs could be the equivalent of Ethernet ports. The use of specific products to ensure wireless security is essential. 
  • Endpoint security: Endpoint security protects corporate networks when they are accessed remotely on devices. 
  • Network access control (NAC): NAC gives the organization complete control over who accesses the network. Every user and device that connects to the network needs to be recognized and authorized to do so. Any non-compliant connection will immediately be limited to no access. 
  • Technical network protection: This protects data within the network. This can be both data that is received and stored and data that is in transit. The protection is against any malicious software as well as unauthorized access.
  • Physical network protection: This prevents anyone from physically tampering with network connections and components. It makes use of door locks, and ID passes as a part of physical network protection.
  • Administrative network protection: To cover any vulnerabilities that arise from a user’s network behavior, this form of protection ensures that access and changes are made as per set protocols during administrative work on the networks.

Also read: What Is Application Security? Definition, Types, Testing, and Best Practices

Network Security Policy Best Practices for 2021

Here are some best practices companies should follow while employing network security in 2021.

1. Multi-factor authentication (MFA)

A Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report analyzed 41,686 security incidents, of which 2,013 were confirmed data breaches. It was found that these breaches were mainly caused by compromised, reused, or weak passwords. Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is a crucial tool in cybersecurity that helps prevent such breaches. It provides a device with an additional layer of protection by sending a one-time code to log in to a system. 

2. Security awareness training

Even though most of us know how phishing works, it cannot be considered common knowledge. The same Verizon report found that 1 out of every 14 users falls prey to a phishing attempt. Providing employees with security awareness training ensures that they recognize a phishing attempt when confronted with it. This goes a long way in protecting an organization from a data breach. 

3. Cybersecurity risk assessment

As a first step, companies should understand how secure their organization is to begin with. A professional assessment can go a long way to help an organization understand its weaknesses and help take measures accordingly. Redoing the evaluation at every level of growth is another important step companies shouldn’t miss. 

4. Device management solution

With the new norm of remote working, several devices access company data outside the organization’s security circle. Companies should ensure that they use relevant device management solutions to protect their network from threats. The solution can be used for something as simple as erasing the company’s data from a device to a multi-layered access protocol before a device connects to the network. 

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5. Security of backup

Backups help a company recover in case of physical damage to hardware or unexpected glitches during downtime. However, very often, companies don’t think of security for the backup. If faced with a cyberattack, recovery needs to be quick. Ensuring that backup is protected from ransomware is essential. 

6. Business continuity plan

Business disruption can come in all forms and sizes. Every organization needs to have a contingency plan in place to guarantee business continuity. However, it is important to test it to ensure that it is free from vulnerabilities. 

7. Effective security policies

Ensure that every employee understands all the security protocols that have been put in place. These policies have to be created so that users or employees on the network make the right choices regarding behavior and security control. These protocols are also useful in guaranteeing compliance when an organization is looking to expand. 

8. Vendor management program

Every business is as good as its vendors and business partners. Without them, no organization can grow or succeed. When planning for business continuity, it is important to have regulations to monitor your interactions with these partners. Incorporating these regulations into the functioning of an organization is essential to safeguard network security across the board. This system needs to be tested at regular intervals to ascertain that it is keeping pace with the company’s growth and functioning.

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9. Cyber insurance

In case of a cyber-breach or a major security incident, a business must be covered monetarily. Opting for cyber insurance is a good practice but, you need to read the fine print to see what can be covered. First-party coverage in such cases is for losses that are faced by the company. Third-party coverage deals with losses that your clients might face as a result of the breach. 

You will also need to examine investigation costs and how much of it is covered. If the attackers ask for a ransomware fee, is that covered too? These questions will help determine the best cyber-insurance policy for your company. It will also insulate your organization from heavy monetary losses. 

10. Incident response plan (IRP)

An IRP is a set of documents that acts as a roadmap if you are faced with a cyber-emergency. Think of it as a manual in case of danger. It should be thorough and consider every aspect that arises out of your risk assessment and what should be done in each case. These should be test-run as well. 

The documents must be easily accessible to all those who may need to know how to proceed in an emergency. Cybersecurity professionals can help you draft such documents, keeping in mind what is needed for your specific organization. Employees should also take the initiative to regularly test these documents. 


Network security is critical to a work ecosystem that deals with large amounts of data. A business’s ability to keep critical information secure from threats enhances client trust and loyalty. It enables business expansion and the ability to function from anywhere in the world, safely and securely.

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What is the name of the security policy that identifies what users of a network are and are not allowed to do?

One of the most common security policy components is an acceptable use policy (AUP). This component defines what users are allowed and not allowed to do on the various components of the system, including the type of traffic that is allowed on the networks.

What is the name for the process of keeping track of user network activity?

Accounting, also known as auditing, is the process of keeping track of a user's activity while accessing the network resources, including the amount of time spent in the network, the services accessed while there, and the amount of data transferred during the session.

Which element of a network security policy outlines the policies for backup procedures protection and disaster recovery?

6) Data protection—Outlines the policies for backup procedures, virus protection, and disaster recovery.

What type of authentication is based on what the user has?

ANSWER: Multifactor authentication uses multiple types of authentication credentials, such as what a user knows and what a user has, whereas single-factor authentication uses only one type of authentication.